What era is it, still traditional card making

Chapter 553 Summoning natural disasters

"Isn't the Dimensional Merchant back yet?"

In the palace, Charman paced back and forth, the expression on his face seemed very restless.

As a younger brother, Hudson naturally understood why his brother was acting like this. After all, the president of the Magicians Association had arrived in the Tower Kingdom yesterday and proposed a meeting.

The kingdom, which relied on the association in many places, had no room to refuse and could only agree to this meeting.

There is no need to guess the purpose of Nicole's trip. It must be for the next round of duel.

Although he did not say it clearly, he showed his reserve as a noble, but his aggressive attitude made Charman and Hudson very dissatisfied.

"Brother Wang, since you have made your decision, why are you so hesitant at this moment?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the door and continued:

"Before the duel begins, President Nicol wishes to meet with you."

The meaning of the words is self-evident. Since we are planning to offend the Magician Association, it is better to just do it. As he said it, he silently added:

"I have already arranged the manpower. As long as you give the order, Brother Wang, we will take down that shameless old thing!"

When Charman heard this, he sighed lightly, not knowing what he was thinking, and then turned around and chose to leave.

To be honest, in the absence of the dimensional merchant, he still felt a little uneasy. After all, what he had to face next was a behemoth like the Magician Association.

But now Charman has no other options.

Soldiers are coming to block it, and water is coming to cover it up. We can only take one step at a time and watch one step at a time.

When he came to Zhigui's living room, he immediately saw the white-haired old man sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

Nicole's clothes were extremely simple, and the most valuable thing on her body was just the black robe she wore, without any extra accessories.

On the outside, the president of the Magicians Association is extremely kind, and he always has a smile on his face, just like the warm-hearted grandfather next door.

But Charman knew clearly that the president of the association was not as gentle in his heart as he appeared on the outside.

"Long wait, President Nicol."

First he bowed and saluted, and then Charman sat down opposite him.

Faced with this attitude, Nicole didn't make any statement, she just raised her eyebrows with a smile on her lips.

"It was me who interrupted abruptly."

Drink the tea in the cup in one gulp and then put the cup down.

Nicole has always disliked long talks of nonsense, so she went straight to the topic without any unnecessary elaboration.

"How do you think about what I told you yesterday?"

Using a round of winning or losing in exchange for the support of the Magicians Association, this business seems to be a sure profit.

If it were the previous Charman, he would definitely agree without hesitation, but it's a pity that now there is a dimensional businessman watching his every move from behind.

It is not difficult to compare which one is more threatening, natural disasters or the Magician Association.

"As for that proposal, I cannot accept it."

Charman didn't think about it for a moment, shook his head and chose to refuse. Then he looked straight at the old man in front of him and said:

"I don't understand why you have to be so cautious in your capacity. After entering the second round, my ability shouldn't require me to be so vigilant, right?"

This question is undoubtedly related to questioning.

Nicole already understood Charman's attitude.

"It seems that you really chose to abandon the goddess and the association. I am very curious, what gave you the courage to make such a choice? Not long ago, you were just a guy who just wanted to maintain your integrity.

The reason why I came here is just for your attitude. Now I have found the answer I want. "

"As it happens, so am I."

Although it was just a glimpse, Charman clearly saw the sapphire ring hidden under the black robe.

With his rich experience, he recognized what it was at a glance.

Ring of Charming Soul.

A magical item that can temporarily control other people's minds.

This old guy wanted to turn his back completely, so he took action directly.

Charman didn't have many BBs, so he just threw the cup as a signal to let his men who had been lurking nearby come out.

Logically speaking, at this distance, it is impossible for Charman to avoid the effect of the Soul Ring, but the strange thing is that the power of this ring only leaves a blue light in Charman's pupils. , and then there is no more.

Nicole was not surprised when she saw this scene, she just nodded her head in understanding.

"Now, my answer is clearer."

As he said that, he stood up and looked ready to take action directly to eliminate future troubles.

But as soon as he mobilized his magic power, he felt an indescribable pressure.

This is not pressure that can be exuded, but the innate aura of the superior.

In the face of this pressure, Nicole seemed to feel like a prey about to be hunted. Facing the hunter, she had no chance to fight back.

"who is it?"

He looked around and asked this question.

Logically speaking, there is no master of this level in the Tower Kingdom. Could this be Charman's confidence?

Soon, he saw the owner of this aura.

Wearing a monocle on his right eye, he looks like a dwarf like a businessman.

There was always a business smile on the corner of his mouth. As if he had not seen the conflict in the living room, he took off the hat on his head, made a hat-off ceremony, and then said very politely:

"You two, do you need any help? I have a lot of stuff here!"

His appearance was like a warmonger suddenly appearing during a confrontation between two armies. He greeted them politely and calmly, and then started selling his products.

The look of fanning the flames made Charman look bitter.

"Your Excellency, aren't you here to help me?"

"Hey, one yard is another yard, I can't give up the whole forest for a tree for you.

What we do business with is profit, not favor. "

As he spoke, he looked at the president of the Magicians Association who looked wary.

"Nicole Harvey, that's the name."

Although the dimensional merchant wore a business-like smile from beginning to end, when it fell into Nicole's eyes, it was extremely penetrating.

He remembered a rumor about Peter, the founding emperor of the Tower Kingdom.

At the beginning, Peter was just a ruffian that everyone looked down upon, until he used some secret method to summon a big shot and established a trading relationship with him.

From then on, Peter reached the pinnacle of his life, overcoming obstacles all the way, conquering several countries in the Southern Continent and creating the Tower Kingdom.

Could this dwarf in front of me be the big shot Peter summoned?

Although Nicole had reached the sixth level early, in front of this person, he acted as if he was a frail child and did not dare to raise any hostility at all.

The original idea of ​​taking action has completely disappeared at this moment. The only thing he wants to do now is to leave here as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. I have no intention of doing business. The proxy war is coming. Please allow me to take my leave first."

Nicole still maintained his aristocratic demeanor. After bowing and saluting, he found that the dwarf just looked at him with meaningful eyes and had no intention of taking action.

He couldn't help but sigh secretly, then turned and left.

One step, two steps, when he was about to reach the gate, his pace couldn't help but speed up a lot.

Nicole wasn't sure if this man was having fun with him in a cat-and-mouse manner.

It wasn't until after walking out of the palace that Nicole relaxed, and looked back in the direction of the palace with lingering fear.

My heart was filled with surprise.

An extremely rebellious sentence passed through his heart.

If Skadi were here, he would probably make the same decision as me, right?

That dwarf was as powerful as a creature from another dimension.

"Not bad. The way he broke the cup just now shows how Peter behaves."

The dimensional businessman sat on the sofa, picked up an apple familiarly, and then said to Charman with a hint of teasing.

"Your Excellency, please stop teasing me. This is all I can do, right?"

"Hey, whether you win or lose has nothing to do with me at all. You can trade the outcome of this duel in exchange for the future of the Tower Kingdom."

As he spoke, he smiled strangely and then said:

"The premise is that you can accept the price of failure."

"Your Excellency, have you gone out to do business with others?"

Charman did not delve into the meaning of what the dimensional merchant just said, but asked himself what he was most curious about recently.

Being able to allow dimensional merchants to take the initiative and go for transactions is probably a god-level existence anyway.

"Yes, there is indeed a deal to be made."

The dimensional merchant took a bite of the apple and admitted it calmly.

"Are you curious about who I am trading with?"

No, no, I'm not curious at all.

Before he could refuse, the dimensional merchant spoke first.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you that the person I am trading with this time is the Holy Father."

"Holy Father?"

This name is like thunder to the people of the Demonic Continent.

Compared to the Mother of Dragons and the Witch of Origin who descended from ancient times, the creatures in the Demonic Continent are more familiar with this god.

After all, it was He who ended the Dark Holy War on his own.

"Are you curious about the content of this transaction?"

No, no, I'm not curious at all.

Charman wanted to shake his head, but the curiosity in his eyes had already given him away.

Originally, he thought that the dimensional merchant would say something again this time:

"It doesn't hurt to tell you."

But what he didn't expect was that this time the dimensional merchant said:

"It's okay to tell you, make a deal with me."


Charman did not refuse immediately, but asked:

"What's the deal?"

The dimensional merchant took out a card. Charman's eyes were very sharp and he could tell at a glance that it was a sequence card.

"Use this card to absorb the soul of your opponent in the next round."


A question mark appeared in Charman's mind again.

What kind of weird proposal is this?

He wanted to ask why, but he was good at observing words and expressions and saw the meaning in the eyes of the dimensional merchant.

Your questions can only go so far. Don’t ask any more questions, just tell me your answers.

It's hard to imagine that one person's eyes can express so many meanings.


This time the Yuan Businessman was talking to him in his heart! This is hammer eye contact!

Charman thought for a while and decided to agree to the deal.

He couldn't do such a thing as rejecting a natural disaster, and he couldn't bear the consequences of offending a natural disaster.

The dimensional merchant was not surprised by his choice and did not establish a transaction contract, as if he knew in his heart that Charman would definitely do what he said.

"The Holy Father's ambition is a little bigger than I thought. Did you see the last round of duel?"

Charman was a little surprised why the topic came to this.

After nodding his head honestly, he replied:

"I see, Your Excellency, do you want to say that the content of this transaction is related to Calvis?"

"No, it has something to do with his opponent."

"George? That good-for-nothing king?"

Charman was extremely surprised, wondering why the deal between gods and natural disasters would involve a good-for-nothing king.

"Good-for-nothing, it seems that your thoughts are the same as those of the Holy Father."

"No, no, no, this is not just my idea. Everyone in the entire Demonic Continent who knows George knows how useless this guy is."

"Set the time to before the duel begins. You heard that George received help from the Holy Father and received the divine seal card given by the Holy Father. Do you think he can win?"


Charman answered without hesitation.

"Then on this basis, the Holy Father also used an off-board move to place an internal agent next to Calvis?"

"Still can't."

"Did you give the answer knowing the result?"

"No, I just know how useless George is. Even if he gets more help, he will be defeated the moment Calvis steps into the duel area."

The dimensional merchant acted very calmly, and it seemed that his thoughts were similar to Charman's.

No matter how much help George received, he would never be able to defeat Calvis.

"So, the Holy Father chose to place two bets. One bet was to see if there was a one-in-10,000 possibility that George would defeat Calvis, and the other bet was on me. He hoped to establish a deal with me and get A red divine seal card transformed by my ability."

Charman frowned, looking very puzzled.

The contestants for the proxy war have been decided. If nothing unexpected happens, this red divine seal card can only be handed over to George.

What virtues and abilities does this good-for-nothing king have that can make the Holy Father value him so much?

Seemingly sensing Charman's thoughts, the dimensional merchant asked:

"I'm curious, why did He do that?"

Charman nodded.

"He did it not to help George, but to help himself."

The dimensional businessman didn't give in and gave the answer directly.

"He wants to personally participate in this proxy war and gain the power of Chaos as the winner."

"How can this be done? Is it possible that He can seize George's body? Will the rules agree?"

"Of course I don't agree with the rules. The contestants have been determined. If their souls change, they will be noticed by the organizer immediately.

If this precedent is broken, then I am afraid that all the gods will compete first and last to seize the body.

Then this proxy war will completely lose its usefulness.

At that time, it will no longer be the masters of power fighting, but the gods will come down and compete in person. "

"In this case, if the Holy Father wants to end, the premise is that George's body and soul will not change, and he is the master of consciousness? But is it really possible?"

"It can be done. Rather, why can't it be done?"


"After all, George has been a corner of his soul from beginning to end, and he can control this waste's consciousness at any time."

As he said that, the dimensional merchant laughed jokingly, and then said:

"Speaking of which, the reason why George came to power in the first place was because he was useless enough, and it was extremely easy to control his consciousness.

However, I am afraid that the Holy Father did not expect that this guy would be so useless. With his help, he could not survive the soul awakening round and was easily taken down by Calvis. "

Charman was shocked. He seemed to have heard some shocking secret.

In this case, when the proxy war progresses to the next round, will he need to face an opponent of the level of the Holy Father?

At this moment, Charman still had many puzzlements, so he asked:

"The Holy Father knew in advance that the proxy war was coming, so he was able to start planning in advance? Where did He know this news?"

"You actually already know the answer, don't you? Even Sabrina and I don't know about the proxy war. Where did the Holy Father get the news? Wasn't it Chaos who proactively informed Him?"

Did Chaos proactively inform him?


Charman's mind was in a mess at the moment. After sorting out his thoughts, he came up with an incredible answer.

"Chaos wants to make the Holy Father the ultimate winner?"

"It's pretty smart. If nothing else happens, the winner of this proxy war has actually been decided long ago."

After saying that, the dimensional merchant showed a meaningful smile.

"It's just that it's not necessarily the case now. Variables have appeared, and the Holy Father is anxious, so he hurriedly found me and established a deal."

He laughed heartily and continued:

"Now I finally know what Chaos is thinking. Even the Holy Father who integrates the power of Chaos cannot possibly defeat Sabrina. He has been betting on that possibility from the beginning to the end. One ten thousandth of a variable. As long as Chaos survives in thousands of worlds, it will still be the ninth natural disaster.

Sabrina probably hasn't thought through this level yet, and is still immersed in the illusory advantage that Chaos has established for her.

If there is no further action, soon all of Sabrina's plans will become nothing but water in the mirror. "

Did I hear something weird again?

Charman wanted to block his ears and control himself from hearing such level of secrets.

But the curiosity in his heart could not be suppressed, and he wanted to hear the dimensional merchant continue to talk.

"Okay, I seem to have said a bit too much, and it went beyond the transaction. If you don't have a deal, then go prepare for the next round of duel."

Charman nodded. In fact, he had already wanted to leave.

What he didn't know was that after Charman left, the dimensional merchants looked in the direction of the Apocalypse Empire.

"It seems that as the other side of Chaos, you don't intend to accept this ending, so you proposed a deal with me."

The moment the Holy Father had the ability to actively contact Him, the dimensional merchant already understood the identity of the Holy Father.

The business cards distributed to each VIP customer are all unique and look exactly the same on the surface, but in fact they have completely different auras hidden above them.

Every business card holder and dimensional merchant clearly remembers their appearance.

The face of the Holy Father is unfamiliar, and the business card in His hand is the "Chaos" business card that is well known to dimensional merchants.

It's not difficult to guess this guy's identity.

The Holy Father didn't seem to have any intention of hiding his identity, and he acted particularly calmly when facing the gaze of the dimensional merchant.

How could He be the one who absorbs the power of Chaos and have nothing at all?

The dimensional merchant leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes comfortably. The war had officially come to an end. Even he couldn't help but be curious about who the final winner would be.


Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

His power is activated, and someone is calling Him to make a deal.

Is it outside the world?

No, he clearly sensed that the summoner came from the Demon Spirit Continent, and it was not too far from where he was now.

The most outrageous thing is that he had only been to the place of summoning not long ago.

Apocalypse Empire?

No, to be precise, it is the Hidden Forest in the Apocalypse Empire.

In this small continent of demon spirits, are there any masters? Is it Calvis?

Based on the experience and intelligence network of the dimensional merchant, he may not have known the identity of the alien Calvis at the beginning, but now he has lived in the Tower Kingdom for who knows how long, and he may not know that Calvis has been alienated. Has the soul of the world replaced it?

Branch pickers, reincarnations, these are the names of these outsiders. Like natural disasters, they work under the mother tree.

The difference is that natural disasters are responsible for destruction, while pickers are responsible for creating another possibility for a world that has been shattered.

It can be said that the positioning of the two is completely different.

Peter, who was once familiar with him in the Demon Spirit Continent, was also a twig picker.

He was very surprised by the summons of the picker that might cause changes. At the same time, he was also curious about who this guy was and whether he had ever made a deal with him.

After all, there are very few pickers who possess the aura of both the Mother of Dragons and the Witch. There is no reason for him not to know who the other party is. Moreover, with the way he has cast a wide net over the years, I am afraid that this picker has really had sex with him. trade.

The dimensional merchant, who had nothing to do, chose to agree to this transaction.

"Did you make it?"

Both Ye Qiong and Apponias have seen the drawing process of the summoning circle of the dimensional merchant in reality.

This formation was not difficult to reproduce. With their abilities, it took them about two hours to draw it in the church.

"Your Excellency, this is a natural disaster level existence. Do we really want to summon it?"

Although the summoning formation has been activated, Apponias is still a little hesitant. After all, in her opinion, natural disasters are invincible.

Although Ye Qiong likes to be wild, he is not so wild as to summon natural disasters and kill himself.

The reason why he did this was because he was vaguely aware of something. He was afraid that Chaos would treat him as a tool like the Witch of Origin.

Judging from the information currently known, the Holy Father may have reached a deep deal with Chaos. Later in this game, He will come in person and get the power of Chaos. As a deal, He needs to give something back to Chaos.

Logically speaking, both the referee and the organizer belong to the Holy Father, and the Holy Father does not actually need to worry about whether George wins or loses.

But this is not the case. The Holy Father has shown unprecedented importance to this duel. He has clearly established diplomatic relations with Chaos, so why is he still worried that the final winner will not be him?

The answer is simple. He is afraid that Chaos will have a more attractive partner.

What did Ye Qiong experience last time?

Chosen by the Star Realm, chosen by the Origin Witch, he became the opponent of the Creation Star God.

Why did they choose Ye Qiong as their tool man?

The answer is simple. He is a picker. No matter what, he will return to the real world. After everything is over, the power will be returned to the hands of Chaos.

Rather than choosing an ambitious partner, it would be safer to choose a picker who is destined to return to the real world.

This was the original idea of ​​the star world, so the first star beast he summoned was an anaconda that could evolve into the Creation Dragon.

What is happening now is so similar to what I experienced back then.

This time, Ye Qiong was wary and said he would never be a tool again.

After returning, he will get nothing but cards and skills.

It is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life.

If Chaos really regards him as a tool, then he will definitely choose to commit suicide and return to the city to start the strategy again. In the next reincarnation, he will become extremely low-key, dormant for five hundred years, waiting for the incident to happen.

The purpose of summoning the dimensional merchant this time was to confirm whether his suspicions were correct, and to confirm whether the dimensional merchant was the one who guided Charman behind the scenes.

The red magic circle engraved on the ground was activated smoothly. At this moment, even Apponias, the goddess of fate, couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Looking at the increasingly bright red summoning circle, I didn't dare to close my eyes.

Next, she will face a natural disaster level existence again.

Soon, a red light shot into the sky, and an exquisitely dressed dwarf walked out.

First, his eyes were fixed on Apponias, and then "Calvis".

There was an interested and happy expression on his face.

Originally, he was planning to take the initiative to propose a deal to these two people when they entered the second round, but he did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

"So, what exactly is your deal?"

The dimensional merchant is very curious about what kind of answer this god can give.

"The answer to the question of whether the Holy Father is the default winner of this original proxy war is the content of my transaction."


The dimensional merchant showed a surprised expression.

The picker actually noticed it.

If the answer to this question is "yes", then who is the default winner now? I'm afraid this is the only picker who is extremely proficient in dueling, right?

What if it’s “no”? So what is the purpose of the Holy Father going to war to get the lower world to personally participate in this proxy war?

This branch picker may have already guessed the real answer in his heart. He was summoned this time just for further confirmation.

"I can tell you the answer to this question, but what can you give me?"

"Can you accept the lifespan? I only need to keep it for about ten days."

The dimensional businessman rolled his eyes at this shameless guy, and his plan was a snap.

I'm afraid you haven't even cared about the lifespan of this body, right? After all, it won’t be long before we return to the real world.

"Question for question, I'll tell you the answer, and you answer my question, okay?"

"A fair deal, just ask."

"Have you ever received my business card in real life?"

Ye Qiong nodded and replied:

"We met once. You proposed a deal to me, but I refused. You gave me your business card for future contact."

Ye Qiong was not surprised that the dimensional merchant found out his identity. If he couldn't do something like this, then the dimensional merchant wouldn't be worthy of becoming a natural disaster.

"I see, the answer to your question is "yes". As for who the default winner is now, you should have the answer."

The answer is that it stands to reason that the transaction has been officially completed, and it is time for the dimensional merchant to leave.

But he had no intention of turning around and leaving. Instead, he looked straight at the humans in front of him. The meaning he wanted to express was self-evident.

It's still one question for another.

Ye Qiong wanted to find out the current situation, and the dimensional merchant was also extremely curious about him.

Naturally, this transaction cannot end so quickly.

Ye Qiong saw what this natural disaster was thinking, and it was exactly what he wanted.

“What happens if we go to the next round with three wins?”

"You will receive the highest standard of Chaos Baptism."

"You have a good relationship with the Dragon Mother and the Witch?"

"Not really, I've only seen him a few times."

"I've seen them several times. Do you know how difficult it is for them to leave their aura on a person at the same time?"

"Is this a problem?"

The dimensional businessman who was still talking jokingly suddenly stopped smiling. His principles did not allow him to suffer any loss.

"No, it's your turn."

“What will the second round of proxy wars look like?”

"Fighting, real fighting, you should have noticed, the fantasy realm can't last long."

After the dimensional merchant said this, he did not immediately tell his question.

Now he has a general outline of the background of "Calvis".

A branch picker who was valued by the Witch of Origin and Mother of Dragons, and she had a chance encounter with him. She was very optimistic about him and gave him a business card.

When facing himself, he is neither humble nor arrogant, and he still has the energy to fight for his own interests. It seems that he is extremely confident in his own strength or the person behind him.

If you look at it this way, this person should be an extremely good trading partner.

"Are you willing to find me in reality and make a deal?"

This was a question raised by the dimensional merchant, and this question was rejected by Ye Qiong without hesitation.

"No, you should know what is the most dangerous thing for pickers, right?"

"Is this your problem?"

Ye Qiong's face turned dark. This guy really couldn't bear any loss.

"Not counting."

"Since the second round is about fighting, why does Chaos think that person will win?"

If there is an upright duel, Ye Qiong feels that he still has a chance to face the Holy Father, but if he faces the Holy Father who has returned to power, he may not be able to be the opponent of the Holy Father if he brings Apponis with him.

Where does Chaos get the confidence to think that it can win in this form of war?

"Although it is a fight, there are still rules. This competition is about the endurance limit of one's mental power and willpower. Chaos seems to have great confidence in you in this aspect."

What are the limits of mental and willpower?

Hearing this, Ye Qiong suddenly thought of something.

Although he had suffered a lot when he first obtained the godhead, his mental and willpower had reached an inhuman level.

After all, not everyone can experience the feeling of creation.

The experience at that time, although heartbreaking, was an excellent training for him.

Is it possible that Chaos knows this information and sets the content of the assessment to this?

If he had not been reincarnated in the Demon Spirit Continent, the Holy Father who had descended from the True God could easily seize the power of Chaos. If he had come, even the Holy Father who was at the True God level would not be his opponent.

If you think about it this way, Chaos may have already regarded him as a tool.

The content of the assessment is all biased towards him.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiong's whole body felt bad. What happened to these natural disasters?

There should be more than one person picking up branches, so why are you staring at him?

Next it was the dimensional merchant's turn to ask questions, but this time, the question he asked made Ye Qiong's pupils shrink and he was shocked.

"Are you in trouble in the real world and need strength?"

On what basis did the dimensional merchants obtain this judgment?

As if aware of his thoughts, the dimensional merchant said calmly:

"Even though he knew that he might be involved in the fight between two natural disasters, he still had no intention of retreating. Either he had someone to rely on, or there was a reason why he had to fight."

"Why not the former?"

"Are you thinking of quitting?"


"Selling Chaos a favor may help you solve the current crisis."

"It's not worth it. Even in the reincarnation copy, the picker may die, right?"

"It seems that you have other options, or the crisis has not yet completely arrived."

At this moment, they are not entangled in the deal of one person and one problem.

The dimensional merchant fell into thinking and seemed to be analyzing something.

At this time, Ye Qiong was also absorbing the information he had just received from the dimensional merchant.

After a long time, the natural disaster spoke again.

"Initiate a deal with me in reality. The content is of your choice. In exchange, I will teach you how to bring the power of chaos back to reality."

"Is this a new deal?"

"That's right, you don't have to worry about what I will do to you in reality. As a businessman, the most important thing is to be friendly and make money. There is no benefit at all in killing you.

Furthermore, the content of the transaction is decided by you, so why should you worry that "I" will see through your identity? "

Do you believe what Dangtang Natural Disaster said?

Ye Qiong secretly complained, and knew in his heart that this transaction must have the plan of the dimensional merchant in it.

But although I understand in my heart, the deal proposed by this natural disaster is too tempting, right?

If the power obtained in the reincarnation copy can be brought back to reality, the current dilemma can be easily solved.

The dimensional merchant is not in a hurry for Ye Qiong to tell the answer now, but is waiting patiently.

After about three minutes, he gave his answer.


In reality, he has the blessing of the Creation Dragon and can survive even if the dimensional merchants have evil intentions towards him.

Furthermore, after these two contacts, he believed that dimensional merchants were not the kind of people who would kill the goose and get the eggs.

The most important thing for a businessman is profit. What can he gain by killing the people who come to trade?

After witnessing Mr. Wang being controlled by an inexplicable force and killing a woman named Aiya in the real world, he already sensed something was wrong.

Blue Star may be about to undergo a big change, and the culprit is the company behind the scenes that is tampering with human consciousness.

If he continues like this, I'm afraid this disaster will affect him.

The world of reincarnation can be destroyed, but the real world cannot. If the real world is gone, then he is really dead.

Ye Qiong has always been a decisive person, and he never flinches when it's time to bet and fight, just like how he went to the source of the world to gain strength even at the risk of soul collapse.

After hearing the exact answer, the dimensional merchant glanced at the person in front of him, as if to confirm his inner guess.

He nodded secretly, and then a piece of parchment appeared in his hand.

"I have made transactions with many pickers. Sometimes death does not mean the end. You should understand what I mean, right?"

Of course Ye Qiong understands, isn't he just reminding him, don't think that you can avoid the transaction just because Calvis is dead? The contract on the parchment will bind you at all times.

Ye Qiong is not surprised that Tangtang Natural Disaster has such means.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the content on the parchment, he chose to sign it.

At this point, the deal between him and the dimensional merchant was officially concluded, but this natural disaster did not immediately tell the method of bringing the "chaos" power back to the real world, but left a sentence:

"I will let you know when the next round starts."

Then he walked into the summoning formation and chose to leave without looking back.

From the beginning to the end, facing the natural disaster level pressure, Apponias did not dare to say a word. She was really scared by the origin witch.

Seeing that the dimensional merchant had left, she finally had the chance to speak.

"Your Excellency, is it really okay? If you fulfill the terms of the deal, wouldn't it be exposing your position in the real world?"

"You think I'm not exposed?"

Ye Qiong didn't believe that he had the aura of the Dragon Mother and the Witch, and that the Yuan merchant would not pay any attention to him that time.

It was true that the Yuan merchant left only his business card and left this time, but that didn't mean that he wasn't watching his every move behind the scenes. (End of chapter)

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