Doctor of Healing

Chapter 337 Not a person inside or outside

Chapter 337 Not a person inside or outside

Ji Xiang doesn't think he has done many great things. During this period of time, he has started to point his skill points in diagnostics, and judging from the clues that the real situation of the "patient" is also a normal performance.

After the exam, Ji Xiang didn't go home directly.

Although it is said that there will be a written test next week, all the books have been memorized by heart, and it is useless to go back and read it again.

Today is Meng Qingfei's class, Ji Xiang went directly to the emergency department of the Second Affiliated Hospital.

Meng Qingfei was taken aback when he saw Ji Xiang, "Doctor Xiao Ji, why did you come so early."

"Today's exam, no surgery." Ji Xiang replied, and then emphasized, "License exam, skills."

"Oh." Meng Qingfei didn't say anything, and he didn't care about Ji Xiang like everyone else, looking a little weird.

"Teacher Meng, what happened to you today?" Ji Xiang asked curiously.

"Doctor Xiaoji, I will test you with a question."

Ji Xiang immediately stood up straight, like a javelin, and looked at Meng Qingfei seriously.

"Haha, don't be so serious, I just saw a classmate being complained in the group, and I feel a little depressed." Meng Qingfei waved his hand, took Ji Xiang into a white suit and went back to the consulting room.

"Dr. Xiaoji, if you encounter a tumor patient, will you directly tell the patient's family or the patient himself?"

"Patient's family." Ji Xiang said without hesitation.

"In the past, I also thought so." Meng Qingfei said, "Such an incident happened to my classmate."

Meng Qingfei's classmate was in the southern provinces and cities. One day, he received a patient with bowel cancer. The stage was stage 2, and the chance of recovery from surgery was relatively high.

Because I was worried that the patient himself would have a strong reaction to the disease, he secretly told the patient's family members, and also told the patient's family members of his own judgment-it is possible to be cured, but it depends on the situation of the operation.

Generally speaking, the family members of the patients will actively cooperate when they hear the description of possible cure.

But this time Meng Qingfei's classmate encountered a strange thing.

After the confession, the patient's lover expressed his gratitude and said to go back and find a way to tell the patient that it was a benign disease, and begged the doctor to help conceal it.

It is still normal until here, and Meng Qingfei's classmates also said that surgery is needed as soon as possible.

But after 3 weeks, the patient did not come to the hospital.Meng Qingfei's classmates had long forgotten about it.

With so many patients, who has time to take care of a patient who is not hospitalized.Besides, the patient's family members said it well, but it is very likely that they will go to Shanghai for surgery after discussing it when they go back.

This is very common, so the doctor didn't pay much attention to it, and just forgot about it.

Three weeks later, the patient had an emotional breakdown and came to the hospital to beat and scold him. It didn't look like he had bowel cancer, but rather like a manic-depressive episode.

When asked about the situation, everyone was dumbfounded.

When the patient's lover heard the word "cancer", she was not prepared to treat the patient at all. After returning home, she took advantage of this time to transfer property and hired a divorce lawyer to file a divorce lawsuit.

This is speechless.

Although it is said that husband and wife are birds in the same forest, they fly separately when disaster strikes.

However, the patient's lover did too much in this way. He was worried that the cost of treating the tumor would be too high, and in the end he would lose both money and life, so he filed a divorce lawsuit while transferring property.

The matter didn't end here. The patient company heard about it, and the project he was in charge of was also taken away.

The boss of the company meant to let the patients have a good rest, but what they did was that the patients were "give back to the society" and graduated with honor.

Ji Xiang shrugged his shoulders when he heard this. It’s really hard to say anything about the world. Who would have thought that a mid-to-early tumor with at least a 40-50% chance of being cured by surgery would make so many people feel worse.

Yes, to add insult to injury, this idiom is quite appropriate here.

"Mr. Meng, what did the patient say?" Ji Xiang asked.

"The patient's right to know is violated, and the floating morality is above the law. This is the most typical case of 'for your own good', but the result is the opposite." Meng Qingfei said.

"But I always feel that if I tell the patient, what should I do if the patient has a mental breakdown." Ji Xiang asked back.

"Yes, that's another question." Meng Qingfei patted the table, "It's not the patient himself, but the family members of the patient who will come to look for it. Xiaoji, let me ask you, what will you do when the time comes?"

Ji Xiang didn't know what to do at all, he spread his hands and looked up at the sky.

"Mr. Meng, what do you think?" Ji Xiang asked.

"Without relevant clauses, no one is willing to take responsibility." Meng Qingfei's energy came up again, and he said angrily, "What can we clinicians do? We have to endure it."

"Hahaha, Mr. Meng, don't be like this." Ji Xiang understood Meng Qingfei, so he comforted him with a smile.

In fact, there is no need to comfort him, Ji Xiang also knew that Meng Qingfei was just complaining.

"Finally, we still have to talk to the patient's family." Meng Qingfei said, "Xiaoji, don't mislead you with the example I just gave."

"Will not."

"It's rare for the family members of such patients to make things worse. At least it's the first time I've heard of family members of patients who are so decisive in doing things. High probability events, high probability events, we still want to think about high probability events."

Meng Qingfei wanted to make amends back. Ji Xiang was just a training doctor, and it was meaningless to complain a few times by himself. Don't lead Ji Xiang into the ditch.

Just as they were talking, a man and a woman walked to the door of the consulting room. They first took a look at the outpatient department of internal medicine. Seeing that there were many patients, the man helped the woman in.

"Doctor, where is the stomachache?" the man asked politely.

"Where does it hurt?" Meng Qingfei asked casually when he saw the patient clutching his lower right abdomen, blindly guessing that it might be appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, or stones.

"The lower right abdomen, is it appendicitis?"

"Lie down, let me see."

Meng Qingfei rubbed his hands together very quickly.

"Xiao Ji, you should rub your hands to warm them up before performing a physical examination on a patient, especially in autumn and winter." Meng Qingfei explained the clinical details to Ji Xiang, "Do you remember?"

"Remember Teacher Meng."

Meng Qingfei's physical examination revealed that the patient had obvious tenderness at the McBurney's point in the right lower abdomen, without rebound tenderness or muscle tension.

The medical history was asked, and the patient's menstrual cycle was regular, and safety measures were taken at ordinary times, and it did not look like an ectopic pregnancy.Coupled with the negative percussion pain in the kidney area, urinary stones are not considered for the time being.

Or appendicitis is more likely.

Although Meng Qingfei's physical examination has ruled out some diseases with a high probability, he still ordered relevant examinations to ensure nothing goes wrong.

After sending the patient away, Meng Qingfei and Ji Xiang talked about some problems he had explained to the tumor patients.

I saw several patients intermittently, and the female patient came back with the support of the man.

The examination results ruled out other problems, and Meng Qingfei issued a hospitalization order for them to go through the hospitalization procedures.

But when he handed over the hospitalization form, Meng Qingfei was taken aback.

He hesitated obviously, thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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