Chapter 220

"What? Story background?"

"There are still? The ghost of the patient persists after death? Colonel Wang, in broad daylight, the world is bright, don't talk nonsense."

Tang Yan was very interested, but the itinerant nurse warned.

"Haha, I don't understand. There are so many strange things in clinical practice." Colonel Wang was very proud, "That's why the nurses in our department envy you."

"Why are you envious, I'm only 23, and I have varicose veins on both lower limbs, which is ugly." Tang Yan said, "Now I have to wear tight stockings for surgery."

"Is it black?"

"Bah! Smelly rascal."

"I didn't say I wanted to see it. It's normal to wear silk stockings for surgery. Let alone you little girl, many old doctors wear silk stockings for surgery."

"Don't interrupt, you continue." The itinerant nurse pulled the topic from Heisi back to the death matter that Colonel Wang said, she said no, but her body was very honest.

"Ahem." Senior Colonel Wang put off another trick.

However, he grasped the rhythm quite well, and he slowly talked about serious matters before everyone's patience disappeared.

"Isn't the patient dead? We are also very sorry, but we have repeatedly explained to the patient's family members about the evolution of the disease and the consequences, and there is a video from the medical office."

"But the patient was a bit paranoid, and so were the family members of the patient. She started making trouble, not for money, but for an explanation."

"Damn, then I apologize." The itinerant nurse said.

"I apologize. Everyone would be happy to apologize and solve the problem when encountering this kind of thing. But the problem is that the patient's family members are also confused, and she doesn't know what she wants."

With that said, Senior Colonel Wang sighed.

"This person, I'm most afraid that she doesn't know what she wants. When she asked for money, the medical office said that it was right to take my professor, but they could give her 3000 yuan from the perspective of humanitarian aid. At that time, [-] yuan was not a small amount. "

"If you want to explain, as long as you don't let the professor admit that the esophageal cancer is metastasized from the kidney cancer, you can do anything else." Colonel Wang recalled Qing Cong's past, "At that time, the professor took me to the patient's family every day to bow my body and apologize. It’s like the third grandson. At that time, I felt that being a doctor was boring, and this is not curing diseases and saving lives.”

"Lu Xun said that studying medicine cannot save the people of the country." Tang Yan interjected.

"What happened later, Colonel Wang?" the itinerant nurse asked.

"The patient's family members are even more weird. She didn't know anything about herself, and she was simple at the time. She thought of a way-say that my husband died on this hospital bed. If you don't give me an explanation, I will lie on the hospital bed. not go down."



Ji Xiang was also very helpless when he heard Colonel Wang tell the story of the past.

Since he was a child, he heard from his father that there are many people with mild or severe antisocial personality in the crowd, and the things they do are unimaginable.

"Later, Colonel Wang."

"The patient's family members are lying on the hospital bed, and there is no way to take my professor with me." Colonel Wang said, "It is very helpless for one less hospital bed and many fewer patients. The patient's family members eat and drink on the bed, and run to the toilet in a hurry. Run back again."

"Just like that, everyone knew about a patient's family member lying on the hospital bed in our group, and even doctors from other departments came to watch. Gradually, I got used to it."

"At that time, the training time was half a year. When I went, her husband had just died. When I finished my training, I had to go back to the Second Affiliated Hospital, and something happened."

"What's wrong!"

"The day before I left, the family member of the patient died suddenly on the hospital bed." Seeing that Tang Yan was about to speak, Colonel Wang immediately interrupted her nonsense with the fastest speed, "Call the police, autopsy, it is long-term bedridden, lower extremity venous thrombosis Eventually the clot breaks off and causes a pulmonary embolism."

"I go!"

"Did the couple really die in the same hospital bed?"

"Yeah." Colonel Wang nodded, "Actually, I had that weird idea at the time. If I were to talk about this person, I just couldn't kill him."

"Senior Wang, what you said is really right." Tang Yan felt concerned.

Colonel Wang found no active bleeding, closed his abdomen, and looked up at Tang Yan with a smile.

"Yan'er, don't be lazy on the bed when you are off work in the future. Always lazy on the bed, it is easy to die suddenly."


"Senior Wang, it's too much!" Tang Yan never expected that the topic would come back to her, and she was talking about her biggest hobby. The most important thing was that what Senior Wang said seemed to have some truth.

"Hahaha." Colonel Wang was proud.

Driving in the operating room is normal, but this kind of clever small talk is not much.

After the operation was over, the patient was sent back to the ward, and Ji Xiang went to the locker room to change clothes.

Senior Colonel Wang was sitting in the locker room smoking a cigarette. He took a deep puff of the cigarette and did not spit it out for a long time.

Ji Xiang feels that Colonel Wang's way of smoking is also trying to kill himself.

"Doctor Xiaoji, don't rush to change clothes, come and sit down for a while."

"Hey, I'm afraid of a blood clot." Ji Xiang joked.

"I was just kidding with the little nurse. Whether there is a blood clot is life or death. It usually only happens in a few months, but we stop for 24 hours after the operation, and some patients will have a blood clot." Colonel Wang said, " do not think too much."

"Mr. Wang, I have something I want to ask for your opinion." Ji Xiang did not sit down, but bent slightly, and said politely.

Colonel Wang's eyelids twitched, and he had a bad premonition.

"Say it, don't be so polite."

"Mr. Wang, I think the total resection patients in our ward are in the early stage. Can you do partial resection?" Ji Xiang asked respectfully.

"..." Colonel Wang's shiny bald head flashed a light.

"Partial resection + lengthening seems to relieve the psychological anxiety of patients."

Colonel Wang looked at Ji Xiang deeply, as if his mother saw him smoking, and said in a low voice - why did you come back so early.

That posture is similar to the upper body of a ghost.

Ji Xiang didn't understand either, although he felt that Colonel Wang would most likely refuse.Although he didn't know how to persuade him, Jixiang just wanted to talk more.

However, Senior Colonel Wang looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, and Ji Xiang couldn't figure out why.

After a long time, Colonel Wang said in a deep voice, "Doctor Xiaoji, who did you hear that from?"

"As mentioned in the literature, it is said that partial resection + lengthening surgery is performed for early-stage cancer, and the surgical effect is similar to that of total resection, and the psychological tolerance level of patients after the operation is linearly improved."

Colonel Wang continued to remain silent. He took a deep breath of the cigarette, and after a long time, he didn't let out a trace of smoke.

After 1 minute, Colonel Wang sighed.

There was no green smoke around, and the puff of smoke just now disappeared without a trace.



Note: The incident of occupying the bed happened in Xiehe. I first listened to the teacher's talk about the past, and then saw the mention on Liu Buyan's Weibo on the Internet, and checked it again.The Sri Lankan has passed away, so I will mark it here silently, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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