What era is it, still traditional card making

Chapter 462 Reasons for Rejection

It seems that this is a test specially prepared for Calvis by Miss Morgan, and she is indeed not suitable to intervene in it.

Fred was not a stupid person, and he quickly realized the reason why Miss Morgan asked him to stay in the church.

After thinking about it clearly, I felt quite uneasy.

Calvis will leave tomorrow, and he and Miss Morgan will be the only ones left in the church.

This kind of solitude is a good opportunity to confess everything.

As mentioned before, when talking to Miss Morgan, he chose to hide his identity and did not tell the other party that he was Fred, the former king of the Apocalypse Empire, and used the pseudonym Rex.

This is undoubtedly an act of distrusting the other party, so Fred has always wanted to confess all this to the other party.

Previously under the witch's seal, in order to avoid injuring this gentle and kind-hearted elf lady, he did not choose to tell her everything frankly.

But things are different now, he is out of trouble, and all thanks to Miss Morgan's help.

If he still chooses to hide everything about himself under such circumstances, then he would be too disqualified as a knight.

He secretly made up his mind to confess his past to Miss Morgan after Calvis left tomorrow.

The same goes for Calvis. Although it is only a temporary alliance, it is better to make it clear as soon as possible that he is Fred.

Miss Morgan seemed to have come out just to tell Calvis about the clues about the Angel of Destiny. After saying that, she returned to the church again.

Ye Qiong had completed his purpose, and there was not much magic power left in his body. He took the remaining materials in his hands and returned to his room.

In the room, everyone was silent for a while, and Fred was the first to break the silence.

"Calvis, actually I have been hiding something from you."

Hiding from me?
When he first heard this sentence, Ye Qiong was a little puzzled, but he soon figured it out.

Oh, it turns out I didn't know you were "Fred" yet.

Could it be that Fred thought that he hid quickly and had no doubt that his identity had been discovered?Even if you have been to Saint Village?
This king is also very nervous. No wonder he is unaware of his betrayal.

He pretended not to know anything and said in confusion: "Huh?"

At this time, the blond paladin's expression was full of confusion.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but the time hadn't come yet."

Fred spoke hesitantly, obviously feeling guilty about hiding Calvis' identity.

"Actually, I am not the sword spirit of the Sword of Hayera, but the former king of the Apocalypse Empire, Fred."

This statement is almost the same as "I, Qin Shihuang, make money."

If a normal person heard this, they would definitely be suspicious.

It's a pity that Ye Qiong already knew Fred's identity, so he didn't choose to continue lying.

He showed a stunned expression.

"Oh, so this is what you want to say."

This reaction made Fred look hesitant as if he already knew his identity.

"Brother Calvis, what do you mean?"

Ye Qiong showed a matter-of-fact look.

"You don't think you hide it well, do you? My friend.

As far as I know, there is no sword spirit in the Sword of Hiera, and the witch has always liked the king. How could she have a different love for a sword?
I can't even see such an obvious flaw, Rex, you really think I'm some kind of fool. "

"No, did you know this a long time ago?"


Ye Qiong nodded and answered naturally.

"Then why didn't you just say it?"

"This question should be asked by me, right? King Fred, why did you choose to conceal your identity at that time?

At the time, I thought you had some concerns, so you didn’t choose to point them out. Did you always think you were disguising yourself well?

People like me who have only been with you for a few days can see that, and Miss Morgan probably already knows your identity. "

Ye Qiong's last words broke through Fred's psychological defense.

"Miss Morgan... also knows?"


Ye Qiong didn't finish his words.

"But you'd better tell her clearly. Although Miss Morgan is gentle and kind, it doesn't mean she can accept deception from her friends.

She must have been waiting for you to explain clearly the reason why you lied to her. "

After hearing this, Fred hesitated for a while and then nodded heavily.

"Yes, you are right. I should indeed explain everything clearly, whether it is the reason for the deception or why I have to hide my identity."

"That witch should also confess her feelings."

These words were what Ye Qiong was thinking but did not say out loud.

The love affair between an upright paladin and a paranoid witch.

To be honest, Ye Qiong is not optimistic. What Maxine has done now is even more egregious than Fred. When he realizes all this, how will he treat Maxine (Miss Morgan)?

No matter how good-tempered this honest paladin is, he will still be angry.

Maxine, Maxine, for the sake of teaching me magic, let me help you.

You should be watching, right?
Maxine's crystal ball has the function of spying, which Ye Qiong knows very well.

This witch would spy on her whenever she had nothing to do, and he was already used to it.

Although there is a risk of offending the witch, as the knight of despair protects him, it is not a big problem.

"Fred, do you like Miss Morgan?"

A straight ball penetrated Fred's defense again.

"You, what are you talking about? Who likes Miss Morgan? She and I are just good friends."

A good standard of tsundere speech.

Fred paused and then said:

"It's just that I feel more comfortable getting along with her. I have never thought about becoming a romantic relationship with her."

"True or false?"

"As a knight, I never lie."

"Heh, Rex."

"That's just a temporary measure. After all, my identity is too dangerous."

"Forget it, let's put this aside, do you really have no idea about Miss Morgan? What if I pursue her?"

"Calvis, you won't do this." "Why do you dare to be so sure?"

"Although I am stupid, I can still tell whether there is love in the eyes you look at Miss Morgan. What you just said was just to provoke me."

Ye Qiong was not surprised that Fred could see through this. After all, he was still the king of a country during his lifetime.

"Then what if I am pursuing without love? To put it bluntly, what if I am just purely lustful."

"In this case, Miss Morgan will definitely not accept you."

Fred was not angry because of Ye Qiong's words. Perhaps in his opinion, Calvis was just using excessive words to force him to express his feelings.

It was indeed as he thought, Ye Qiong had no thoughts about Miss Morgan from the beginning to the end.

This elf girl was beautiful, but not very good on the inside. She was a witch who could imprison his crush for decades, and he didn't dare to mess with her at all.

Fred kept saying that he was not interested in Miss Morgan, but was it really what he thought?
Some people are extremely insensitive to emotions, and they insist on saying that they are very clear-headed and rational even though they have already fallen into it.

Fred may fall into this category.

"What about Maxine? She has confessed her feelings to you personally. Have you never had any love for her?"


This time, his answer was more decisive than before.

Asked back.

"Will you fall in love with the witch who has imprisoned you for decades?"

Indeed, in fact, as Fred said, except for a few groups with special interests, no one would be moved to love the witch's pursuit.

"So your holding back at that time was just out of guilt? I can understand it that way."

Fred paused. In fact, he didn't think clearly about why he chose to keep his hand at that time. Maybe it was just as Calvis said, but he felt guilty in his heart, which made him shaken.

Only this answer is the most reasonable.

"Maybe so. After all, I am partly responsible for her becoming what she is now. There was obviously a better way to deal with it at the time. Why didn't I, who was so slow at the time, not figure it out?"

For the first time in a long time, there was a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Then why did you choose to reject her at that time? Is it because of your status as a magician? Or is it because your personality is difficult to get along with?"

“Magic science is an extraordinary profession that is strictly prohibited in the Apocalypse Empire, and its reputation among nobles and commoners is not particularly good.

But that's not why I rejected her.

Not long after I accepted her confession, I read some books on magic and understood the essence of magic.

In my opinion, this extraordinary profession does not do too much harm to the Empire.

If I had not been betrayed by George, the law prohibiting the study of magic would have been abolished. "

"So, do you hate her character? Also, how good can a witch's character be?"

"That's not the case. Maxine's character at that time was not so twisted. How should I put it? At that time, she was an extremely sunny college girl."

"A sunny...college girl?"

This adjective, no matter how you look at it, cannot be used to describe the witch Maxine, right?
"You don't believe it, right? But it's the truth. She had many suitors back then."

"There's nothing wrong with her character, and it has nothing to do with her identity, so why did you choose to refuse? Is it just that you don't suit your eyes?"

Fred did not answer immediately, as if he was recalling the original incident.

After about 2 minutes, he finally answered:

“The day Maxine confessed to me was a few days before the crusade against the Plague Knights.

Even though I had reached the sixth level and became the Dawn Sword Master at that time, I couldn't guarantee that I would be able to defeat the Plague Knight. "

With this development, coupled with Fred's character, Ye Qiong could probably guess the reason for his refusal.

"The threat from the empire has not been eliminated, and I cannot guarantee that I will definitely survive and bring her happiness.

So I chose to refuse at that time. The people have not yet ushered in peace, and I have not lived or died, so who have the right to pursue happiness.

In my eyes at the time, rejection was the best answer. "

"It's a pity that you died later. Even if you figured everything out and wanted to say sorry, it was too late."

"That's right, I have been floating above St. Kaner City for more than ten years. After so many years, Maxine's temperament has already changed, and she has learned how to inhabit the spirit in objects.

What happened next is as you can see now, I was sealed for decades. "

So the misunderstanding between Fred and Maxine is actually not that deep.

Ye Qiong glanced sideways at Maxine's room, wondering if the witch heard it.

"Then why didn't you make everything clear while you were sealed?"

Fred smiled to himself.

"What should I say clearly? The matter has reached this point, and she and I have no room for maneuver.

After so many years, I understand her thoughts. She will never forgive me. Otherwise, why would she put forward such three harsh conditions?

What happened back then was indeed my fault. If she hadn't taken action, I would have been floating in St. Kaner City day after day.

I remember all this clearly. After killing George and bringing the empire back to normal, I will return to her, and then it will be up to her to kill or scrape him.

Fred's life ended here, which was a good ending. "

A life of betrayal has already left his heart full of holes. He didn't feel love in Maxine's actions, but only endless hatred.

If his death can bring her relief, then so be it.

Ye Qiong could hear Fred's despondency from his words. The wear and tear of time had changed him from a high-spirited hero to the mentally and physically exhausted person he is now.

Family, friendship, love, he has never had any of them.

This kind of life is really a complete failure.

People around him also lied to him, making his life full of backstabbing.

To be honest, if Ye Qiong were him, he would have turned dark long ago.

"Why aren't you angry at all?"

Ye Qiong couldn't help but voice this question.

"You should be angry, just like I was before, but why didn't you?
Being betrayed by most of the nobles of the empire, all you wanted was to kill the culprit. Why were you so rational and didn't want to spread your anger to the entire empire?Why are you still thinking about saving those stupid people?

After being sealed away by the witch for decades, why should I worry about her mood?

It is true that you were at fault for what happened back then, but this is not the reason why the witch imprisoned you for decades. You should not be guilty of this, right?

Why can you still say "I was wrong" even if you encounter this kind of treatment?

Do you really have no resentment at all?

I'm curious.

Mr. Fred,
After all, no matter how you look at it, you are too perfect. Do you really have negative emotions? "

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