Doctor of Healing

Chapter 132 Honored?how proud you are

Chapter 132 Honored?how proud you are

"I'm going to have some wool to use." The technician didn't notice his tone of voice, he looked down at the screen, "When I was studying in Shanghai, I really didn't like many doctors on their side."


"When the catheter enters the hepatic artery, the drug will be applied, and the iodized oil will be floated casually, and the operation will be over, one set in 15 minutes. It's so fast, what's the use?"

Although Director Liu is not terrified, he understands the general principle.Hearing what the technician said, Director Liu nodded frequently.

The director of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery also said similar things after drinking too much, but when he asked again the next day, he flatly denied it, saying that he had made a mistake in his memory.

The technician also drank too much?Director Liu suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

"Director Liu, look at this operation. The grade 4 vascular embolism is dead. I don't think you need to perform the operation. The patient can go home the day after tomorrow."


Director Li stared at the technician with wide eyes.

"Hey, this operation is really amazing!"

The operation ended amidst the technician's shameless praise.

Ji Xiang beckoned, the airtight lead door opened, and the bed doctor pushed the patient back to the ward.

The next patient is sitting at the door, and the nurse will take him into the operating room when the operation is over.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say." Ji Xiang said coldly.

The nurse glanced at Ji Xiang blankly, thinking when is it your turn to speak, a Gui Peisheng?
But in the next second, she saw Director Zhao's waist bent into a shrimp, nodding his head in front of Ji Xiang, swallowing all the slanderous words.

"Director Zhao, please tell me how the operation is performed." Ji Xiang said as he walked into the operating room.

He looked up at the door, and the technician's dog-leg attribute exploded, he immediately understood, turned around and closed the door.

This scene seemed familiar to him. When he was in Shanghai, the top boss in the country encountered a problem with a lower-level doctor's operation. He first helped wipe his buttocks, and then went to the operation room to take classes directly on the computer.

He was gentle in class, and if it was serious, he would scold directly.

Closing the door is a must, any surgeon is shameless.There are some words that the big boss can scold, but others who don't want to do it can't listen.

The technician then quickly moved the chair to Ji Xiang's most comfortable position.

Ji Xiang sat down.

Everything is taken for granted.

"Doctor Xiaoji." Director Liu saw that Zhao Xiangming was hunched over, and he didn't even have time to take off the lead jacket on his body, and felt that Ji Xiang was a little too much.

Immediately, Director Liu faintly heard two clicks.

An advanced gaze fell on him.

Director Liu also knelt down, completely without any struggle.

He even forgot that he thought everyone was weird today, but Director Liu didn't think so when it was his turn.

His old director was sitting in front of him, and Director Liu was so filled with awe that he couldn't breathe.

"Look carefully, the patient is still waiting outside." Ji Xiang took a deep look at Zhao Xiangming.

[The gaze of the superior doctor] The arrogant and domineering Director Zhao has been penetrated, and he has a knowing blow.

"Yes, yes, yes." Zhao Xiangming bent over, not paying any attention to the impact of dozens of kilograms of lead clothing on his lumbar disc.

He also ignored the creaking sound of the old waist.

"Femoral artery catheterization, skip here. If you can't even do the catheterization, go to the clinic and write a three-year medical record."

"When the abdominal aorta enters the renal artery..."

Sitting in front of the computer, Ji Xiang disassembled the operation he had just completed frame by frame.

The experience points popped up on Zhao Xiangming's head. It seems that under the effect of the upgraded version of [Superior Doctor's Gaze], he has already started his ice-breaking journey to the technical ceiling.

Only Ji Xiang was talking in the operating room. His basic knowledge was not as good as the system NPC, but his understanding was there, and his technical level had reached the appalling LV9 level, which was enough.

Ji Xiang did not use skills on the technician. After all, using skills would consume 2 surgery points, so the technician was ignored.

Technician Sun, however, stood beside Ji Xiang respectfully, as if he had been seen by the [superior doctor's gaze] and had a critical blow. He listened carefully to Ji Xiang's explanation of the whole process of embolization surgery.

He didn't care about Jixiang's youth at all.

Jixiang's surgery was done well, better than anyone he had seen in the hospital where he was training in Shanghai!
Although Technician Sun doesn't know how to do surgery, he can tell the level of surgery.

As far as this level is concerned, they are all first-class everywhere. They are all leaders in the academic world and deserve to be respected.

"Super-selection of Grade 4 blood vessels is the most difficult, and there is no fixed hand shape. For example, the blood vessel branches of the patient in front of us are tortuous, and we want to do this."

While speaking, Ji Xiang raised his right hand and made a gesture.

"Hmm." Zhao Xiangming nodded repeatedly.

"I told you to follow along. What do you mean by "hmm"? You have to stand aside to watch the surgery? How old are you? When are you going to start a department yourself?" Ji Xiang asked coldly.

Zhao Xiangming Director Zhao was ashamed, he did not argue, and began to learn Jixiang's operation.

"Specifically, I will teach you later when you perform the surgery."

After replaying one operation, Ji Xiang tapped his fingers on the table, the sound of thumping sound seemed to be the same as the speed of Zhao Xiangming's heartbeat, which made him palpitate.

"Pick up the patient and prepare for the operation." Ji Xiang stood up.

"Director, it's an honor..."

Ji Xiang turned his head and stared at Zhao Xiangming, with the corners of his mouth raised, "Honored? How honored can you be?"

"..." Zhao Xiangming was dumbfounded.

"As a doctor, if the operation is not done well or the patient is not cured, it is the original sin. Open the stage!" After Ji Xiang finished speaking, he strode into the operating room.

It wasn't until Ji Xiang left the operating room that Director Zhao felt that the suppression from the blood was a little lighter.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Xiangming felt himself "alive".

The old director is amazing, how old is he who has such a deep research on interventional surgery.

In the process of explaining the operation, the old director mentioned a few words that 5-7 days after embolization, local lesions will undergo necrosis and atrophy, and blunt dissection during surgery will become easier.

This is another way to remind myself.

Director Liu stared blankly at the computer screen, years of clinical experience welling up in his mind.

A similar patient was done many years ago, and it was indeed well dissociated, and there was not much bleeding during the operation.But that patient didn't do it on purpose, but the kidney cancer ruptured and hemorrhaged, and he came back for surgery after he stopped the bleeding in the emergency department of the imperial capital.

I should have thought of it long ago!

Director Liu's glasses flashed a light.

I am so stupid, really, I should have thought of it long ago, there is no need for the old director to remind me.

He is still in the advanced version of [Superior Doctor's Gaze] skill effect, even if he feels that his breathing is normal, he subconsciously regards Ji Xiang as his superior doctor, the one who taught him how to perform surgery many years ago.

How stupid I am, I should have thought of it long ago!
(End of this chapter)

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