What era is it, still traditional card making

Chapter 570 Complete the Fusion

"Huh? What's the noise?"

The shaking of the earth forced the Holy Father to stop what he was doing.

He stood up and looked towards the source of power, as if he could see the scene there through the barrier.

Red ghost?

At first sight the Holy Father saw something that astonished Him.

Is this an angry ghost? Is Calvis going completely ghost-like?


Many questions appeared in his heart one after another.

Then he saw Lilian flying in the direction of the angry ghost.

A guess emerged in his heart unconsciously. Could it be that Lilian forced Calvis to a dead end, forcing him to resort to the power of angry ghosts and gods?

its not right.

According to what he knew about Lilian, how could this goddess who was good at avoiding bad luck work so hard to help him?

What's more, the seal of Crimson Paradise has not been lifted yet, so there is absolutely no need for Lilian to take action at this time.

If he didn't have work to lift the seal, he would definitely have to go and take a look in person.

"Nile, are you there?"

"I'm here, do you need me to go check on the situation?"

It was not only the Holy Father who noticed the arrival of angry ghosts and gods, but other contestants were also already ready to take action.

The Holy Father nodded slightly and then replied:


Water God Nile did not respond, but disappeared directly.

The seal of the Crimson Paradise had reached its final stage, and the Holy Father could not be distracted. After asking Nile to go to the place where angry ghosts and gods descended, He sat back down again and continued the work he had just done.

In the camp, Ye Qiong felt that his body was hot all over. He unconsciously transformed his body into a dragonborn, and dragon scales appeared on his skin.

But he soon discovered that doing so was completely useless.

The powerful magic immunity ability of dragon scales cannot stop this heart-gnawing flame at all.

The heart-wrenching pain made Ye Qiong understand that his choice was hasty after all.

He never imagined that the pain that completely transformed his body into a ghost would be so severe.

The dual mental and physical torture made his sanity almost collapse, and a thought emerged unconsciously in his mind:

"Just give your body to angry ghosts and gods, so you don't have to suffer this kind of pain."

He already had the idea of ​​showing weakness in his heart, wanting to compromise with the angry ghosts and gods, hoping to relieve his physical pain.

This thought only appeared for a moment, and he soon came to his senses.

He punched hard and hit the ground, creating a deep pit.

Gritting his teeth and tensing his body, he tried to maintain his last bit of sanity.

Due to the effect of the Dragonborn, many dragon characteristics appeared on his body. He grew dragon horns and tail, and his hands changed from human hands to dragon claws.

The black pupils turned into orange vertical pupils, shining brightly.

His skin began to turn blood red, and all the human features on his body gradually disappeared, transforming into an inhuman existence.

Ye Qiong's situation was already dangerous enough at this moment, but he didn't expect that Dark Abyss would come out to join in the fun at this time.

Perhaps due to the emergence of extreme negative emotions, the power of Extreme Dark Abyss has been increased. A single bottle of inhibitor cannot control it.

A purple-red light appeared in Ye Qiong's heart, which was the extremely dark abyss eating away at his heart.

At this moment, his body was in extreme chaos, with multiple forces clashing violently. If he wasn't careful, he might end up exploding to death.

The Dark Abyss must be contained, otherwise, the process of absorbing the power of angry ghosts and gods will only become more bumpy.

He took out the second bottle of inhibitor from his waist pocket, inserted it into his neck, and injected it.

But only to this extent, it still cannot completely suppress the Dark Abyss.

There is no other way.

Take out the last bottle of inhibitor and inject it into the body again.

This time, the side effects of the Dark Abyss were finally alleviated. Ye Qiong could feel that his breathing became much smoother and the frequency of his heart beat slowed down.

Absorbing the severe pain caused by angry ghosts and gods, he was gradually getting used to it.

Everything is going in the right direction. As long as he lasts for about half an hour, he will be able to completely transform his body into a ghost and fully accept the power of angry ghosts and gods.

But will the Holy Father really let him continue to develop in peace?

Charman and Lillian both looked towards the northern sky in unison.

An uninvited guest arrived. He had no intention of hiding his whereabouts. He seemed to be extremely confident in his own strength and was conceited that no one could pose a threat to him.

Lilian unconsciously licked her tongue when she saw the person coming.

"Tsk, this guy is really troublesome."

If Nile takes action at this time, Calvez will have no power to fight back in his current state.

The human king next to him seemed to have only his right eye, so he could not be the opponent of the water god.

So, is this favor helpful or not?

Lilian was caught in a tangle at the moment. If he took action, he would definitely offend gods like the Holy Father to death.

No matter how strong your life-preserving ability is then, you will not be able to survive under the siege of so many gods.

Logically speaking, this choice is actually not difficult to make, but at this moment, Lilian was in a rare entanglement, and she did not even notice that the water god Nero came to his side.

"What's the situation now?"

"This Calvis overestimates his own capabilities and actually tries to absorb the power of angry ghosts and gods to break the situation. Just watch, he will explode and die soon. If the Holy Father happens to unlock the seal of the Crimson Paradise, then it will be saved We took him down."


Lilian slowly typed a question mark?

Did He say this?

He was clearly in a dilemma just now, why did he blurt out his choice now?

As the former goddess of destiny, she soon realized something.

The figure of the woman in the white dress appeared in his mind unconsciously.

It seems that this colleague's ability is stronger than he imagined. He didn't even notice that this colleague had weaved a destiny for himself in less than two minutes of meeting.

He didn't feel much remorse. The moment he said those words, he had lost the choice and could only go to the opposite side of the Holy Father. When the water god Nile heard Lilian's words, he did not immediately intervene. Instead, he looked in the direction of the camp with interest.

It was indeed similar to what Lilian said. Calvis was about to lose his mind at this moment and was completely occupied by anger.

From this point of view, it is completely unnecessary for the Holy Father to send Himself out.

That's what he was thinking in his heart, but he didn't choose to leave. He was already here anyway, so he might as well stay and watch the show. Anyway, he didn't have anything to do in the Scarlet Paradise.

Ten minutes passed.

Nile felt something was wrong.

Although Calvis was still moaning in pain, he felt that his aura had become much stronger.

Immediately, he cast a doubtful look at Lilian.

"Returning to the light? It's faster than expected. I don't know if the seal on the Holy Father's side has been unlocked. Although he is a rampaging angry ghost and god, he is a being of level seven or above after all. It is better to pin him to death sooner. good."

After listening, Nile felt that there was nothing wrong with what Lilian said, so he continued to sit down and wait.

Another ten minutes later.

Ye Qiong's eyes have regained clarity. Although his body has been completely transformed into an inhuman existence, his reason has not been lost.

Originally, he planned to call Charman over to see if his personal information had changed, but when he saw Lillian winking at him not far away and the unknown god beside him, he instantly changed his mind. .

"Uh, ha, ah"

He continued to wail like a beast, and Ye Qiong understood what Lilian meant.

If there was a possibility for her to regain her sanity, the unknown gods next to Lilian would definitely intervene immediately.

We haven't fully accepted the power of angry ghosts and gods yet, so it's better to pretend to act and buy time for ourselves.

Nile looked at Calvis' current state and nodded unconsciously.

He is getting weaker and weaker, and it seems that he will be completely taken over by angry ghosts and gods in the near future. At that time, he only needs to wait for the seal of Crimson Paradise to be lifted, and then slowly deal with the rampaging ghosts and gods.

The rules he holds can only be used a limited number of times, so it is definitely a good thing not to take action.

As for Lilian, although she looked calm at the moment, she was shocked inside.

Isn't this Calvis too fierce?

In less than twenty minutes, he had almost absorbed the power of the angry ghosts and gods and regained his sanity?

He is quite knowledgeable about ghosts and gods.

The so-called ghosts and gods are special existences derived from a certain extreme emotion.

If you want to control such existence, you must have amazing endurance, otherwise it will be very easy for the body to be taken over by the emotions represented by ghosts and gods.

But right now, are there any signs of Calvez being possessed?

In less than twenty minutes, the angry ghosts and gods were completely suppressed.

This kind of performance is impossible even for many gods, but Calvis can easily do it now?

Lilian couldn't help but feel lucky for the decision she had just made. Fortunately, she didn't offend this guy.

The power of the Angry Ghosts alone is enough to deal with many gods, not to mention the power of destruction that Calvis will absorb next.

However, at this point, I guess I can’t hide it from Nile.

When the power of destruction appears, no matter how stupid this guy is, he should have noticed something is wrong.

Another ten minutes later.

As the integration process came to an end, the scene around the camp changed again.

The space was torn apart, the dome was scattered by the bloody light beam, and many cracks appeared on the ground.

Seeing this scene of world destruction made Nile feel that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, Calvis' fusion should have failed. Why would the power of destruction appear?

Originally, he wanted to ask Lilian what was going on, but he didn't expect this guy to take the lead. He stood up, opened his mouth wide, and shouted in shock:

"The power of destruction? How is this possible?"

He took the lead and said what he wanted to ask.

Lilian turned around and asked Nile:

"Do you know what this is?"

When Nile was asked this question, he was speechless for a moment. Logically speaking, you are the one who knows the situation best here, so why don't you ask me what the situation is?

Instinctively, he felt something was wrong, looked at Lilian, and asked with a slight questioning voice:

"I should be the one to ask you this. Calvis's state doesn't look like a comeback, does it?"


Nile originally thought that Lilian would try every means to find an excuse to evade his questioning, but he did not expect that he would directly admit it.

"Obviously judging from the current state, Calvis should not be able to withstand the backlash of angry ghosts and gods. Why is it suddenly almost successful? Even the power of destruction has appeared?"

With that said, he turned around and prepared to escape from here.

"what are you doing?"

When Nile saw this, he immediately asked.

"What else can you do? Go back and bring in reinforcements! You don't think that just the two of us can deal with the God of Destruction, do you?"

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and continued:

"What's more, there's no need for the two of us to sacrifice our lives for the Holy Father, right?"

When Nero heard this, he realized that this was indeed the case. The mistake had been made. If he stayed, he would inevitably face Calvis, who had been transformed into the God of Destruction.

He and the Holy Father only have a cooperative relationship, so why should he sacrifice his life for the Holy Father?

Go back and review the situation and call the gods who can deal with Calvis.

Ye Qiong, who gradually mastered the power of destruction, felt a little puzzled for a moment when he looked at the two departing figures.

Originally, he thought that a conflict was inevitable. After all, he was the boss of this instance. How could the contestants on the side of the Holy Father allow him to continue to grow?

But I don’t know what Lilian said to that god, so she chose to do nothing and leave directly?

In any case, he remembered Lilian's favor. If he hadn't helped to stop the unknown god, otherwise things would have become quite troublesome.

The transformation process has entered the final stage, and a third eye has grown between his eyebrows. This is the source of the power of destruction and proof that he has mastered this power.

This state will not last long. Due to the emergence of extreme anger, the power of the Dark Abyss has further expanded. Three bottles of inhibitors can no longer suppress it, and side effects have gradually appeared.

In addition, his body was unable to withstand this god-level power and was on the verge of collapse.

Even if he doesn't do anything next, his body will naturally disintegrate within a day.

Before that, he had to complete everything.

The crystal in his hand was the medium to open the Crimson Paradise. He stood up, repaired himself a little, and prepared to go to the area where the Holy Father was. This copy was almost over. (End of chapter)

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