Doctor of Healing

Chapter 138 Real Scientific Research

Chapter 138 Real Scientific Research

"Teacher, I just heard something." Ji Xiang repeated what Mr. Wu said exactly.

"Teacher, do you think this is true?"

"Yes." The system NPC nodded, approving what Mr. Wu just said.

Ji Xiang pondered, he had a lot of thoughts, whether it was reasonable or not, as long as it existed, it must be reasonable.

"Let's put it this way, 99.99% of scientific research in the medical circle is meaningless." The system NPC simply gave Ji Xiang a number that made him despair.


"Promotion and professional titles all need these things. It's human nature." The system NPC smiled, "From my point of view, there is only one meaningful scientific research in the country."

"!!!" Ji Xiang focused.

This is a treasure.

"Oilfield company, you know." The system NPC asked.

"I know, CNPC." Ji Xiang said.

"Oilfield diabetes research is the only project in China that leads the world in the medical system." (Note)
Ji Xiang originally thought that this project would appear in Xiehe and Huaxi, but he did not expect that it would fall to the Oil Field Hospital.

The local medical level seems to be average, at least not leading.

This kind of place can guarantee the most basic medical treatment is already very good, but also advanced scientific research?Ji Xiang always felt that it was impossible.

"That's it." The NPC of the system explained to Ji Xiang, "In 1985, Director Copan of Endocrinology of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital said something during a meeting and wanted to do scientific research. But there was no money at that time, the country had no money, Hospitals are poorer."

"It was a coincidence that President Hu of the Oilfield General Hospital knew about this and took over."

"Coincidence... is it lucky?" Ji Xiang asked.

"It's not just as simple as lucky value, listen to me." The system NPC said, "After all, it was an oilfield hospital, and it was affiliated to the oilfield company at the time. When a scientific research report was made, the oilfield company allocated 10 yuan."

"Such a small amount of money."

"Money is a trivial matter, and it was not a lot in those days." The system NPC talked about this incident with a bright smile on his face. "At that time, 110660 samples were found among the oilfield workers."

"Teacher, is it a patient?"

"No, it's people. To be precise, they were employees of the oilfield company at that time." The system NPC said, "There are people of all ages. At that time, there were only 577 people with impaired glucose tolerance. An abnormal state of glucose metabolism in which blood sugar is excessive toward diabetes."

"The IGT population was randomly divided into a control group and an intervention group, and in the intervention group, they were further divided into a diet intervention group, an exercise intervention group, and a diet + exercise intervention group."

"In short, the first study was conducted at that time. As for how meaningful it is, we will talk about it in detail when you turn to internal medicine."

Ji Xiang nodded.

"The six-year lifestyle intervention ended in 1992."


Follow-up data were collected for further analysis to evaluate the impact of lifestyle interventions on diabetes incidence, cardiovascular disease events, combined microvascular complications, cerebrovascular disease death, all-cause mortality, and life expectancy. "

"Teacher, I have a question." Ji Xiang raised his hand.

"Tell me."

"There is only a sample of more than 500 people, which does not seem to be world-class."

"Hehe, didn't you say it, it's a sample of 110660 people." The system NPC said with a smile.

"Uh..." Ji Xiang was taken aback.

With a sample of 11 people, after 30 years, how does this sound like a fantasy novel?

This workload is too big.

Ji Xiang has never done scientific research, so he can only guess at some things.

"It's also a coincidence, what a coincidence." The system NPC said with emotion.

He said two coincidences in a row, and his tone became more and more serious.

"I'm going to say something long-winded that you don't want to hear."

"Teacher, I am willing to listen to everything you say." Ji Xiang said with a smile, "How about we go to the locker room and you talk while smoking?"

The system NPC hesitated, "No."

"The first element of success is that the sample group at that time was workers. The working class is very disciplined, and this factor may be overlooked by most people. When I did the research back then, I didn't take this into consideration. Indeed, It's luckier."

"Teacher, why do you say discipline?"

"After 30 years of follow-up, the young and middle-aged people at that time also retired, and the researchers who followed up just wanted to make a phone call to ask who could come back for a review."

"Here, there are two more points. One is that the oilfield workers are all registered. The 80s of the last century is not like it is now. If it were in another place, it is estimated that many people would have lost contact."

Ji Xiang nodded in acknowledgment.

"After calling to inquire, 95% of the people flew back from all over the world for medical examinations. It's impossible to do it in other places."


Ji Xiang was surprised.

Just like the system NPC said, if the time is long enough, no matter how large the original sample size is, it will be difficult to resist the years, and it will be scattered and unable to be collected.

However, after 30 years of follow-up, 95% of the people flew back. This alone made Jixiang astonished.

"Furthermore, the world's research methods have been denied at the very beginning."


Are you so sloppy?This is the first time Ji Xiang has heard of such a thing.

"Individual sample studies were popular all over the world in the 70s and 85s, and the oilfield diabetes project in [-] was a group sample study, which was ridiculed for many years at first."

"What happened next?" Ji Xiang asked.

"Later, in the 90s, group sample studies occupied the mainstream academic consensus. The DPS study started in Finland in 1993 and the DPP study started in the United States in 1999 are both research classifications of oilfield diabetes."

"This is a scientific research project. Let me simply say that you don't need to contact it for the time being." The system NPC said, "In short, with regard to research on diabetes, our country leads the world in research on diabetes in oilfields.

In my opinion, this research can produce at least 100 top international papers. "

"Is there anything published?" Ji Xiang asked.

"Of course, the diabetes sub-journal of the Lancet has already been published." The system NPC smiled, "Why, are you interested in academics?"

Ji Xiang nodded.

"You can post the kind of academic articles that fool people at your current level, but if they are really valuable, they need a long period of time, a large number of samples, and hard work." The system NPC said meaningfully.

"Year 30?"

"At least."

Ji Xiang scratched his head.

In 30 years, I am almost retiring, and it is too slow for scientific research to produce real results.

"Take your time, it's faster this way."



Note: Academician Wang Chen said this when he came to guide the work and held a symposium this year. Emmm, Academician Wang is the principal that Mr. Wu often calls in Healer Without Sleep.

The only passage that is world-leading in China is the original words of Academician Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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