Doctor of Healing

Chapter 143 A Different Patient

Chapter 143 A Different Patient

"The director of the urology department will be here soon, please wait a moment."

"Okay." Ji Xiang said calmly, as if he had planned it for a long time.

Anyway, I've already said it, this time I feel empathy, so that's it, Ji Xiang thought in his heart.

Soon, the director of the Department of Urology took him to a consulting room and chatted with Ji Xiang in detail.

"Director, I am not a doctor, and there will be no tumors in the doctor, right?" Ji Xiang had already thought clearly, and he directly explained what he meant.

"In today's society, there is no trust between people." The director of the Department of Urology sighed, "For example, Professor Wang Defeng from Fudan University was reported for smoking a while ago. There was a doctor in our department who went to school in Shanghai. I often go to Professor Wang Defeng's class."

"There is a rule in his class that the students in the first three rows bring their own masks. Well, tell me."

"Director, I'm just an ordinary patient. My idea is to treat the disease." Ji Xiang continued to explain, "First of all, kidney cancer is a kind of lazy cancer, which may appear on both sides, so a partial nephrectomy must be performed."

When Ji Xiang said this, he paused.

"Director, our hospital, or you, are technically skilled enough."


When asked this, even an old doctor would hesitate.

"I asked the wrong question." Ji Xiang smiled, "Director, let me ask again. How many cases have you done?"

"More than 500."

"That's fine." Ji Xiang smiled, "The second question is how is the interventional department of our hospital?"

The director of the urology department's eyes lit up, "No problem, I have been in close contact with the urology department for the purpose of carrying out partial nephrectomy!"

"That's good." Ji Xiang said frankly in front of his "lover", "Life is a matter of life and death, and no one can guarantee a [-]% success of the operation, so please trouble the director."

"Any other requirements?" The director of the Urology Department expressed the utmost respect to this "knowledgeable" patient.

"It's gone, Director." Ji Xiang said.

"you are a doctor?"

"No, I have a friend who underwent a similar operation. In the end, because he couldn't find an interventional doctor to stop the bleeding, he had to cut out one kidney. The operation was performed twice, which was very painful. In the second year, his other kidney also grew. With tumors, it’s particularly tricky.”

"Because I have experienced it, I know a little bit."

"There are other complications."

"Complications will definitely exist, but these two points are the most important." Ji Xiang said firmly.

"Well, since you trust me, go to the hospital for surgery."

The director of the Department of Urology issued a hospitalization order and admitted Ji Xiang to the hospital.

He has never received such a "understanding" patient, and this is a novel experience for him.

When he got home, Ji Xiang cooked for himself, and drank three liang of Laojiao with his lover in the evening.

He comforted himself a lot with his "lover".

The patient was very calm, but the "lover" and the child were very anxious. Ji Xiang also felt that something was wrong.

Admission examination, surgery 3 days later.

Ji Xiang was lying on the operating table, the light of the shadowless lamp was very bright and a little cold.

Everything is going well, and Jixiang also knows that it is because the system NPC is worried that he will not be able to bear the pressure of the malignant tumor and has reduced the difficulty of empathizing.

Otherwise, even if it is a lazy cancer, it will metastasize throughout the body.

After the transfer, it will not kill you for a while, but slowly boil yourself to death.

But this time the empathy is different from the previous ones. Jixiang tasted it carefully recently and found why he was so calm.

First of all, it is because the survival rate over 5 years after surgery is as high as 95%, as long as early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment will be fine.

The system NPC arranged a physical examination, which is to find out early and reduce the difficulty.

Secondly, I know all the key points, and I am not obsessed with postoperative metastasis, but must do partial nephrectomy and ask about the level of interventional surgery.

Knowing all this, the empathy became flat this time.

The anesthetic came on strong, and Ji Xiang fell asleep.

When he woke up completely, Jixiang was already lying in the ward, and the incision was a little painful. Jixiang pressed the analgesic pump and asked for intravenous morphine.

But it would be an exaggeration to say that there is nothing wrong with Ji Xiang. Various instruments were inserted into Ji Xiang's body, and there were many bags of liquid hanging on the infusion stand, and he was sweating crazily.

Under the action of analgesic pump and morphine, I didn't feel any pain, but I was very irritable.It was a really tormenting night after the operation. Jixiang's "lover" kept wiping his sweat and moistening his lips with cotton swabs.

Ji Xiang felt that the sheets were all soaked, and there must be a figure printed on it.

In the second half of the night, he fell asleep in a daze, and when he woke up the next morning, Ji Xiang felt much more comfortable.

Although it was a partial nephrectomy, it was a laparoscopic operation after all, and the trauma was not too big.

Jixiang could get out of bed the next day, and was discharged home in five days, just like a normal person.

After the operation, Jixiang was not too anxious or nervous, but told his "lover" to keep an eye on his blood pressure, and if he fell into a coma, he would be sent to the hospital immediately.

This period of time was quite tormenting. I don’t know if the system NPC has reduced the difficulty of empathizing or I am a doctor myself. I understand the key points. In addition, the luck value is relatively high, and there is no postoperative bleeding.

During the follow-up examination 3 months after the operation, Jixiang's "lover" was shaking with one hand holding the report.

"What's wrong? Let me see." Ji Xiang asked her for a report.

Could it be that the operation was not done cleanly?Ji Xiang was a little puzzled.

It was written on the report that the shape of the left kidney was not regular, with line-like dense shadows visible on the edge and streaky shadows around the kidney.

No obvious abnormality was found in the right kidney.The liver, spleen, and pancreas showed no obvious abnormalities.The gallbladder is slightly underfilled.The stomach was poorly filled, and the intestines were not significantly dilated.No significantly enlarged lymph nodes were seen around the abdominal aorta.

"It's okay, why are you nervous?" Ji Xiang asked.

"Speaking of line-like dense shadow, is this a tumor?" Ji Xiang's "lover" asked.

"No, it's the scar after the operation." Ji Xiang smiled, "The operation was very clean, here, you see the end."

His finger pointed to the last words on the report—there was no obvious change from the previous film.

"It's okay, don't worry."

After Ji Xiang finished his last sentence, the lights flickered and he returned to the operating room of the system.

"Teacher, I'm back." Ji Xiang suddenly felt that something he did was inappropriate, and he was a little nervous for fear that the system NPC would be angry.


Unexpectedly, the system NPC directly gave Ji Xiang an "excellent" evaluation.


"Of course, your choice, the communication with the doctor, and the postoperative prevention are all very good." The system NPC said, "It is a low-grade tumor itself, and it was discovered by the physical examination, so it is difficult to metastasize. You have done everything, what else should I say?"

Ji Xiang grinned.

"If only the patients were like you."

"Yes, teacher."

"Well, yes." The system NPC bowed his hands and nodded, "Go back and rest."



I wish the operation a smooth operation and hope it goes as smoothly as Dr. Xiaoji.

(End of this chapter)

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