What era is it, still traditional card making

Chapter 443 You and I are both innocent

Ye Qiong naturally understood that a short sentence could not change Fred's mind, so he continued:

"Let me ask you, why did you put forward those three conditions?"

"She really fell in love with me?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiong wanted to complain, how could the witch fall in love with a sword?

However, he did not pay attention to the loopholes between the words.

This is just like "a good friend of mine". You clearly know that that good friend refers to you, but you just need to understand it.

"If she is sincere, she can only put forward the first and second conditions. Why does she need to put forward the third condition to humiliate you?

You are the sword of Emperor Fred, so it is naturally impossible for you to abandon the Holy Light and switch to the Church of Ghosts and Gods. "


"What she wants is just revenge on Emperor Fred. He is dead, so she can only find it on your head. You just need to pretend to agree to her conditions and unlock the seal. After the seal is lifted, Why don’t we just let the birds fly as the sky is high?”

"Well, I'm not good at lying and I can't lie."

He abides by the seven virtues of knighthood and is a flawless paladin, otherwise he would not be valued by the Sword of Hyera.

Ye Qiong immediately advised:

“I’m not lying, this is called a stopgap measure.

Besides, if your master hadn't rejected her in public, how could she have held a grudge?

You are not lying to deceive others, but you are helping her restore her shattered self-esteem.

If Emperor Fred comes back from the dead and hears the Witch's request, he will also choose to agree. After all, helping others is one of the codes of the Paladin. "

Ye Qiong's words were like the devil's whisper, and Fred gradually began to waver.

Wait a minute, what does it mean that if Fred comes back from the dead, he will agree to the witch's request?
He is Fred the Great!

However, he thought about it carefully and realized that what happened back then was indeed his fault. Even if he wanted to refuse, he should do so in a tactful way.

He sighed heavily and replied:

"I understand."

"That's fine, that's fine."

If the Sword of Hiera can break the seal, it will indeed be a great help to him.

But Fred's next words shocked him, and he almost picked up the stone under his feet and threw it at the broken sword.

"When she comes over next time, I will, no, I will ask the master to apologize for what happened back then, and then politely reject her proposal."

After a moment of silence, Fang went on to say:

"If Emperor Fred comes back from the dead, he will definitely agree to my plan, right?"


You are just fucking Fred, why are you talking about the Emperor coming back from the dead?

Ye Qiong was also convinced by this steely straight man, and it was obvious that Maxine was sincere to him.

The sky monitors placed above the forest can clearly see that not far from the cave, there is a small wooden house, where Maxine lives.

During the past few decades, she has been staying here, never leaving, observing Fred who lives on the sword of Hiera from time to time.

Even in the next ten years, he never left here, and he took Fred away until after the evil god sacrifice began.

Is this really just an attempt to humiliate Fred?

If that's the case, then this witch is too determined, right?

There is no movement in the wooden house now, most likely the witch is still resting.

Ye Qiong resisted the urge to pick up a stone and throw it at the broken sword, and continued to console him:

“Bi, he won’t agree, no one knows Fred the Great better than me.

He is upright, he is kind, and he will never sit idly by when someone is in trouble. "

There are many things worth complaining about in this sentence.

Fred couldn't hold himself any longer and replied:
"Well, I suppose I am the one in trouble."

"Don't worry about these details. What did he gain by adhering to the seven virtues of knighthood?
A brother's backstab, a minister's betrayal.

I was once a devout paladin like Fred the Great.

But what did I gain?

The loyal emperor framed me. My fiancée personally fed me poison and was burned at the stake.

Hiera, no, Rex, you are known as the sword of judgment. I want to ask you whether Emperor Fred and I are sinners as the world says. "

The sword of Hiera trembled slightly, not because of Fred, but because of the will emitted by the sword itself.

Neither Calvis nor Fred are guilty.

So why did things develop to this point?

Do good people deserve to be pointed at with swords?

After a long absence, Fred's heart fluctuated.

He thought of that betrayal night and his brother George's ruthless look when he killed him, and murmured:

"You and Fred are both innocent."

"But the world doesn't think so. I'm a heretic who killed the patron saint of the empire and killed dozens of my colleagues.

He is the traitor of the empire, the villainous party that is in cahoots with the church of ghosts and gods. It was you who caused the second war of disguise. He wanted to use this to raise his reputation and secure the position he took from the previous king! "

"I didn't. No, Fred is not like that."

"But this is the Fred recorded in the history books. He was clearly innocent, but he was forcibly convicted. If he in the underworld knew about it, would he be willing to do so?"

Are you willing?
Naturally not reconciled.

An upright knight is framed as a sinner.

The vicious villain turned into a superior emperor.

What's the point.

Are good people destined to be like this?

Naturally, he was unwilling to do so, but he restrained his urge for revenge.

Ye Qiong seemed to understand what he was thinking, and the next words made him shake again:

"Even if Fred is treated like this, he will not draw his sword towards that son of a bitch George, not because he cares about family ties, but because he doesn't want to start another war and cause other people to die.

He is undoubtedly a devout Paladin, and it is for this reason that I respect him so much.

But what if the empire continues to decline under the hands of that son of a bitch George, and eventually leads to destruction? "

He showed Fred the sequence ability on his right neck.

"Remember what I said? That son of a bitch, George, has gone completely insane. He wants to hold an evil god sacrifice, sacrifice the entire empire, and make him a god alone.

Even if the Eye of the Sky is dead, he will still find another way, and he will do whatever it takes to get there. "

"Son of a bitch George."

Fred said this through gritted teeth.

He knew that his younger brother's virtues were equal to each other. As he was about to die of old age, he would definitely use any method to survive. “Yes, son of a bitch George!
It is impossible for me to stop him on my own.

Rex, let me ask you, which is more important, the people of the empire, or personal credibility.

The words have come to this, if you choose to refuse again, then I have nothing to say. "

After Ye Qiong finished speaking, he stared at the simple sword in front of him. There was only so much he could say. If Fred chose to refuse again, there would be nothing he could do.

On the other side, in the wooden house, a woman wearing a black robe and a wizard's hat was looking at the picture in the crystal ball.

Her right hand was shaking, not because of joy, but because she could not restrain the urge to kill.

Where did this damn paladin come from?
Why ruin her good deeds?

Thinking of this, she became uneasy in her heart. If things continued like this, Fred would really agree to her three conditions, and then she would have no reason to continue imprisoning Fred in Haiera. The sword was hit.

Just when he was about to walk out of the wooden house and kill the paladin, he didn't expect that at this moment, a voice came to his ears.


It was just two short words, but they seemed to have infinite magic power. Maxine unexpectedly stopped in her tracks.

There was no way she could remember that voice wrong, and she immediately replied:

"Lord Asobryth, is that you?"

There was no reply from the other end, which made Maxine even more convinced of her suspicions.

Looking back at the image of the crystal ball, the gentleman told me to stop. Did he want to save the paladin?
She returned to her original seat, looked at the picture in the crystal ball again, carefully observed the blond man who appeared on the screen, and there was nothing strange about it, why does that Your Excellency care so much about him? ?
Wait a minute, that right hand isn't the angry ghost hand, is it?

Is this why you value him?
Looking at the crystal ball again, he found that these two people were planning to deal with him. The veins on his forehead were a little obvious. Although he was annoyed, he did not take action.

The Knight of Despair, Asobryth, is a seventh-level existence, a true god.

She didn't dare to offend the other party easily.

No matter how reluctant he was, he could only watch the two people in the cave silently discussing how to deal with him.

After struggling for a long time, Fred finally nodded and said:

"Okay, I promise you, this is a last resort move to help her repair her fragile self-esteem, and it does not violate the code of chivalry."

"Yes, we are not lying, but we are helping her to prevent the witch from going astray due to her broken self-esteem and negative emotions."

The owner of the topic, a witch with extremely fragile self-esteem, firmly grasped the wooden table with her right hand.

This fragile wooden table could not withstand her demigod-level power, and it shattered into a pile of sawdust in an instant.

Now she only had one thought in her mind, which was to rush into the cave, extract the soul of the blond paladin, and torture him severely to make him understand that women with fragile self-esteem are not easy to mess with.

And Fred, forget it, let’s not mention it.

Over the years, she has become accustomed to this guy's behavior.

The two people in the crystal ball have already begun to plan what to do after seeing Maxine.

"Rex, how long will it take for that witch to come to this cave again?"

"Usually it's the last day or two of July."

"The end of July? Calculating the time, there are still seven or eight days left."

"Can I just pretend to agree to her request then?"

"Yes, when you see her, you should say something nice to her first to make up for her fragile self-esteem and let her unlock the seal on you."

The witch's fist clenched a little more.


"Then we go to the Church of Ghosts and Gods with her. With our current strength, we definitely can't resist that witch, right?"

Fred was silent.

Of course Ye Qiong understood what he was thinking and said again:

"This is called undercover. We have to make sacrifices to protect the Holy Light. We don't really want to join the Church of Ghosts and Gods."

"A sacrifice of last resort..."

"Yes, only by enduring the humiliation can we have enough power to overthrow that son of a bitch George."

Is joining the Church of Ghosts and Gods a kind of humiliation?

The floor beneath the witch's feet was shattered. She really didn't understand why the Lord thought so highly of him and personally told her not to take action.

Fred hesitated for a while, but this time he did not choose to refuse.

He wants to save the Apocalypse Empire more than his personal reputation. He understands better than anyone how insane his brother George is.

Then he looked at Ye Qiong and asked:

"With Maxine's help, I will definitely have no problem joining the Church of Ghosts and Gods. So what should you do?"

In response to this question, Ye Qiong just smiled lightly and replied:

"Don't worry, my background is good enough to join the Church of Ghosts and Gods.

Your joining the Ghost Church may arouse the suspicion of other believers, but it's different for me. "

He stretched out his right arm, which was as red as blood, and continued:

"My bottom line is that I am a person with upright roots and a bright red face."

After Fred was silent for a while, he finally said:
"What is this stuff?"

"O Angry Ghost Hands, the power I got from sacrificing to the Angry Ghost God."

What Ye Qiong said was an understatement.

When Fred heard this, he became a little uneasy. You are not a lobbyist sent by the Church of Ghosts and Gods to trick me into joining, are you?
Not long after this idea came up, he shook his head and rejected it.


The Sword of Hyera does not lie.

The trial has just been made. This young man named Calvis cannot be a pretender.

Although his words sounded like an understatement, the process must have been extremely thrilling. He didn't want to recall it, so he just brushed it off.

Yes, he was only a third-rank paladin. It was so difficult to escape from that son of a bitch George, and it was normal that he could only sacrifice to angry ghosts and gods in desperation.

Thinking of this, I felt a little sympathy for this young man.

Like himself, he was a betrayed person.

But there is a problem before them right now, that is, Fred's magic power is running low.

The shielding barrier that had been constructed had almost disappeared.

Since the blood stains completely disappeared in this place, those paladins have been searching around this forest. Looking at this situation, they will not leave for two or three months.

But with Fred's current magical power, it would be difficult to construct a shielding barrier for a day or two, let alone two or three months.

No, the barrier at the entrance of the cave has loosened a bit, and hurried footsteps can already be heard outside.

Under the power of the Sky Monitor, Ye Qiong also knew his situation clearly.

Without hesitation he asked:

"How long can it last?" (End of chapter)

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