Yang Sichang didn't care about what the speaker said.

At worst, pick a few and throw them to Wu Guojun, I believe he can handle them well.

Yang Sichang once again went up to criticize the officials who were only responsible for speaking, and rarely considered the difficult situation of the Ministry of War. He felt that it was not enough for His Majesty to let his Majesty ask for careful consideration, so that they could shut up.

Therefore, I hope that the emperor will personally promise, and the frontier ministers will dare to act with confidence.

Because according to Yang Sichang's understanding of Chongzhen, once the wind changed, these border ministers who acted according to the emperor's wishes would all be punished.

The truth is an unflattering behavior, and you still dare to do things with all your heart in the future?
The rest of the bandits are nothing to worry about, Zhang Xianzhong and others must not dare to rebel immediately.

Then Daming only needs to deal with He Jinzhao with all his strength.

Even though He Jinzhao is about to occupy the land of the three provinces, but Shanshan and Shaanxi have been plagued by disasters year after year, otherwise He Jinzhao would not have attacked Sichuan quickly.

As long as he is given three years and there is no war in the north, Yang Sichang is sure that he can put down the hammer bandits in three years.

Compared with the fact that the Ming court suddenly won a big victory in Sichuan because of He Jinzhao, they began to advocate peace talks with the Qing Dynasty.

Even if the leader of Zhungeer helped Gushi Khan, in order to prevent Tsarist Russia from obtaining salt from Yamesh Lake, he has been leading troops to fight against Tsarist Russia.

I am only responsible for maintaining Daming's face, and I don't know about the rest.

Just fight Qinggou to the end!

Huang Daozhou then explained: "At the beginning, I wanted to submit a memorial, but my fellow censor Lin Lanyou and Kechen He Kai all had memorials, which may be suspicious."

Even if He Jinzhao heard the news and hurried back, he could only eat his own ass!
Things have been done long ago, and I'm going home, so what's the point?
If you are lucky, you can even snatch away all the widows of Lin Dan Khan!
Huang Taiji still doesn't know the news about He Jinzhao's victory in Sichuan, but when passing by the Xuanfu, he urged Liaodong Governor Fang Yizao to tell Emperor Ming to answer quickly. I want to negotiate a mutual market.

Don't look at Daming's internal and external troubles now, but you have to have this face!
Even Yang Sichang's old subordinate, the doctor of the Ministry of War, attacked him with two memorials.

He Jinzhao is fighting fiercely in central Sichuan. Are some places in the newly occupied Sichuan not needed?

In particular, he knew well through the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that the Sichuan road was difficult to travel, and He Jinzhao would not be able to return to the Shanshan-Shanxi border after a year or so.

Compared with Daming's face, it doesn't matter at all!

After Dang Shousu got the news, he immediately wrote to He Jinzhao asking if he could sell it.

When they didn't need to protect Daming's face and conscience, they didn't know how much benefit they had given to their own family behind their backs!

You ask me how to fight Qinggou?

Sichuan likes to finish it anyway, anyway, the person who should be blamed has been sent to Jinyiwei, and then Chen Zhiqi will be the governor of Sichuan to deal with it on the spot.

Even if He Jinzhao got the news through the Mongols, would he be able to lead the troops back?

The flexible moral bottom line has been mastered by the flexible ones.

He held an imperial meeting on the platform. Apart from the five cabinet ministries and six ministries and various relevant departments attending as usual, the participants also specially invited Huang Daozhou.

He also learned the real border defense situation from the mouths of grassroots soldiers, so as to prescribe the right medicine, and did not believe the news sent by the officials in writing.

The winger goes deep, the life is dying, everyone is watching with cold eyes, who dares to stand up and let me see such a brave person like today? "

Of course, this is when the civil servants need a big face, and they must try their best to maintain it.

Hearing this, Chongzhen's face remained normal, but his heart felt uneasy.

Among them, the most influential one was the opposition of Zhan Shihuang Daozhou, the famous Confucian official and the young man of Zhan Shifu.

Fortunately, he is a giant of science, what is shame in the face of disadvantages?
Huang Daozhou immediately began to talk about it, talking about Confucian ethics in front of everyone, not daring to take Chongzhen's words.

But at this time, Fang Yizao is a faction that advocates peace, and hopes that the court will use the story of Ida's confession during the Longqing period to achieve peace.

Your Majesty, let's put the facts aside, shall we?

One of the reasons why Huang Taiji sent troops to Mongolia was because he wanted to take advantage of He Jinchao's southward attack on Sichuan and the lack of troops, so that he could capture the Mongolian Khan.

Huang Taiji had already led troops to threaten Mongolia, and began to find a place for his loyal ally Horqin.

Chongzhen attached great importance to these "fame" and "face".

Huang Daozhou's impeachment of Yang Sichang went from criticizing Duoqing to join the cabinet to realizing that he is not a talent.

After everyone was assembled, Chongzhen sat inside the door in uniform, and the cabinet members saluted one after another.

i.e. the ally of my ally is my enemy.

Now they are fighting on the border of Qinghai and Sichuan, attacking Kham.

This kind of loss of power and humiliation of the country will never be allowed to happen in Daming.

Fang Yizao is the governor of Liaodong, and Wu Sangui, the current leader of the local launch, naturally worships under him.

Negotiation, that is absolutely impossible!
When the Qing army did not destroy the side wall and entered the territory of the Ming Dynasty to plunder, they were all iron-blooded fighters.

The confrontation between the two factions is imminent, and there are even vague signs of hands-on.

In order to strengthen Chongzhen's confidence, Yang Sichang gave another example:
"The Qing army entered the interior the year before last, and the hammer bandits were plundering from the side. At that time, only His Majesty was the one suffering from fatigue, and Zhang Fengyi was the only one who died.

Everyone expressed their anger by throwing their sleeves at Yang Sichang's question of which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

However, the leader of the Oirat Mongolian Junggar tribe had a good relationship with Gushi Khan, and sent troops to help him defeat Lin Dan Khan's ally, that is, He Jinchao's ally.

So Chongzhen felt that it was for this reason that Huang Daozhou made three memorials against Yang Sichang.

As an emperor, is it interesting to pester the ministers like this?

After all, for so many years, Chongzhen's knowledge was not learned in vain, and he personally ended up breaking up with the giants of Neo-Confucianism.

Even if Jianlu accepts the hospitality, which one of Ning Jin and Ji Xuan's masters can be abolished?
After entertaining the Jianlu, you can withdraw your troops to the northwest to fight against the hammer bandits, which is really a no-brainer.

At the same time, he tried to attack Subadhi. Not only did he have a good relationship with Junggar Taiji, but he also hooked up with He Jinzhao.

He Jinzhao only controlled Monan Mongolia, and Mobei's enemies or friends were complicated.

Yang Sichang looked around, but no one answered his question.

In short, when Lin Dan Khan died, the Mongolians in the Northwest became a mess.

"Why didn't you play earlier?"

What is the solution?
Then you are asking the wrong person, I don’t care about that!

"If outsiders and insiders doubt everything the court plans, what hope is there for success?"

If you are in the court, even if you win every battle, you will be in danger.

Ning Wan and the rest of us thought that Lu Xiangsheng was stationed here to contain He Jinzhao with all his might, preventing him from going to the Great Ming capital as easily as returning home.

Chongzhen can't grow old in peace affairs, and can't continue to remain silent.

Since 1581, Tsarist Russia crossed the Ural Mountains and quickly occupied the Ob River, Yenisei River, and Lena River Basin.

"Your Majesty, the bandits in the Central Plains are not peaceful, and there is no good strategy for Yubian, and Yubian is outside the fence, although the money is particularly likely to win.

Taking the opportunity to kill the Quartet in front of the Mongolians in Mobei will not only scare the Mongolians in Monan, but also further destroy He Jinzhao's prestige among the Mongolians.

Huang Taiji dispatched spies to learn that after Lu Xiangsheng became the governor of Xuanda, he actively farmed the land, and changed the old rules of feudal officials to clear the way, and often made private visits in disguise.

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng also wanted to divide the Mongols, and thus tried to use them to contain He Jinzhao, the Manchus, and so on.

When Kunming was captured by the Qing army, Fang Guangchen scolded the Prince of Qing, and his two sons were executed by Ling Chi. Eight of the nine sons died, and the remaining one was always wanted by Kangxi.

So in the thinking of Ming officials, face is Schrödinger's.

But once the Qing army really came, they became quail evaders again.

At the same time, He Jinchao's army went out to conquer Shaanxi and Sichuan, and took out all those who could fight.

Everyone knows that His Majesty is the most taboo of someone secretly forming a party.

Since he took office for two years to promote the strategy of ten nets, it has not been effective so far, and He Jinzhao's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Let them confront Tsarist Russia first to form an inherent impression of the Central Plains artillery.

Let's put aside the fact that the fucking hammer bandit He Jinzhao wants to occupy the whole of Sichuan.

Hearing Chongzhen's faint inquiry, Huang Daozhou's face changed, and he sold his friend unconsciously.

The two accused Yang Sichang of being loyal and filial, and opposed the peace negotiation.

Daming's face is the most important thing, why am I waiting to be an official?
It's not because of Daming's face!
If this proud face is gone, what is the difference between us and those dog tartars outside the customs and the little rogues who make trouble?
A tree lives on a piece of skin, a person lives on a face, and if the face is gone, then what kind of life is there!

Today's war of words is full of defenders, who dares to take responsibility?

Although what Yang Sichang raised were practical issues, the courtiers still didn't buy it.

Chongzhen ignored Huang Daozhou, and just asked the ministers to report on their work. When something happened, he asked Huang Daozhou to come out and kneel down.

It is enough to see that his intelligence is average, how can this kind of person be the Minister of the Ministry of War of Ming Dynasty?
There must be no money to build a captive, the money must not be completed, and the success must not last long.

Even if it's an expedient measure, we can't afford to lose face.

And upstream, it invaded the Heilongjiang River Basin, Khalkha Mongolia and Oirat Mongolia.

Only then did Lu Xiangsheng have the opportunity to agree on the date of the war with the Mongols.

In fact, it was against his idea of ​​peace talks. The dignified Minister of the Ministry of War was so weak to foreigners.

Then won't my Ming Dynasty become the next Song Dynasty, and then develop into the Southern Song Dynasty, and rule the river with the Qing dogs?

Now he buys weapons from He Jinzhao through Subadhi.

When it really came to the time when the Qing army kowtowed at the side, I am afraid that the whole court would have shut up and retreated. "

When Zhu Youjian talked about the philosophy of Neo-Confucianism, he changed the subject. You submitted the three memorials in a row, but you did not submit the memorials until after I had selected the cabinet members. Is it because you did not join the cabinet?

After Huang Taiji heard the news, he hurried to kill Subadhi.

Fight vigorously and oppose peace talks!
It is absolutely impossible for me to negotiate a peace.

At this time, they choose to be shameless, as long as I ignore you, I still have face.

Well, you are a zodiac week, and you were exposed unconsciously.

So now Subadi is waiting for the hammer bandits to trade a batch of weapons with them.

Before he went to school, he also echoed with those close to him, wanting to form a party and really create a storm in the court, and impeach him together!
As for the suspicion of terrorism, it is simply trying to cover up!
What Chongzhen hates the most is that some people form cliques behind his back in the court for personal gain. Do they want to become the next Eunuch Party or Donglin Party!
"Aren't you suspect now?"

Because Yang Sichang was impeached, he avoided suspicion and did not attend, but Chongzhen came to suppress the scene for him, and ordered the eunuch to urge him, and he did not come until noon.

Yang Sichang is naturally not afraid of facing off against others. He is a smart person, he is familiar with all kinds of books and quotes from classics, he is no worse than these people.

So when he nominated Yang Sichang to enter the cabinet together with Cheng Guoxiang, Cai Guoyong, Xue Guoguan, Fang Fengnian, Fan Fucui and others, the wave of opposition was louder and louder.

When He Jinzhao was fighting in Sichuan, he approved to sell them some Lumi guns and general guns.

Don't think that your eloquent words are good, but even if you talk about it, you don't want to do anything that will hurt my face!

Wu Sangui and his son Fang Guangchen "made an alliance as a friendship", he was good at talking, and often compared himself to Guan Zhong and Zhuge Liang.

As a giant of Neo Confucianism, he has his own pride, and he doesn't care about fame and fortune. He just replied that it was either for fame and fortune, or he thought Yang Sichang could not succeed.

Huang Taiji learned that the Nengchen Minister of Ming Dynasty was the governor of Xuanda, and he took so many actions.

On the one hand, they also helped Lu Xiangsheng solve his troubles and secretly tripped He Jinzhao.

But for the peace negotiation between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing dog tartar, our officials of the Ming Dynasty, jumping from here and hitting the pillars to die, will never agree!

These sites cannot be digested in a few years.

However, Qitan, the Mongolian leader, did not dare to fight the Ming army easily, and received news that the Qing army had invaded Mongolia, so he retreated decisively.

Huang Daozhou was a well-known giant of Confucianism, who only talked about the principles of heaven and human desires. Chongzhen used his son's Mao to attack his son's shield, criticizing him for impure motives in his memorial.

But the courtiers all knew that Yang Sichang was the mastermind behind the incident, and Fang Yizao's rhetoric once again caused an uproar.

So now under the excitement of the crowd, he wavered a little, saying that I have never talked about negotiating peace with the dog tartar.

After his father Fang Yizao passed away, he joined Wu Sangui's shogunate and affirmed Wu Sangui when he was about to rebel.

Huang Daozhou was originally included in the cabinet list this time, but Chongzhen thought that although he was very knowledgeable, he was paranoid and incapable of being a prime minister to save the time, so he was not selected.

In short, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The hammer bandit He Jinzhao must not be allowed to control the exchange market alone, so that the merchants who take refuge under his command will not be able to earn money if they want to smuggle, and it will not be conducive to his further development of espionage.

Chongzhen was quite satisfied with Yang Sichang's explanation.

On the surface, he opposed Yang Sichang's "seizure of love" (there was a funeral, he had to observe mourning for three years, and Yang He's step-wife died), and he should not be in the cabinet.

Will you be the emperor?

I have given you a step down, so can't you give me one?
Could it be that a courtier doesn't need face?
He doesn't have the guts to be an emperor at all, he's always entangled in trifles, what a fucking shame.

Yang Sichang was very moved when he saw that the emperor debated the ethics with Huang Daozhou in public for his sake.

But His Majesty's strategy is wrong, he is a giant of Neo-Confucianism, can we argue with him about Neo-Confucianism?
That's not falling into his rhythm.

Yang Sichang immediately came out and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I also have something to say."

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