Doctor of Healing

Chapter 424 Don't Take It Seriously

Chapter 424 Don't Take It Seriously
Zhai Yuhan knocked on the door of the director's office.


"Boss." Di Yuhan pushed the door open and entered, frowning.

"What's wrong?" Director Yang didn't realize what happened, he was leisurely waiting for the filming to finish before going home.

He's not interested in being on TV, he just finds it annoying and wishes he could kick out all these interns tomorrow.

"Boss, Ji Xiang persuaded the 12-3 patient to have an MRI tomorrow."

Director Yang's hands froze, he forgot what he was going to do next.

"What did you say?" Director Yang looked at Zhai Yuhan in surprise and asked in disbelief.

"Ji Xiang, that little guy who graduated from undergraduate, convinced the patient. I checked, and the patient really wants to have further examination." Zhai Yuhan said carefully.

She bit the four words of undergraduate graduation very hard.

"How did you convince me?" Director Yang automatically blocked Zhai Yuhan's private goods.

"I don't know, I didn't follow at that time." Zhai Yuhan lowered his head, a little embarrassed.

Director Yang didn't blame Di Yuhan either, he was familiar with the hospital chief under him and knew what Di Yuhan was thinking at the time.

If it were Director Yang himself, he wouldn't follow.

When encountering embarrassing things, it is better to let the interns hired by the program group solve them by themselves.

After all, he is an old patient, and he is an old patient who will be discharged from the hospital. Don't worry about other problems.


It was just such a patient who didn't care about anything and refused to do a detailed examination; a patient who was treated by Zhai Yuhan as a soft nail and wanted to make the interns of the program group suffer, was actually persuaded by that little guy!
This is more surprising than the words described in the introduction to Director Yang by the program team.

For Director Yang, he could "see through" the truth at a glance - it must be someone from his parents who helped him, so he got resources that other people couldn't get at a young age.

It can only be said that the people behind Jixiang are awesome, and when he faces difficulties alone, he will definitely show his true colors.


Director Yang was surprised by what Zhai Yuhan said, and he looked at Ji Xiang with admiration.

He picked up his phone and started contacting the program team.

Director Yang knew that the program crew had cameras following Ji Xiang.

After asking a few words, Director Yang hung up the phone.


"Go to the review room?"

"Well, let's see what this little guy said." Director Yang said.

Zhai Yuhan shook her head and raised her ponytail lightly.

"It's weird." Director Yang went to the review room with his hands behind his back, talking to himself while walking.

He knew how stubborn that patient was.

So Director Yang is very curious about how Jixiang persuaded the patients.

Di Yuhan was also curious, and explained a few words to the nurse, followed behind the boss to get a glimpse of the clues.

When we came to the review room, the guests hadn't left yet. Director Yang greeted everyone briefly, and immediately sat next to Professor Shen.

Ji Xiang and the 12-3 patient "chat" and the guests watched it once, and now he watched it with Director Yang, but he was not impatient.

Watching the same content twice, even though the guests don't understand medical treatment, they have more feelings.

The behavior of the young doctor on the screen was extremely sophisticated, and several key sentences touched the heart of the patient, and at the end there was the scene of trying to get him, so he was not in a hurry.

Everything was silently told to everyone that this young doctor looked like an old expert with white beard and hair, not an inexperienced training doctor or intern doctor.

After reading it, Director Yang was silent, Zhai Yuhan frowned tightly, and neither of them spoke.

"Director Yang, can you say a few words?" As a guest, Professor Shen was still very polite.

"There's nothing to say. I've tried to persuade this patient many times, but I didn't expect to be persuaded by an intern. It's really...the blue is the blue." Director Yang smiled helplessly.

This is telling the truth, but his emotions are a bit complicated.

Professor Shen understood Director Yang's mood, and he smiled, "It is very likely that Ji Xiang, an intern doctor, has a high EQ, and just in time for him to have undergone cholecystectomy, so he can empathize with patients."

"I think this possibility is relatively high." Director Yang said, "The patient is an old patient of mine, and I know his personality better, and he usually doesn't eat oil and salt. Ji Xiang, Ji Xiang..."

Director Yang pondered, repeating Ji Xiang's name over and over again.

"This kid is really lucky." A guest laughed.

Is it all down to luck?
Zhai Yuhan frowned, and his brain suddenly started working at a high speed for no reason.

Although this speculation was the most reasonable, Zhai Yuhan always felt that it was wrong.But what else is possible?
Zhai Yuhan soon showed a gratified smile.

Not to mention himself, how could Ji Xiang, a young man, solve the problem that even his own boss couldn't solve it.

This is not a technical problem, but a human sophistication.

The old fox like my boss can't do anything about it, Ji Xiang is just a newborn calf?
Zhai Yuhan didn't believe it.

It's probably luck, only this explanation can be accepted by Zhai Yuhan.

Everyone sat together and communicated for more than ten minutes, and Director Yang left.

It was late, and the guests also went back to rest.

"Director Fan, today's filming was good." The assistant smiled, "I didn't expect Ji Xiang to have had a cholecystectomy. This kid is really unlucky."

"Do you believe it?" Director Fan glanced at his assistant contemptuously.

"Ah? Director, don't you think so?"

"I don't think so." Director Fan said his thoughts, "If Jixiang really had surgery... No, it's absolutely impossible. The play of playing hard to get was so beautiful at the end, I even had an illusion."

Director Fan didn't say what the illusion was. He pondered and watched the video about Ji Xiang that he had just recorded repeatedly.



Early the next morning, Ji Xiang came to the hospital very early.

Director Yang personally took the patient to the MRI room, followed by Zhai Yuhan and Ji Xiang. Ji Xiang also knew him well, and stood beside Director Yang, staring at the screen.

The roar of the MRI came faintly, and Zhai Yuhan's attention was not on the patient's MRI image, but on Ji Xiang's body.

She wondered if the little guy's diagnosis was correct.

"Jixiang." Zhai Yuhan said suddenly while waiting for the patient to have an MRI.

"What's the matter, Teacher Zhai?"

"When did you have your gallbladder removed? It's rare to have your gallbladder removed at your age."

"No, my gallbladder is fine." Ji Xiang stared at the screen and replied simply.

"No? That's not what you said to the patient yesterday."

"Ham, you can't tell the truth in everything you say to the patient." Ji Xiang replied casually, "I just said that, just to get closer to the patient, don't believe it."

"..." Zhai Yuhan was stunned.

"Doctor Ji Xiang, you really haven't done it?" Director Yang asked with a frown.


"Then how did you feel when you told the patient?"

"Just say it, Director Yang, don't get distracted." Ji Xiang smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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