Daming 1805

Chapter 9 Your Majesty!Absolutely!

Chapter 9 Your Majesty!Absolutely!

"I hope the third support from the imperial court and the consortium is for the adjustment of the domestic economy and labor system.

"I propose to formulate and improve the minimum labor remuneration standards in various regions and industries, set a daily working time of no more than [-] hours, and set a minimum of two days per month for public holidays.

"The royal consortium, as well as manufacturers operating in newly opened industries, should take the lead in enforcing these regulations.

"The imperial court should set up a special permanent agency to supervise the strict implementation of relevant regulations and punish manufacturers who violate the regulations.

"Then, officials, officials, and workers who have worked for the empire for more than 20 years should receive retirement subsidies after they retire or lose their labor force.

"The subsidy should be shared by the imperial court and the service providers, and the monthly payment should be enough to support the most basic living.

"If this kind of policy is implemented in place, it should be able to quickly stabilize the domestic situation, and the civil unrest in various places should subside significantly.

"And it can improve the productivity of various factories, so that the war on the front line can continue, and provide support for lasting negotiations."

"The fourth piece of support I hope the military will give is the placement of soldiers and their families.

"I suggest that for those who have been killed or wounded in the battle to defend the Empire, their spouses and immediate family members should be granted imperial citizenship.

"At the same time, according to the amount of meritorious service, the royal consortium will arrange jobs for them, either after I retire, or for immediate family members of the current family.

"After meritorious soldiers lose their combat effectiveness or ability to work, the imperial government and financial groups will issue pensions to support them until they die of natural causes.

"In all parts of the empire, special nursing homes for meritorious soldiers and soldiers are established to take care of these veterans with merit and disability, and the specific operations should be coordinated according to the actual situation.

"This can eliminate the worries of the soldiers, stimulate the combat effectiveness of the front-line soldiers, and prevent the situation on the battlefield from deteriorating further.

"What I can think of at the moment is that the high-level support I need is for the time being. I hope Grandpa Huang will approve."

Zhu Jingyuan bowed his hands to the princes and ministers again, bowed to the old emperor on the stage, and signaled that he had finished speaking for the time being.

Then there was a tendency to be chaotic again in the Wenhua Hall, and the direction of public opinion also changed again.

In the past, Zhu Jingyuan helped them fight for their interests. Of course, they had no opinion. Now that Zhu Jingyuan asked them to transfer benefits to the bottom, they immediately had an opinion.

It's just that the atmosphere in the hall is special now. Everyone feels that the old emperor seems to be on the verge of eruption, and none of the princes and ministers dare to speak rashly.

At the same time, it is generally believed that the emperor, who represents the interests of the royal family, should not support Zhu Jingyuan's last two suggestions.

This is a suggestion that all the nobles, nobles, and new elites are all damaged, and only the muddy legs benefit, and should not appear in the court at all.

Even if the emperor did not directly veto it, he should have given an ambiguous attitude and brought it out for the ministers to discuss.

The ministers had tacit remonstrance and objection, and the emperor humbly accepted the remonstrance and vetoed it, and the matter should be over.

Therefore, after Zhu Jingyuan finished speaking, everyone did not speak out immediately, but all pricked up their ears, waiting for the old emperor's response.

Then everyone found that the old emperor Zhu Zhongliang didn't ask for more details, he even closed his eyes, nodded slightly and started to order:
"The proposed purpose - with the Ministry of Household leading, the cabinet coordinating, and the coordination of the various ministries of the court, formulate detailed rules for the withdrawal of the feudal lords as soon as possible, and cooperate with the progress of the negotiation to announce and implement."

"Establish the Invalids, honor the meritorious and disabled soldiers, and the funds are shared by the military, the imperial court, the consortium, and the localities.

"Set up a labor bureau, formulate minimum wages, maximum working hours, and formulate disposal plans for companies that violate regulations, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will set up corresponding agencies to cooperate with inspections and penalties.

"Establish an imperial pension to support retired workers and officials, and the funds are shared between the enterprise and the imperial court.

"It is forbidden to open tea, sugar, iron, motor vehicles, and large ships, and private business is allowed.

"Zhu Honglu Temple presided over the peace talks with the Anti-Daming Alliance."

As soon as the old emperor opened his mouth, the ministers below waited silently, instinctively wanting to interject, but they did not dare to intervene.

Because after the beginning of the "prediction", it is the emperor's order, which is the emperor's absolute authority moment.

At this time, everyone can only listen, and even if they have opinions, they have to wait for the emperor to finish talking.

When the emperor's voice finally ended and everyone was finally able to speak, there was a burst of noise at the scene.

"Your Majesty! No, absolutely not!"

"Your Majesty, restricting working hours and mandating public holidays will only encourage the tendency to favor leisure and dislike labor!"

"Your Majesty! His Highness Jingyuan's suggestion also includes the ban on alcohol!"

"Your Majesty! Private business is already difficult. If you pay extra pensions and pensions, there is only a dead end."

"Your Majesty! Like this, it will definitely lead to public resentment!"

"Brother Huang! With so many businesses open, the related market of the consortium will inevitably drop sharply, and the existing staff can't arrange it-"

Facing the mess below, the weak old emperor seemed to recover his spirits and slapped the imperial case abruptly.

The old emperor's turbid pupils glanced at the audience, and all the ministers immediately became quiet.

The old emperor spoke again in a calm and unquestionable tone:
"The royal consortium will take the lead in implementation, all the money consortiums will pay a lot of money, all the rules will also be followed, and the costs of all manufacturers will rise simultaneously.

"In industries that have been banned, the royal consortium will open technology authorization to the private sector, and those who are willing to operate related industries can directly buy from the consortium.

"Don't talk about the imperial family, what time is it now, and when Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Huang Taiji, and Dorgon appear again, let alone money, you may not be able to keep your life!
"There is no time to argue, this is the end of the matter, let's discuss the peace negotiation plan."

The old emperor gave out a little bit of interest, but he also made it clear that this was the bottom line, and he would no longer accept relevant opinions.

The vassal state can still be independent, but the local dignitaries and capital are really helpless in the face of the real capital emperor.

If the emperor wants to force everyone to death, then they can still make trouble together, but now the emperor has given a compromise.

In exchange for the ban on tea, sugar, iron, machinery, cars, and large ships, all capital is subject to the previous conditions such as the withdrawal of the vassal and the establishment of a province, the opening of the Military Academy, and the establishment of a labor bureau.

This was repaired on the basis of Zhu Jingyuan's proposal, and it basically happened to be stuck on the edge of everyone's bottom line.

If it is normal, it will definitely continue to argue for a while, at least to fight for the alcohol ban.

His Majesty Jing Yuan had already brought it up, but was detained by His Majesty, and the duck flying by his mouth flew away. How can this be done?

But the current situation really does not allow everyone to argue, and the royal consortium promises to abide by the same, so it can only be silently accepted.

The imperial family was originally the "chairman" of the emperor, who had the final say. In addition, there were threats from "Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Huang Taiji, and Dorgon", so they didn't dare to speak hard.

(End of this chapter)

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