What era is it, still traditional card making

Chapter 590 The upcoming journey

After some negotiation, Ye Qiong successfully reached a deal with Adams.

Three months later,

This shrewd dwarf is indeed very good at doing business.

In just three months, the fantasy duel has been promoted to the entire blue continent.

The duelists can all be seen in the dwarves and orcs of the northern continent, and the human, celestial, and mechanical tribes of the southern continent.

no doubt,

Fantasy duel is popular,

It swept the entire continent at an incredible speed.

Then came the troubles that come with being famous.

You must know that fantasy cards are not simply entertainment cards, they are tools that Ye Qiong uses to imprison the power of the disobedient god.

Sun God deck,

Poseidon deck,

Wing God deck,

Anyone with a clear vision can see that most of the cards to be promoted next feature a certain "God of Disobedience" as the protagonist.

The cards in the deck give them divine names and impose on them artificially written myths.

After the Book of Gods is completed, Ye Qiong will use the Law of Creation to make himself the ancestral giant who created the myth, making all this become reality.

Forcibly applying patches to the gods of disobedience who were born perfect, making them no longer perfect.

Why is Ye Qiong so convinced that he can do all this?

Because he knows that the planet and the world are on his side. Maybe he is tired of the God of Disobedience's persecution of the creatures on the earth. Maybe he has the same idea as Ye Qiong and wants to patch the God of Disobedience.

The moment Ye Qiong gave birth to the name of the gods in his heart, the world agreed, the planet recognized his approach, and the law of creation ushered in a qualitative strengthening.

Everything is ready, and when the east wind burns this spark of fire across the entire continent, he can officially bid farewell to the gods.

Before that, he must escape persecution from the disobedient god.

Adams sent him a letter yesterday, which contained good news and bad news.

The good news is that the promotion of Fantasy Duel is going more smoothly than expected. If he is given another half a year, he will be able to make the entire Blue Continent know what a duel is and what a card is.

Bad news, the god of disobedience is already looking for the whereabouts of the card maker, asking him to pay attention to his safety.

After reading the content of the letter, Ye Qiong knew in his heart that it was time to leave.

Continuing to stay in the elven tribe may lead to these peace-loving elves being involved in a war with the disobedient god.

He is the one who wants to say goodbye to the gods. He does not want others to die because of his own thoughts.

Except goblins.

Today, he packed his luggage early. Because it was too dangerous at dusk, he had to start as early as possible if he wanted to embark on the journey.

Ye Qiong glanced at Rayatan who was lying on the table beside him. It could be seen that this house dragon did not want to leave this comfortable place.

It doesn't matter, Ye Qiong has plenty of ways to make him go with him.

A piece of wood was thrown in front of the pure white snake, and Rayatan squinted his eyes and glanced at it.

"It's time to go, Rayatan."

He had already heard about leaving the Elf Tribe yesterday. To be honest, he didn't want to leave yet because his great revenge had not yet been avenged.

Rayatan's thoughts unconsciously drifted to that day three months ago. On this day, he made a decision that he regretted for the rest of his life.

Duel with Libel.

After this duel, he finally understood what kind of existence Mr. Qiong said about the strength dog.

This guy Libel is just a crooked person walking on the path of strength!

There is no spirit of duel at all!

Despite the passive appearance of Rayatan on weekdays, he actually loves the cards he has created in his heart. In his heart, he hopes more than anyone else that these cards can find a suitable owner.

Rather than a cold-blooded elf who uses cards as a tool.

In this way, for the past three months, Rayatan has been dueling with Liber.

In terms of results, he lost more than he won, and the few he won were basically won by his bond with the deck.

Let me ask, how can a Soul Card player win against a powerful party that is always on the mainstream?

During this period of time, apart from making cards, the most important thing that Rayatan thought about was how to use his own deck to crush Libel.

If he left the Elf tribe now, wouldn't he lose the opportunity for revenge?

This is the reason why Rayatan was unwilling to leave after hearing what Mr. Qiong said yesterday.

However, after he saw the next paragraph on the wooden board, he immediately became energetic and his squinted eyes widened a bit.

"It's time to take you to find the ruins containing the stone slabs."

Is it possible that Mr. Qiong left this time to fulfill what he promised himself?

For a moment, Rayatan felt a little guilty.

You know, not long ago he had doubted Mr. Qiong, thinking that he was using the guise of slate to trick him into staying and working for him.

Now it seems that Mr. Qiong has always taken his own affairs at heart!

Suddenly, Rayatan became much more energetic and flew into the air from the table.

The matter of revenge has been forgotten by him. Is dueling with that shameless elf more important than finding the stone slab?

Seeing this scene, Ye Qiong nodded with satisfaction, and then prepared to open the door.

But without thinking, at this moment, the door was opened.

The guard elf girl stood in front of the door, her right hand stretched out, was she preparing to open the door?

Libel was a little surprised and asked in confusion:

"Hey, Lord Sage, why did you come so early today?"

Then she saw the luggage in her hands. Looking at it, was she preparing to leave the elf tribe?

In an instant, many thoughts emerged in my heart,

After a while, Libel realized.

"Lord Sage, are you going to take revenge?"

It is hard to imagine that a person's expression can be so vivid, from confusion at the beginning to surprise, and then to sadness, sympathy and understanding.

So, what exactly are you thinking about in your mind?

"No, I've been lacking inspiration recently, and I want to travel to collect materials."

"I see."

What did you understand?

Ye Qiong felt that this elf guard didn't understand anything.

"Does the king know? Do you need me to tell her? I know you have many unspeakable secrets, but if you leave without saying goodbye, the king will be very sad."

I don't have anything to hide, Ye Qiong really wanted to say that.

But seeing the other party acting like this, he was ready to accept the fact that he had made up his mind.

He was too lazy to explain any more and took out a piece of wood again, which read:

"You don't need to go, I will tell her in person. It's just a good time to say goodbye. Where is she now?"

"She is currently handling affairs in the royal court, should we go now?"

Sabrina is actually in the royal court, still handling affairs? Instead of hanging out?

I must be dreaming.

Ye Qiong silently complained in his heart, and then followed the footsteps of the elf guard. Five minutes later, Ye Qiong pushed the door open and saw the Elf Queen sitting on the throne with a depressed face.

After noticing Ye Qiong's arrival, Sabrina looked happy.

"You came to save me?"

Ye Qiong saw such a sentence from her expression.

So, you are sitting on your own throne, why do you need me to save you?

In order to avoid running out of boards, he did not choose to complain about this. He looked around and found Natasha sitting not far from Sabrina, apparently supervising Sabrina's handling of affairs.

On weekdays, Natasha would help with some unimportant documents, but the really important ones had to be handled by Sabrina herself.

For example, the Rite of Birth.

Elves are not a race that reproduces through the union of the sexes. Instead, they are born from a mother tree, fall to the ground in the form of mature fruits, and slowly grow to what they are today.

The birth sacrifice is the most important moment for the elves, which means the arrival of new compatriots and the joy of rebirth.

Whenever they reach this moment, Sabrina, the Elf Queen, needs to give her blessing for their birth.

It's just that less than five years have passed since the last birth festival. Generally speaking, shouldn't the birth festival be held once every ten years?

Natasha seemed to see Ye Qiong's inner doubts and said:

"The king is preparing for the birth ceremony. Although there are still five years until the next birth ceremony, it is better to prepare earlier."

Then, he glanced at the wooden box in Ye Qiong's hand, and then said:

"Mr. Qiong, looking at you like this, do you want to go on a long trip?"

Ye Qiong skillfully took out a wooden board.

"Yes, if you go out to collect materials, it may take a while before you come back."

"I see."

Natasha acted very calmly, but Sabrina couldn't help it.

"Going out to play?"

"Go out and get information!"

Ye Qiong corrected himself.

He did not expect that Sabrina would show great interest in this trip. Maybe it was because she had always lived in the Silver Moon Forest and had never seen the outside scenery.

Although she didn't speak, Ye Qiong could already read these four words from her expression:

"I want to go too!"

It is naturally impossible for Ye Qiong to agree to this request. After all, what he has to face next is probably the coming of the disobedient god. There is no need to involve this free-born elf queen.

Pretending not to see the expression on her face, he took out a card and wrote on the board:

"It's just a temporary farewell. There is no need to be sentimental. This is a little gift from me. Just think of it as a thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Libel's eyes were very sharp, and she could tell at a glance that this was a limited edition card that had just been launched by the Card Masters Association not long ago. Not only was the card gorgeous, but most importantly, it was also extremely powerful. She had been begging for it for a long time before but couldn't get it. Get this card from the Sage.

Sabrina's focus was obviously not on the cards. She looked at Natasha with an expectant look in her eyes:

"I want to go too, I want to go too."

"No, the work is not done yet."

Natasha refused.

"Yes, but."

Sabrina looked as disappointed as a small animal.

Ye Qiong originally thought that this smart secretary would continue to refuse, but what he didn't expect was that Natasha just held her forehead in distress and actually made a concession.

She sighed softly, and then said:

"I can't ignore the king's request, but I can only go out for two years, and then I have to come back. Do you understand?"

Play for two years?

It sounds like I'm going out for two days.

Elves' concept of time is indeed somewhat different from that of ordinary people.

Sabrina laughed happily when she received the answer of agreement.

When Libel saw this, she also said extremely loyally:

"Since the king is traveling far away, how can he do it without me as his escort?"

When Natasha heard this, she rolled her eyes at the guard who had been absent from duty all day.

"The king is a strong man in the demigod realm, but you are only in the legendary realm. Can you defeat an opponent that the king cannot deal with?"

A boomerang hit Libel mercilessly in the face.

She showed a pitiful expression, hoping that her sister would make concessions.

Natasha sighed again, as if there was really nothing she could do, and replied:

"Forget it, you can go too. I'm not worried about Wang alone."

"Don't worry, I'll do the work!"

"I'm even more worried now."

Natasha set her sights on Ye Qiong, with a flash of pleading in her eyes, and asked:

"Mr. Qiong, can we let them accompany us on this journey?"

Ye Qiong wanted to refuse, but he understood what the elf scribe meant. After making a calculation in his mind, he nodded and wrote:


After a brief conversation, Liberina and Sabrina went to pack their luggage.

Ye Qiong stayed in the royal court, looked at Natasha, and said:

"With your intelligence, you shouldn't be able to see why I want to leave the Elf tribe, right? Why do you still want your king to go with me?"

Ye Qiong knew that Natasha was an extremely smart elf, and he didn't believe that such a smart person could not see the purpose of making the card.

The purpose of leaving the elven tribe this time was to avoid implicating them in the retaliation of the disobedient god.

The most important decision Natasha should make is to let him go for the sake of the stability of the Elf tribe, instead of sending the two people she values ​​most to Ye Qiong.

There is only one reason why the girl can do this, and that is that in her opinion, the current elven tribe is more dangerous than the revenge of the God of Disobedience, so she wants to send away the two people she values ​​most.

Natasha just showed a wry smile and then said:

"Mr. Qiong is really smart, and he is worthy of being a sage in the human city-state."

Did it turn out that even the smart Natasha believed that rumor?

Ye Qiong couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and then continued to listen to Natasha's next words.

"The World Tree is in the Elf Tribe. Mr. Qiong should have known this for a long time, right?"

Ye Qiong nodded slightly and continued to listen.

"They are crazy. They want to break into the Silver Moon Forest, destroy the World Tree, and wipe out all civilization on the surface. This is why I want the king to leave."

After saying this, Natasha bent down deeply and bowed to Ye Qiong:

"Please forgive my selfishness, and I beg you to take the king and my stupid sister and leave here." (End of Chapter)

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