Doctor of Healing

Chapter 198 Upgraded Skills

Chapter 198 Upgraded Skills

The PPT went on page by page, and the directors present at the meeting quickly realized that something went wrong.

It's not about wanting to promote before suppressing, nor is it a pre-entry killing stick. Every sentence of Ling Tian is extremely ruthless. This is a real academic debate, showing its sharpness.

The more directors in the audience listened, the more frightened they became, and the more they listened, the more frightened they became.

Everyone has only heard of this kind of battle where the bayonet is popular, but they have never seen it.

There are only a few battles in the rumors, and in the end the loser either loses his reputation or goes away to a foreign land.

No matter how high the technical level is, it is useless. Once the battle is started, there is no possibility of retreating half a step.

The fame of a lifetime is here, and the loser will lose everything.

However, the battles that everyone is familiar with all exist on the same level. Although Boss Qin is sitting next to Boss Teng in his own right, his most capable disciple, Professor Ling Tianling, who is also the top interventionist doctor in Shanghai, is going into battle shirtless!
This is the rhythm of crushing that little doctor with the posture of Mount Tai.

Everyone was as quiet as cicadas, and what they thought was a joyous learning session had changed unknowingly.

Qian Ying's face gradually turned cold, she was very angry, very angry.

A big warm hand took hers.

"calm down."

"Old Ji, he is killing my son!" Qian Ying was already furious.

"Let Ji Xiang handle it by himself."


"After all, he is your son, and he is also my son. He should be able to handle this small matter. Ji Xiang has grown up, grown up." Ji Yongchang said lightly.

Qian Ying fell silent, but her gaze was like a knife, as if she was going to cut Ling Tian into pieces.

Academician Teng frowned slightly, "Director Qin, what's going on? Didn't you say that you want to accept a closed disciple? What are you doing?"

"Boss Teng, I was wrong." Qin Chu said sadly, "I invited all of you here to organize a study for him. This is my best effort. But that kid is lucky enough to take out a copy. Nonsensical papers just want to..."

Before Qin Chu finished speaking, he suddenly saw a young and familiar figure walking onto the podium.

Although he only came into contact with Ji Xiang once, not for more than two hours, when Qin Chu finally closed his eyes and left this world, he probably wouldn't forget that young and energetic figure.


Qin Chu's hands were already clenched into fists, and he looked coldly at Ji Xiang who came onto the stage.

How can academic debates and Confucian debates be done without a solid foundation and rich on-the-spot response.

Qin Chu didn't rely on his status, so he only sent Ling Tian out and hid himself behind.

Let Ling Tian play because Ling Tian is stronger than him in the field of debate.After all, Ling Tian is young, active in thinking, and has rich clinical experience. When it comes to the theory of interventional surgery, there may not be anyone better than him.

We must use the momentum of Mount Tai to crush this little guy and tell him the truth of this world.

If you can't get it, you will be ruined.

Qin Chu's heart was burning with anger, and he didn't notice the change in Boss Teng's tone.

"Huh?" Boss Teng saw Ji Xiang walking on the stage, looked at the young man curiously, and stopped the conversation with Qin Chu.

"Teacher Ling, I have something to say." Ji Xiang stepped onto the stage and looked straight at Ling Tian without fear.

Ling Tian sneered, turning to the last page of the PPT, he had already finished what he had to say, Ji Xiang then remembered to interrupt himself?
Although it didn't help if he stood up at the beginning, it was definitely better than now.

Who does he think he is?What qualifications do you have to stand here and argue with yourself about academic opinions.

"Doctor Xiaoji, these problems exist objectively, and I think you should know about them too." Ling Tian held the microphone in his hand and didn't want to hand it over to Ji Xiang at all.

At this moment, Mike has the right to speak, and Ling Tian doesn't mind being a bit stingy.

A few years later, no one would care about what I did, only rumors that a young man who didn't know what to do was trampled under his feet by himself and his boss, and ruthlessly crushed into powder.

Do you care what an ant thinks?
Ling Tian raised his head slightly, looked at Ji Xiang through his nostrils, and deliberately put on an arrogant posture.Like talking trash on the court, Ling Tian only wanted to disturb Ji Xiang's mind.

He doesn't regard Ji Xiang as a young grassroots doctor, but as an equal opponent. Even Ling Tian has a little bit of a dog mentality, but he doesn't realize it.

After watching Ji Xiang's operation, Ling Tian's mentality has already changed drastically.

"Teacher Ling, I want to say a few words." Ji Xiang said calmly and calmly.

"You? Why?" Ling Tian asked arrogantly.

Click to use the surgery points, and the skill - the gaze of the superior doctor is activated!
"Doctor Ling Tianling, didn't you hear me talking to you?" Ji Xiang asked coldly.

The majestic pressure was on Ling Tian's body, like a bucket of ice water poured down on his head, chilling his heart.

Muscles all over Ling Tian's body stiffened, and the muscle cells produced action potentials, which caused the concentration in the sarcoplasm to increase, and quickly combined with troponin C.

A strong concentration change causes a conformational change of troponin, which weakens the binding of troponin I to actin, and a conformational change of tropomyosin, exposing the binding site on actin.

The crossbridge binds to actin, and the crossbridge twists, dragging Ling Tian's thin filaments toward the center of the thick filaments.

But after dragging it, the calcium ion concentration returned to zero directly.

All the muscles disconnected almost at the same time, Ling Tian froze in place, motionless.

An unprecedented terror descended, Ling Tian wanted to escape, but he couldn't take a step.

Before Ling Tian could react,

A sharp feeling surged up like a tide.

Fortunately, at the moment of muscle spasm, there is a problem with the smooth muscle of the ureter, the urethral sphincter relaxes, and the urge to urinate goes straight to the top of the head.

Ling Tian was dumbfounded, the pressure from the opposite side is one thing, but what is going on when he is about to pee!

He tried his best to hold it back, if this was a urine field, he would be the laughing stock of everyone.

"Boom, boom, boom." Ji Xiang tapped on the podium lightly, and hooked his hands at Ling Tian.

Everyone in the audience looked dumbfounded.

Ji Yongchang looked at his son with a smile on his face, and Qian Ying's eyes lit up with excitement, she didn't care if Ji Xiang committed the following offense, if someone punched him, of course he would punch him back!

Qin Chu's face was dark, as if he had advanced liver cancer, Boss Teng crossed his legs and looked at Ji Xiang with great interest.

The other directors didn't even whisper to each other, they all watched this scene dumbfounded.

In the script in everyone's mind, there is no such thing at all.

Zhao Zhe was the worst, he wanted to bang his head against the wall in embarrassment.

Ji Xiang is too much, if Ling Tian gives him the microphone, he will...

Fortunately, he was slow in thinking, and the idea just came up. The next second, Ling Tian clamped his legs, took two steps forward in a weird posture, and handed the microphone to Ji Xiang tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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