Doctor of Healing

Chapter 417 Interview

Chapter 417 Interview
"Doctor Xiaoji, are you ready?" Zhai Yuhan walked up to Ji Xiang and asked.

Ji Xiang looked up and smiled, "I don't know what the teacher is going to ask me, so I can't prepare."

The words were true, but everyone else was nervous to the bottom of their hearts, and kept silent one by one, but Ji Xiang didn't change at all. This casual attitude made Zhai Yuhan a little unhappy.

At least in terms of attitude, Ji Xiang is unqualified!
"Doctor Xiaoji, you handed in the paper so early in the written test, are you really sure? I heard that you got the first place in the country with a perfect score in the professional medical examination, which is indeed very good."

When Zhai Yuhan said that he was great, his expression was stern, and he didn't mean to praise him at all.

"Teacher Zhai, I have already finished the answer and checked it. There is no need to check it again and again." Ji Xiang replied gently.

Zhai Yuhan curled her lips, took out her mobile phone and contacted the marking teacher.

Zhai Yuhan also admires the top score in the national occupational medical examination. What she is not satisfied with is Ji Xiang's attitude towards the First Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Medical University.

The written test was handed in in 20 minutes, and Ji Xiang's contempt could be clearly seen.

Still want to get full marks?The medical exam is not a math exam, and getting full marks depends on luck.

This time, Jixiang's luck will definitely not be very good.

【Boss, are the results out yet?】

Zhai Yuhan sent a message.

【Come out, very surprising. 】

Zhai Yuhan smiled. Everyone is very interested in Gui Peisheng, who has the highest score in the national professional medical examination. Ji Xiang is not serious at all. It is reasonable to be surprised and disappointed.

[Dr. student Zhao Mengmeng's score is the last one. 】

"..." Zhai Yuhan was speechless.

[On the contrary, Jixiang has been very stable, still full marks. 】

Seeing the last sentence, Zhai Yuhan immediately lost his composure.She glanced at Ji Xiang, who happened to look up at her.

"Teacher, the results are out?" Ji Xiang seemed to see through everything.

Zhai Yuhan was momentarily at a loss for words.

Originally, I wanted to speak with facts, even if Ji Xiang got the first place in the test, as long as he didn’t get a full score, I could “teach” him a lesson.

But Jixiang got full marks again!

Zhai Yuhan shook his head, "It's not out yet."

Ji Xiang smiled, when the first medical student came out, Zhai Yuhan immediately said, "Student Ji Xiang, it's time."

"Okay." Ji Xiang got up, put his mobile phone in his pocket, and strode into the meeting room for the interview.

Entering the meeting room, there were four doctors sitting opposite, aged about 40-50 years old, and all of them were deputy chief physicians by looking at their badges.

The directors of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Medical University probably won't come to participate in this kind of variety show. At most, they will show their face and it will be considered as a face for the show crew.

Ji Xiang sat on a chair, facing the four interviewing teachers, with a gentle smile.

It felt a little weird, like I was being interrogated.

"You are Ji Xiang, the Gui Peisheng who has the highest score in the national professional medical examination this year?" A doctor looked at Ji Xiang with great interest and asked.

"Yes, teacher."

"The grades are good. Tell me why you don't take the postgraduate and doctoral exams, but you want to train directly."

"The policy is unstable." Ji Xiang said.



The professors and directors who were interviewing were stunned.

"The regular training system is not perfect, and it has changed a lot. It is possible that the regular training will not be needed after finishing the postgraduate study, but who can say for sure? Early regular training, early exposure to clinical practice, and becoming a real doctor is my goal. idea."

The interviewing doctors looked at each other, and one of them smiled with difficulty, "Doctor Xiaoji, you can't say that."

"Indeed." Ji Xiang said sternly, "However, when the regular training started a few years ago, many graduate students were delayed for three years. There are time costs and risks here, and I want to avoid them as much as possible."

"If you pass the regular training period, you can take the postgraduate entrance examination anytime you want."

Although the interviewing doctors did not know much about the training system, what Ji Xiang said was true, and they had nothing to refute.

"Then Doctor Xiaoji, tell me why you want to study medicine."

"Study medicine, this is an agreement between my uncle and grandpa." Ji Xiang said about his uncle, with a sincere smile on his face.

Unlike in the past, Ji Xiang's smile is very sincere, but more polite.There was a little sweet reminiscence in his smile when he talked about it.

It's just that the term "uncle and grandpa" is unfamiliar to everyone.

"Can you tell me in detail?"

"It should be to cure diseases and save lives." Ji Xiang replied.

The correct nonsense is very annoying, and several teachers who interviewed were a little helpless.But they ignored Ji Xiang's "should" and subconsciously thought it was a useless long-winded description.

"Dr. Ji Xiangji, I heard that you have a self-professional project during the regular training period, can you briefly talk about it?"

"First of all, the Provincial Natural Science Department is not mine, teacher. The project belongs to Dr. Zhao Zhe Zhao, and I am responsible for cooperating with it, and I am the second author." Ji Xiang said frankly, "If it is possible, I would like to introduce partial nephrectomy in the program. Before the operation, do the operation method and effect of the interventional operation."

"Doctor Xiaoji, although it is not impossible to invite experts to come to the First Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Medical University for surgery, but you have to show your strength." A doctor said jokingly.

He was joking and didn't take what Ji Xiang said seriously.

A young intern wants to perform surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital, and also publicize and promote new surgical techniques. What is the difference between this and dreaming.

"Good teacher."

Next, the interviewing doctor asked several questions related to the arrangement of the program group. Otherwise, what Ji Xiang just said would not be edited into the program at all, and there would be empty windows.

Faced with routine questions, Ji Xiang gave very peaceful and well-behaved answers.

After the interview was over, the professors who led the interview left quickly, and Zhai Yuhan began to arrange for the internship.

"Ji Xiang, you and Zhao Mengmeng are going to the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery," Zhai Yuhan said.

It doesn't matter whose group you are with, but why is it hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery instead of urology?
Ji Xiang raised his hand.

Zhai Yuhan took a hard look at Ji Xiang, "Dr. Xiaoji, this is the result of the interview."

Ji Xiang frowned slightly, looked at Zhai Yuhan's badge and asked, "Mr. Zhai, are you the chief resident of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery?"

"Yes, start the internship, I will bring you and Zhao Mengmeng to the clinic."

Saying that, Zhai Yuhan smiled slightly, "Doctor Xiaoji, I hope you don't let me down."

"Okay, teacher." Ji Xiang didn't seem to hear Zhai Yuhan's impatience. He was still the same as before, with his iconic smile and bland answers.

After arranging everything, several doctors were sent to neurosurgery, circulatory medicine, and hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery.

Asking Ji Xiang and Zhao Mengmeng to familiarize themselves with the operating system first, Zhai Yuhan walked out of the office and came to the director's office angrily.

"Boss, such a show can't be done!"

 I recommend this book, Vera Tiantian, the author of "I Invented at Hogwarts".After Rigg joined Hogwarts, the pressure came to Azkaban.When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super electromagnetic gun from Harry Potter. "Rig, this is much better than a wand!"


(End of this chapter)

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