The pictures of the three wards where the interns of the three groups work are different, and each ward has its own habits.

Or in the doctor's office, or at the nurse's station; or standing, or sitting.

The guests took advantage of the time gap before shifting over to chat for a few words, and their eyes fell on the hepatobiliary surgery side in unison.

Jixiang's performance yesterday was amazing. Although they didn't watch the content that was too late and didn't know what happened, but the performance during the day yesterday was enough to make the guests pay great attention to Jixiang.

The key is that Jixiang has good looks and good appearance, and looks like a trainee in the entertainment circle.

Is it pleasing to the eye, better than looking at other people.

"Hepatobiliary surgery is to review medical records, Mao Mao, why are you so serious?" a guest asked.

"Reviewing the medical records, director... When I met the director during my internship, I still laughed at first, but then I turned my face and started cursing when I saw the medical records."

Recalling the past, Maomao still has lingering thoughts.

"Swearing, it's not enough."

"It's just that the words are ugly. I heard that there are bad-tempered directors who not only curse people, but also throw medical records in the faces of interns or doctors."



The other guests who did not understand medical treatment were surprised and looked at Professor Shen.

"That's right." Professor Shen replied, "Writing medical records is a basic skill, but the medical records of many young doctors and interns make it hard not to get angry."

"For example?" a guest asked curiously.

"For example, I have seen a medical record written by an intern - on the first day after surgery, the weather was fine and sunny, and the patients were in a happy mood."


There was a lot of laughter in the review room.

Even the guests who don't know anything about the medical industry know that this is not writing medical records at all, but elementary school students writing essays.

Even worse than writing a composition.

It's hard to imagine that this is a medical record written by a doctor, and it's no wonder that the director scolds people, and he would probably say even worse things in his own words.



In hepatobiliary surgery, nurses usually leave after the shift is over to dispense medicines, administer drips, and infusions.

Director Yang sat in the middle of the front row, looking at a patient's medical record on the projection.

"The patient is a very rare gallbladder torsion, Xiao Zhai, who will report it?"

"Zhao Mengmeng."

Zhao Mengmeng heard Zhai Yuhan calling her, walked to the computer and began to click on the medical records.She was very nervous, her steps were stiff, and she turned slightly, which was very funny to watch.

Her operations were projected onto the screen, and the moment Director Yang saw the main complaint, his face became extremely ugly.

Chief complaint - abdominal pain for 3 hours.

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it, but the smile on Director Yang's face disappeared.

"Your chief complaint was copied from the emergency medical records." Director Yang said coldly.

Zhao Mengmeng tensed her legs together and twisted them into twists.

The feet under the table trembled slightly, obviously Zhao Mengmeng was very nervous.She was afraid that she could not write well, so she copied the emergency department's medical records and complained, but she didn't expect to be seen through by Director Zhao at a glance.With just one sentence, Zhao Mengmeng felt embarrassed, apprehensive, and even vaguely afraid.

"Next, what's the medical history?" Director Yang asked sharply.

Zhao Mengmeng was extremely nervous, and she didn't know how to answer Director Yang's question.

"Expand the main complaint to describe the patient's disease process in detail. It's not for you to write in a cloud. If you can't describe the patient's disease process clearly in dozens or hundreds of words, who are you writing for!"



The guests in the comment room were awe-inspiring, as if they were sitting at the scene, they clearly felt Director Yang's gradually serious and sharp words, and felt the oppressive atmosphere.

That kind of powerful aura belongs to the professional field, and the guests felt the same, as if they had transformed into Zhao Mengmeng, sitting in front of the computer and being reprimanded by Director Yang.

"So serious." A guest muttered in a low voice.

"It's normal. The lower-level doctor's medical record is not well written, and the superior doctor must point it out." Professor Shen said seriously, "Zhao Mengmeng's medical record is indeed not well-written. I guess she has never written a medical record before. No point."

"If I change to my old hospital, I guess the medical records will be thrown aside." Maomao said in a low voice.



In the doctor's office, Zhao Mengmeng has entered the state of fugue again.

This time, it was directly shut down by Director Yang's training, and my mind went blank.

"In the emergency department, what is muscle guard? In today's terminology, few people say that. Only old doctors with more than 20 years of experience occasionally use muscle guard to describe it. Zhao Mengmeng, tell me about the concept of muscle guard." .”


Zhao Mengmeng stared at the screen in a daze, and water began to appear in the circles of her eyes.

"Zhao Mengmeng." Director Yang emphasized his tone.

"Director, I watched the patient last night, how about I answer it?" Ji Xiang asked tentatively.

Director Yang glanced at Ji Xiang.

His stern tone chilled the atmosphere in the doctor's office, and even the professors in the group all looked away, for fear that he would not be able to answer a question without being scolded.

But Jixiang was as usual, he couldn't see any nervousness, and blocked Zhao Mengmeng's eyes to meet him.

Want a hero to save the beauty?Hey.

"You answer." Director Yang nodded.

"Muscle guard is also called muscle resistance, which is the antagonistic contraction of muscles to local touch and tenderness stimuli..."

Ji Xiang began to talk about the concept of muscle guard.

But his explanation was not long-winded, and Director Yang did not interrupt him. After briefly describing the concept of muscle guard, he returned to the patient's medical record.

At that time, Jixiang had a physical examination with the emergency physician, and he described the patient's condition in detail.

"Well." Director Yang was satisfied with Ji Xiang's answer, and said Dandan, "Dr. Ji Xiang, you said that you were observing patients in the emergency department at that time, not to mention the medical records, but tell me why you were interested in this patient at that time."

"That's right, Director." Ji Xiang replied, "At that time, I was worried that the emergency department was too busy, and I didn't tell the patient to pay attention to the position when vomiting, so I went to give a warning. But when I went to the emergency department, the patient appeared again. Abdominal pain and fear of pressing."

"What are you thinking about?" Director Yang asked.

"Gastrointestinal spasms were not considered at the time."

"I asked you what you were thinking about at the time." Director Yang pressed every step of the way, with an aggressive tone.

The chilling wind howled in the doctor's office, and the professors in the group all lowered their heads at the same time, as if they were the ones being asked the question.

Zhai Yuhan also lowered her head, she was afraid that if she and the boss looked at each other, she would be dragged by Ji Xiang.

At this moment, Ji Xiang's answer must not have any flaws, as long as he is caught by the boss, he will be scolded.

But Ji Xiang was not nervous. He smiled and said, "Since it's not about the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract, I'm thinking about whether there will be gallbladder torsion."

"Why do you think about it, gallbladder torsion is rare."

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