Daming 1805

Chapter 94 Chapter Family

Chapter 94

Zhu Jingyuan walked into the door and immediately noticed that several servants and maids were guarding near the door.

Among them are Qiuyue in his own room, and Dongmei in his mother's room.

Seeing that they came in, everyone hurriedly said hello together, and then two of them turned back immediately and ran directly into the yard.

Not long after, I could vaguely hear the voice inside:
"The food king is back, the food king is back..."

It was as if something terrible had happened at home.

Zhu Jingyuan was a little confused and worried by this scene, and subconsciously looked at several other domestic servants and maids.

Mainly ask Qiuyue and Dongmei:
"What happened at home?"

Qiuyue and Dongmei were obviously relieved when they saw Zhu Jingyuan:
"His Royal Highness, suddenly there are many soldiers from the navy outside the courtyard, the princess and the lady don't know what happened, so they are worried.

"Hurry up to the main hall when Your Highness comes back, don't let Madam worry."

Zhu Jingyuan was stunned, and quickly accelerated his pace, and went directly to the lobby of his house.

Sure enough, he saw his father's princess, four wives, and his own brothers and sisters, all waiting here.

Seeing Zhu Jingyuan come in, everyone was relieved.

Then he noticed that there was an unfamiliar officer next to Zhu Jingyuan, the key point was that Zhu Jianyan was not with Zhu Jingyuan, and he was even more worried.

Several brothers and sisters did not dare to speak, and the princess, who was the same age as her father, couldn't help standing up at this time:

"Jingyuan, why did you come back alone? Where's your father?"

Zhu Jingyuan's mother, Liang Yunying, went directly to the door, grabbed Zhu Jingyuan's hand and asked:
"What's the matter? Why didn't you come back with your father today? What is this major officer here for?"

Zhu Jingyuan was a little helpless, and complained a little bit about Guan Tianpei.

Why doesn't this guy let his officers and soldiers explain it to his family?
However, looking at Guan Tianpei's expression that no strangers are near, I still don't bother with him as a straight man. Let's explain it yourself:
"Aunt, mother, and everyone, don't worry, these officers and soldiers are here to protect me.

"They came back alone with me protecting me. My father is expected to be back soon."

This time, all the family members who had just been worried about the whole room were stunned.

Part in disbelief, and more in disbelief, that so many soldiers came to protect you?

Although you are a prince, but your father is also a prince, how come there are not so many people to protect him?
The closest Liang Yunying asked in a very direct and amazed way:
"What did you say? To protect you? What happened?"

Zhu Jingyuan estimated that his explanation was not effective, so he turned to Guan Tianpei who was following behind him:
"Guan Zhenfu, please explain to my family... It should be said to prove the situation."

Guan Tianpei immediately took a step forward, clenched his fists and saluted, and said loudly:
"The Central Military Governor's Mansion, the Naval Guard, the First Division of the Third Division, Major Zhenfu Guan Tianpei, I have met the princess, ladies, and His Royal Highness.

"The governor of this town was directly ordered by His Majesty to lead all 450 and six soldiers in our department to fully protect the safety of His Royal Highness Prince Dashi."

Guan Tianpei's explanation can be described as... very simple and crude, but also quite effective.

When a person of his image and character speaks, others are instinctive and will not doubt it.

Everyone finally believed in this fact, and finally they were basically relieved, but there was still a problem:


Zhu Jingyuan is not quite sure what the deep cause is, but the superficial cause is easy to find:

"I am now the Prince of Double Material, and the key is to have the task of negotiating with Xiyi.

"These navy officers will escort me to Xiyang Cape to negotiate with Xiyi after ten days.

"It's just starting the mission ahead of time, so you really don't have to worry about it."

Now everyone else finally understood, but Liang Yunying was worried:

"Cape West...Why go to that kind of place to negotiate? Can't you go somewhere nearer?"

Zhu Jingyuan followed his mother into the house, patiently explained the current situation, and wanted to find a far place to negotiate so that both parties could accept it.

Liang Yunying understood why, but she was still worried:

"Why you, Jingyuan, you are only 15 years old, even if you are only [-] years old.

"You just graduated this year, how can you take on such an important errand.

"Even if you start training, you shouldn't go that far...

"You've become a prince now, what are you going to do for practical training?
"It's business to go to the princess to prepare to have a baby."

Liang Yunying was talking here, and the expressions of the princess and the other three ladies, as well as their children, became quite exciting.

Are you complaining or showing off?
Although Liang Yunying may not really want to show off, these reluctant words are very heartbreaking now.

Especially the older brother who is one year older than Zhu Jingyuan and has not graduated yet.

However, everyone was not hostile to Zhu Jingyuan.

Because Zhu Jingyuan was originally the smartest child in the family, and was originally the most potential contender for the heir to the princely title.

Now that Zhu Jingyuan has won the title of prince by himself, he will not compete with them to inherit the throne of Zhu Jianyan.

Brothers who had given up competition in their hearts, now have a chance again.

Although everyone envies Zhu Jingyuan, they are also grateful and grateful.

Zhu Jingyuan didn't go to see other people, he could only appease his mother:

"My prince, who took the initiative to stand up and undertake the errand of going to the peace talks, got it, so it is impossible not to go. Regarding the protection of the officers and soldiers of the Zhenfu Division, there is no need to worry about safety."

Liang Yunying stopped talking, just looked at her son with a bitter face.

But the next few brothers, as well as the princess and the ladies, all widened their eyes and looked incredulous.

Stand up to take on the errand of the peace talks, and you will directly get a princely title!
Is there such a good thing?

Why didn't he go there then!

This is a direct loss... I don't know how many billions!
When the atmosphere in the lobby became more and more complicated, the owner of the house, Zhu Jianyan, finally came back from outside.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw his family gathered in the lobby, and Zhu Jianyan also asked something unexpectedly:
"Why are you here? Is there anything important at home?"

If it was before, Zhu Jianyan might have looked at the princess and asked the real mistress of the family to explain.

But now he is looking at Zhu Jingyuan subconsciously, because if something unexpected happens, it is most likely caused by this child.

Zhu Jingyuan briefly talked to his father, and then he was also observing his father's reaction, trying to find a special place.

From Zhu Jingyuan's point of view, he should be clear about these things around him, after all, he was by the old emperor's side at that time.

Now I feel that he is indeed hiding something from himself, and he is obviously a lot more serious than usual.

After listening to Zhu Jingyuan's introduction, Zhu Jianyan seriously reminded and instructed his family:
"In the past two weeks, unless necessary, everyone should not go out, especially not alone.

"Including Yunying and Jingyuan's business, you can arrange a family member to do it, and we will talk about it in the past."

Seeing his family members, Zhu Jianyan wanted to ask questions, especially his princess and Liang Yunying, and he raised his tone when he said this:
"Don't ask why now, there are some things I'm not sure about now, and I'll talk about it after this time."

Zhu Jianyan forcibly suppressed the curiosity of the family members, urging the servants to prepare dinner, and rarely brought the whole family to have a meal together.

After dinner, Zhu Jingyuan went back to the study in his room, took out a stack of drawing paper, and began to write and draw carefully.

A sketch of the structure design of the seaplane.

A sketch of the design of an agricultural spray aircraft.

Design sketches of multi-engine transport and passenger aircraft.

Rotorcraft and helicopter structural design sketches.

Zhu Jingyuan is going to leave Daming for a few months or even a year, so he has no way to directly manage and supervise the company's affairs.

However, I can arrange tasks for the company, and let the artisans recruited by my mother come up with these ideas of their own, and then apply for a patent.

Zhu Jingyuan would not be a patent troll in Daming's own past, but he had to prevent others from becoming patent trolls.

The best way to deal with it is to get all the major patents into your own hands.

The patents on the aircraft themselves are in their own hands, and these aircraft can only be regarded as derivative designs, new models specially developed for special purposes.

It should be directly attached to the original patent...

Then, copy Daming's patent documents and go directly to Thailand and Western countries to apply for patents.

The only problem is that the war has just ceased, and the truce has not been signed. It is not easy to send someone to Taisi.

Even if people go, if the patent management agencies in Thailand and Western countries delay and perfunctory, it will be difficult for them to make a strong response.

So, can I take these patent documents and go directly to those Taixi politicians at the negotiation site to help me go back and apply for a patent?

And take the approval of these patent applications, the issuance of patent certificates in various countries, and the written commitment to patent protection as one of the conditions for the formal signing of the peace agreement?

Zhu Jingyuan felt that something was wrong.

Compared with the peace treaty of the World War, a few patents are definitely not a small thing.

 The last chapter today will be the same as before. Every day, there will be one chapter around [-]:[-] noon and one chapter at around [-]:[-] pm, but after it is on the shelves, each chapter should be [-] or [-] words.According to the experience of other authors, use large chapters as much as possible, finish one thing in one chapter, and try to avoid breaking chapters as much as possible, so that readers can read more comfortably and improve the average order data. The only disadvantage is that the number of chapters seems to be less. Well, that doesn't seem like a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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