Chapter 278 A Bright Eye

"I heard that people in their circle still use oil as lipstick or something." Director Liu said, "It's true that they will do anything for the sake of being popular. God works, well, you saw it."

"As for burying golden needles, I have seen a patient who buried golden needles." Director Liu seemed to be a little more courageous only when he spoke. The location of the place is full of shadows like cow hair, which is really scary."

"Is it useful?" Ji Xiang asked suspiciously.

"We can't say it's useless, but the patient I met was useless." Director Liu said.

Seeing that Director Liu's hands were soft and he couldn't fasten his belt, Ji Xiang stretched out his hand to help him fasten it, and then helped Director Liu go out and sit down.

Immediately, Ji Xiang pondered over the whole process that he had just seen, feeling very entangled in his heart.

This is one thing that destroys the three views.

After pondering for a long time, Ji Xiang came to the system space with breathless concentration.

The system NPC bowed his hands and was meditating.

"Teacher, a strange thing just happened to the patient." Ji Xiang began to describe the strange things he saw with his own eyes.

"Huh?" The system NPC hummed after listening to Ji Xiang's "report", full of doubts.

"Teacher, I don't think there is a soul in this world, but what I saw today overturned my three views." Ji Xiang said truthfully, "I can't explain it."

"Has the patient suffered trauma recently?" The NPC of the system suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

Ji Xiang was taken aback, "The patient doesn't seem to be injured, at least I didn't see it. But he went to Thailand some time ago and buried golden needles."

The eyes of the system NPC "swipe" all of a sudden, and they light up visibly with the naked eye.

like lightning,

like a falcon,

like the sun.

Ji Xiang was stunned, he could feel something had happened from the expression and demeanor of the system NPC.

"The medical history is not detailed, so pay attention in the future." The system NPC said in a deep voice.

"Teacher, do you have a diagnosis?"

When he said this, Ji Xiang himself didn't believe it.

diagnosis?What disease can cause the patient's arm to be broken?
"Go check the kinetic hemagglutination assay to measure the level of tetanus antitoxin antibody in the serum."

"Tetanus?!" Ji Xiang was stunned.

"Let me ask you, you just said that someone pulled his hair behind the patient and kicked the patient's back with his feet, causing the patient's posture to be weird. What is this posture called in medical science?"


Ji Xiang only remembered that posture, and never thought that it could be applied to medical treatment.

When the system NPC said this, he immediately remembered.

"Opisthotonos!" Ji Xiang said, "But teacher, the patient's left forearm ulna and radius were broken. This is not a symptom of tetanus. I feel that it is a bit supernatural."

"Pa~" The system NPC clapped Ji Xiang's arm.

"Joke, recite the symptoms of tetanus patients by yourself."

Ji Xiang was stunned, and he recited the tetanus symptoms written in the book little by little. When he recited - strong muscle spasm, which can cause muscle rupture and even fracture, Ji Xiang was dumbfounded.

Endorsement is one thing, but clinical observation is another.

Besides, it's not just Ji Xiang's own problem.There were so many experienced doctors from the Second Affiliated Hospital present, none of them thought of tetanus infection.

Endorsement and application are really two different things.

And below this sentence is urinary retention caused by bladder sphincter spasm.

When Director Liu told him that the patient hadn't urinated for a long time, Ji Xiang had some understanding.

But the most crucial thing has not been resolved.

"Teacher, the patient's hyperemia and gush are not symptoms of tetanus." Ji Xiang asked.

"Tetanus infection with abnormal congestion of the stem and frequent jetting as the first symptom is clinically rare." The NPC of the system said in a deep voice, "It is considered that the tetanus bacillus has invaded the nerves that innervate and regulate the congestion of the stem. resulting in abnormal congestion of the stem."


Looking at the serious "nonsense" of the system NPC, Ji Xiang was a little confused.

All the things people said were "set" on the patient's symptoms. Although it was weird and bizarre, after thinking for a while, Ji Xiang still preferred to believe the explanation of the system NPC.

"Teacher, then I'll suggest a tetanus test." Ji Xiang said.

"Go, it must be." The system NPC said with certainty, "I guess it was caused by the tetanus bacilli caused by the disinfection of the gold needles or the lack of disinfection at all when the patient buried the gold needles."

"..." It is really difficult for Ji Xiang to connect these contents together.

However, the system NPC's words are aggressive and serious, and it seems to be the same from a logical point of view, which cannot be refuted.

"Go quickly, and let me know the result after checking."

Ji Xiang could sense the happiness of the system NPC. After he solved an unimaginable problem, he became excited, as happy as a child.

Looking back carefully, more and more details seem to be corroborating the system NPC's judgment and diagnosis.

Before the onset of the disease, the patient frowned, pulled down the corners of the mouth, and grinned "wryly", which can be interpreted as hemifacial spasm.

The patient has breathing problems that can be explained by spasms of the laryngeal muscles.

Photophobia and so on are even more obvious.

Ji Xiang left the system operating room full of doubts and returned to the display.

"Director Liu, sit down first." Ji Xiang bowed and whispered to Director Liu.

"Xiao Ji, stay away from that person." Director Liu held Ji Xiang and refused to let him go, "Dirty things, don't touch them. I know you have strong firepower and are not afraid of these things, but it's better not to touch them."

"Director Liu, I think the patient is a kind of disease. I'll go talk to Director Bai."

"Sick? Are you kidding me? Have you ever seen a patient whose bones were broken in a good way? Have you ever seen a patient who can spray intermittently and frequently, and all of them will definitely die in the end."

"Don't go, we doctors sometimes have to admit that we are not good enough. Besides, this is a supernatural phenomenon, which has nothing to do with doctors or medical treatment. You see, the family members of the patients have hired a master to solve the problem."

"Xiaoji, listen to me, please..."

Director Liu turned on the chatter mode, but Ji Xiang turned around and left quickly.

He wanted to hold Ji Xiang, but his hands and feet were so weak and he had no strength at all, so he had no choice but to watch Ji Xiang leave.

"Director, Doctor Xiaoji, this is..." Mr. Wu sighed and looked at Jixiang with complicated eyes.

"Oh, I don't admit it, I was like this when I was young. But manpower is sometimes poor, and the helplessness of not being able to solve the problem by oneself is something every doctor has to go through." Director Liu said looking at Ji Xiang's back.

"Doctor Xiaoji is full of yang, and he's fine." Mr. Wu muttered, as if piously praying every night not to come to the emergency department.



Ji Xiang walked into the emergency room, came to Director Bai and whispered, "Director Bai, say something?"

"Huh?" Director Bai frowned and glanced at Ji Xiang.

(End of this chapter)

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