Doctor of Healing

Chapter 466 Do Your Best

Chapter 466 Do Your Best
At this moment, Ji Xiang appeared on the screen.

He grabbed the pen, broke it, and poked the patient's neck with the sharp pen tube.This kind of action will only appear in movies, and seeing such a violent action in a variety show is something that no audience would expect.


Feng Yuqing let out a miserable scream, she was frightened, really frightened.Her face was pale, and she covered her face with her hands, trembling slightly.

I never dreamed that Ji Xiang would be so violent.

Although the screen uses mosaics to block some shots, you can still judge what Jixiang did from the previous actions.

Tang Yan also looked at this scene in astonishment, Ji Xiang was making wool!

Is he trying to die!

"I'll go!" Director Liu held the wine glass and almost choked on it.

"Eh..." Director Bai was silent.

Although the screen of the program has been mosaiced, the two veteran doctors with rich clinical experience know very well what Ji Xiang has done or is doing.

Even with the blessing of countless experiences in film reading, the mosaic added by the film crew did not exist. The pink foamy phlegm splashed in front of the two people, and even the hissing sound of the gas that had been held in for a long time could be faintly heard. .

The three-concave syndrome should be relieved, right?

The patient should be able to catch this life-saving breath.

The 120 ambulance arrived. Director Yang communicated with the 120 emergency doctor and carried the patient up. Ji Xiang also got into the car, but turned away the camera crew.

The screen changes to running and bumping.

Liu Zhi was stunned for a long time, finally smiled, raised his glass, waved it to the TV, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Old Bai, Xiaoji's emergency treatment is also good."

"Stupid!" Director Bai said contemptuously.

"Damn, who is still young and passionate." Director Liu naturally knew why Director Bai scolded Ji Xiang for what he said. He smiled slightly and didn't care. For patients with knife stab wounds and cardiac tamponade, open the chest and perform compressions under direct vision."

"Later, I was sued." Director Bai thought for a while, and sighed, "Although the patient was sued not because of chest wall opening and compression, but such a reckless personality is not suitable for clinical work."

"You have been working in the medical department for too long." Director Liu poured Director Bai a glass of wine to appease the old friend, "Have a sip, and don't keep thinking about the bad guys you meet every day in the dispute office of the medical department. shit."

"Xiaoji did the right thing." Director Bai picked up his wine glass and said intently, "It depends on where. At home, I will fight against him if something happens; over there, what if something happens!"

Director Liu understood Director Bai's protective heart, so he laughed and bumped glasses with Director Bai.

Taking a sip of strong wine, the entire esophagus was burning, and Director Bai felt as if he had returned to the past, back to the boyhood days when he was young in fresh clothes, angry horses and swords.



"Dad! Jixiang..." The muscles on Zhao Tianjiao's startled face convulsed and trembled uncontrollably, so that he couldn't speak a word.

Dean Zhao didn't speak, just looked at the screen silently.

He is considered a leader among young doctors, but he has never seen such violent methods as Ji Xiang.

The fright he received was different from that of ordinary people.

In addition to being taken aback, he was also surprised at how Ji Xiang dared to be so reckless!

After 3 full minutes, Zhao Tianjiao calmed down a little.

"Dad, Jixiang..."

"Emergency first aid, there is no way, Ji Xiang did the right thing." Dean Zhao said very flatly.

"But there is a video!"

"Don't save people first." Dean Zhao glanced at Zhao Tianjiao, and said earnestly, "When you were young, I always told you not to stick to curing diseases and saving lives. It's a big pot, put everything in it. The more you listen, the more you will believe it.

You don't get paid for your work, and you keep paying for it. Don't listen to or believe this kind of nonsense.Whoever said it, you just smile, but anyone who takes it to heart is an idiot. "

"But Jixiang..."

"As a profession, the most basic ethics are still required. Usually in the hospital, you can contact the medical department, the doctor at the higher level, or even me. It's not your turn to take the blame."

"But once you encounter an emergency situation outside, what should you do?"

Zhao Tianjiao's hands felt a little numb when he thought of what Ji Xiang had just encountered.

"Do your best."

Dean Zhao put his hands in front of him, crossed his fingers and circled his thumbs, and said four words in a deep voice.

Do your best, Zhao Tianjiao smacked these four words.

He was a little confused, confused.The moment Ji Xiang rushed up just now, Zhao Tianjiao's blood boiled. It would be great if it was him.



Ling Tian watched the program silently.

He didn't know that a section of content was cut in the middle, but just this section was enough to prove something.

Jixiang's level is much more than it seems.

Emergency first aid is easy to say, but there are very few people who can really do it just right.

Over the years, Ling Tian has seen many bad things done with good intentions, all of which belong to the ignorant and fearless.

But Ji Xiang is different this time.

The director of surgery presided over the rescue, but Ji Xiang broke a pen without hesitation, and inserted the sharp pen tube directly into the patient's large airway.

Easier said than done.

The young doctor, who had never seen a dozen dead people, would feel numb in his hands and feet and be at a loss when encountering such a situation.

It's all clinical experience.

But Jixiang can do it!
For a split second, Ling Tian shuddered and felt like retreating.

After the academic conference, Ling Tian shared the same opinion as his boss, crushing Ji Xiang to death was as easy as crushing an ant.

If he hides in a prefecture-level hospital, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and no one will pay attention to him.But once Jixiang wants to step onto the national stage, he must face the boss.

Looking at the thoughts at that time now, Ling Tian felt that everything was wrong, Ji Xiang, a monstrous existence, was not Doctor Guipei at all!
Whether it's a strong surgery or the highest score in the national medical practitioner examination, or an article in the Provincial Natural Science and "The Lancet", in Ling Tian's view, none of these are invincible.

But Ji Xiang's stroke just now seemed to poke Ling Tian's big airway,
to make him feel cold,

make him feel withdrawn,
Let him feel remorse.

Can't beat, really can't beat!
The young doctor who had never seen a dead person didn't dare to do it at all. Even if he dared to do it, it was absolutely impossible to do it just right.

Where did Ji Xiang accumulate his clinical experience? !Ling Tian was a little confused for a moment.

The crushed mobile phone screen looks so dazzling.

In just two episodes of the reality show, Ling Tian could read Ji Xiang's sturdy clinical ability and other people's views on himself and his boss.

Forget it?

Such a thought came to Ling Tian's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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