Doctor of Healing

Chapter 351 A Not Fatal But Career-Ending Injury

Chapter 351 A Not Fatal But Career-Ending Injury
Jixiang experienced the empathy of Takayasu arteritis. At that time, he felt a child sitting on his shoulders. The child was still growing rapidly, and his shoulders were getting heavier and heavier. The child blindfolded himself from time to time and "joked" with himself.

But the feeling of heavy shoulders was different from now, and it didn't seem like a knife was gouging out inside. Now the pain has been relieved very quickly.

Although the right shoulder is slightly stiff and numb, the pain is not very obvious compared to other diseases.

"I'm fine." Ji Xiang comforted the coach.

The coach's face was gloomy. He had seen and contacted him, and knew what would happen if a similar problem occurred, so Ji Xiang's consolation seemed meaningless to him.

The teammates sent Jixiang to the car, the coach kicked the floor oil with a sullen face, and the car roared, as if expressing the resentment in the coach's heart.

The coach didn't speak, and drove dully all the way to the hospital.

"Coach, I feel okay now, no pain."

When the car bumped and Ji Xiang didn't scold the ancestral grave of the road administration department for smoking, he felt that the rotator cuff injury didn't seem to be too uncomfortable, so he comforted the coach again.

"You know nothing!" the coach yelled, "Athlete, you are an athlete, if you have a rotator cuff injury, there is a high probability that your career will be over!"

Ji Xiang was startled, and immediately realized that "he" was an athlete.

Because of his excellent physical condition and excellent skills, he has become a top basketball star after playing in China for three years.Although he failed to be selected for the NBA, he has already been invited by the Australian Basketball League and is about to fly there.

It is conceivable how beneficial it is to participate in a high-level professional league.

But in the training before leaving, the rotator cuff was damaged, no wonder the coach's expression is not good looking like that.

The coach is good to "myself", and Ji Xiang knows it.

They didn't go to ordinary hospitals, nor did they go to regular large tertiary hospitals or the well-known top hospitals in China.

The coach took Ji Xiang to a "special" hospital - a sports rehabilitation center.

I made an appointment in advance, there was no queue or registration, and I saw the doctor here directly.

The doctor asked about the medical history, and Ji Xiang answered in an orderly manner.

"Doctor, I think there should be nothing wrong." Ji Xiang finally emphasized.

After the doctor held Ji Xiang's right arm and made a few movements, Ji Xiang said.

"That's a passive movement, now try raising your arms yourself," the doctor said.

Ji Xiang's right arm was always in a slack state, and he didn't dare to use force.Feeling more empathetic, Ji Xiang found a comfortable posture and kept it, unwilling to die.

Hearing what the doctor said, Ji Xiang exerted a little force on his right shoulder, wanting to try to lift his shoulder.

It was fine in the relaxed state just now, only numbness and slight pain.

However, as soon as Jixiang raised his shoulders, it seemed as if a steel nail was buried in his shoulders. The nails were directly pierced into the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor muscles.

The sting came so suddenly, Ji Xiang let out an "oops".

Not to mention doing abduction and external rotation, Jixiang can't even complete the most basic shoulder raising movements now.

The doctor sighed, "Let's go for an MRI to see the specific situation."

"Doctor Yuan, do you need surgery? Can it be cured by acupuncture and moxibustion? I used to have a team member who was cured by moxibustion." The coach asked worriedly.

"Do the examination first." Dr. Yuan said, winking at the coach.

Ji Xiang has sharp eyes, and he has been in the clinic for several months, so he understands the subtext of the doctor's words and some small movements.

Dr. Yuan winked at the coach while talking, and this time he felt the same way, Ji Xiang knew that he must have surgery.

When the two left the consultation room, the coach suddenly said, "My phone is out of the consultation room, please wait for me."

This routine was too thoughtless, but Ji Xiang didn't say anything, but smiled, trying to comfort the coach with a smile.He found a place to sit down, waved his left hand, and signaled that he was fine.

Jixiang took advantage of this period of time to do a physical examination. Passive movement was fine, but there was only slight pain. This kind of pain is not a problem for a top athlete like himself.

But once the movement is voluntary, with a little effort, you can feel the pain in your heart.

I don't know how it will be after the operation, Ji Xiang pondered in his heart.

But thinking that the patient's bones have been "ablated" by grinding, it may not be much better.

With the thought together, Jixiang also seemed to understand why the 19-year-old patient had severe muscle atrophy.

I was afraid to move all the time, and it took half a year for my muscles to atrophy before I saw a ghost.

After 7 or 8 minutes, the coach came back.

"Coach, what did the doctor say, you tell me, I can bear it." Ji Xiang said.


"Is my career gone?" Ji Xiang asked directly.

"It depends on luck and recovery after surgery." The coach replied with a sullen face.

Indeed, what the coach said was right, and Ji Xiang had nothing to do.

Holding his right arm, he followed the coach to do various checks.Examination revealed a partial tear at the insertion of the greater tuberosity of the supraspinatus tendon.

After the inspection, Ji Xiang's manager came over angrily, his complexion was even worse than that of the coach.

This is the first time Ji Xiang has come into contact with the role of an agent. He knows that he may be because of money. After all, once he is injured, he will definitely not be able to play in Australia's secondary league, and it will completely ruin the possibility of playing in the NBA.

Dr. Yuan from the Sports Rehabilitation Hospital suggested surgery. After a few days of discussion or quarrel, the agent brought Ji Xiang a well-known American expert, Professor Smith, to perform arthroscopic surgery.

In order to keep Jixiang's sports career, the agent also tried his best.

This time Ji Xiang experienced a long time in empathy, mainly due to the torn between the agent team and the coach and the waiting for the American expert Professor Smith.

Professor Smith seems to be very busy. The team took Ji Xiangfei to New York and waited for half a month before queuing up for surgery.

Jixiang was clear about the operation process, but Professor Smith refused his request to record the operation video.Jixiang had no choice but to perform the operation with his eyes closed.

Jixiang's only regret after waking up from general anesthesia was that he didn't see the operation process performed by top experts in sports rehabilitation.

The recovery is also guided by a professional team. Everything is very good, but the cost is too high. After ten days or so, Ji Xiang and others returned to China for the next step of rehabilitation training.

One month after the operation, Ji Xiang felt that the active and passive activities of his right shoulder joint were limited. The range of motion for forward flexion was 1°, the range of motion for abduction was 120°, and the range of motion for back extension and internal rotation was the hip.

The re-examination of the X-ray film showed no obvious bone abnormality; the nuclear magnetic resonance showed that the supraspinatus tendon could heal, and a small amount of fluid accumulated under the acromion.

The next thing Ji Xiang has to face is "cruel" recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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