Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 821 Tian Ji's Horse Racing Tactics

Chapter 821 Tian Ji's Horse Racing Tactics (Two in One)

Cao Bianjiao didn't know how to answer, so he was silent for a while.

Instead, He Jinzhao took the initiative to smile and said:
"The heads of those Zhenghongqi Tartars who were killed by you, I will ask someone to marinate them for you later, don't worry about that."

Sun Shoufa, Cao Wan and others all had smiles on their faces.

Without the timely support of the hammer bandits, they would all be surrounded and killed here by the reinforcements of the Houjin Tartars.

Even if they could escape, it would only be a small number of people, even the injured Cao Bianjiao might not be able to break out.

It can be said that He Jinzhao saved the lives of their officers and soldiers.

The Hammer bandits defeated the main force of the Houjin Tartars in the field battle again, and they didn't give them a chance to get back the corpses, so they ran away directly, so that they could get a head.

Cao Bianjiao is no longer holding on, even though he doesn't care about it himself, he still has to ask for rewards for those brothers who died, were injured, and made meritorious deeds.

"Thank you."

He Jinzhao didn't argue too much, and asked the military doctor Cao Bianjiao on the side about his injury. He heard that the injury was quite serious, and he might have to take care of him for two or three months.

Jiang Xiang on the side hastily patted his chest to promise that General Xiao Cao and others would be settled by him before the Jin Tartars were beaten away.

The battle was won.

Whether it is the hammer bandits, the Ming army, or the Mongols, they are all extremely excited.

He Jinzhao used to think about how to change the insufficient attack of the Synthetic Battalion. Today, with the Mongolian cavalry as the two wing guards, he immediately opened up his mind.

The next step is to bury the pot for cooking.

It's not the first time for young children to go to the battlefield. Even if they just sorted out the corpses and the weather is hot, they still have to eat when they should eat.

Cao Bianjiao and Sun Shoufa each held a large bowl of food, with several pieces of meat buried in it.

The group of people who were injured in the barracks just now gave each person a hard-boiled or duck egg and ate it.

As for no physiotherapy, it all depends on food supplements.

As long as the nutrition can keep up, most people's injuries can heal quickly.

While eating, Cao Bianjiao smelled the smell of wine on his gauze, and couldn't help but said:

"I suspect that He Jinzhao deliberately showed such affluence to lure me into joining the Hammer Bandits."

Sun Shoufa, who was crazily grilling rice, ate extremely fast, ignored Cao Bianjiao's remarks, got up and walked to the pot set aside.

There is unlimited supply of rice, vegetables are boiled in one pot, and meat is boiled in the other.

Both pots are oily, and they look very appetizing.

With a rather polite smile on his face, Sun Shoufa asked the chef in charge to scoop up two more spoonfuls of fat meat for him, and he didn't want vegetables.

But he heard the master tell him that the commander-in-chief had already stipulated that vegetables and meat should be eaten together, and he was not allowed to eat vegetables, otherwise the shit would be stinky and difficult to poop.

Pork is boiled with soybeans, and the thick soup is poured on white rice.

Sun Shoufa happily went back and sat beside Cao Bianjiao, continuing to eat wildly.

He had never eaten such a delicious meal in Shaanxi, let alone such things as pancakes and rough cloth when he was walking through the grassland.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Cao Bianjiao was seriously injured, and he couldn't exert as much force on his arms as Sun Shoufa.

"I heard it." Sun Shoufa kept holding the chopsticks in his hand, and said vaguely:
"You think too much, the treatment of the wounded soldiers of the hammer bandits is very good, I have found out the soldiers who were thrown out of the trapped camp.

A lot of things will be handed out for being able to directly become a regular now, and the rest of the people will have various rewards, even ordinary hammer bandit soldiers will still have rewards handed out during the Chinese New Year.

Children can go to school to read and write, and even daughters-in-law can learn crafts from weavers, or learn to bandage.

Many girls who became nurses were married to hammer bandit soldiers.

Even they can be rewarded for meritorious service.

This meal is not only because of you, General Cao, so you should eat it. In other words, I still have the honor of you, a wounded soldier! "

Cao Bianjiao just felt his heart beating non-stop, it's over!
As far as the daily food is not the best for the hammer bandits, compared with the Ming army camp, who is willing to sacrifice their lives for Daming?
He Jinchao's moves are too vicious, to give so many rewards to his soldiers, can the Ming court compare with it?

Even if Cao Bianjiao never deducted the salaries of the soldiers under his command, he still gave rewards from time to time, treating the soldiers so favorably.

He felt that no matter how generously he treated the soldiers, he couldn't compare to He Jinzhao's methods.

"It's over, stay in the wounded barracks for a while, I don't know how many soldiers are left under my command!"

Cao Bianjiao instantly felt that the food in his hand did not want to be sweet.

This is human nature.

Who doesn't want to live a good life?

Which soldier of the Ming army didn't want to rely on the sword in his hand to create a bright future for himself?

But this road has almost been cut off in Daming. How can anyone easily rise from a small soldier to a general?
Sun Shoufa didn't care about it, he could eat this kind of food once more.

Cao Bianjiao was worried here that some of the Guanning iron cavalry and newly trained soldiers he brought out through his own hard work would join the Hammer Bandit camp.

Then he could be considered as a wedding dress for He Jinzhao, and he didn't even have the means to stop it!
A Tartar has 50 taels of head, whether the imperial court can distribute all of them to him is still a big question.

Even if the emperor rewards him, how many soldiers will Cao Bianjiao have left after this wave of money is obtained?
Yang conspiracy!

Proper conspiracy.

He Jinzhao took the opportunity to heal himself and the soldiers under his command, so that the officers and soldiers could see how the hammer bandits lived their lives.

Who could not be tempted by such an attractive future?
Even if it was Cao Bianjiao and his personal guard captain Cao Wan, he was talking and laughing, joking that it would be better to surrender the hammer bandit or something.

After all, they fought bravely, but how could hammer bandits take care of wounded soldiers like they were treated after being injured?
Not only are military doctors accompanying the army treating your injuries, but nurses are changing special medicines for you, as well as delicious food and drink.

On the contrary, the officers and soldiers were not a group of wounded soldiers, lying in the camp and struggling on their own.

If you get through it, you still have a share of the reward, but if you can’t make it through, there is no reward for you.

Not even a pension!

It is your honor to fight to the death for Daming, and the family members dare to raise money from me, a Shangguan?
As soon as money is mentioned, your family is disloyal to Daming!

How about talking about our officers and soldiers' feelings for Daming, this is the best way to deal with it.

It is too much to directly send someone to beat your family members out, and if you dare to come to ask for a pension, you really have the guts of a bear, and you don't want to live anymore.

If you want to reunite with that dead ghost of your family, the Lord will certainly satisfy your request.

What is even more excessive is directly insulting the wives and daughters of soldiers who died in battle.

Cao Bianjiao looked at the group of soldiers who had fought with him in the past, and there was no smile on his face.

Sun Shoufa stood up while Cao Bianjiao was worrying and thinking, and decided to fill another half bowl.

As for He Jinzhao, he didn't have time to pay attention to Cao Bianjiao's worries. He was listening to the news from various scouts and the victories of this battle.

After Huang Taiji returned to the camp, listening to Dorgon's report, several camps were destroyed, even though Li Yongfang's gunners were more skilled.

But in terms of the number of cannons, it was impossible to fight against the Hammer bandits at all, so they could only be beaten passively.

Even the Ming army in Datong County dared to take advantage of the fire to loot.

Huang Taiji immediately sent Kong Youde and Li Yongfang to bring out the cannon in red and bombard Datong County.

For a while, the cannons rumbled.

After firing several rounds of cannons in retaliation, that night, Huang Taiji wrote a letter and shot it into the city, urging Ma Chengxi and Dai Wang to surrender.

The results of the battle on the grassland could not be spread to Datong County in a short time, so he decided to give it a go.

Ma Chengxi naturally received Huang Taiji's letter, and Dai Wang snorted after reading it.

He is a dog tartar who is also worthy to make this king the king, so he still has no loss of wealth?

Lao Tzu's wealth, you, a dog tartar from the backcountry, can know?
In addition, Dai Wang saw that the hammer bandits had rescued thousands of people, and the dog tartar's ability to guard the camp was not so strong.

Even Cao Wenzhao was able to easily break through the camp, and beheaded General Jin, and Dai Wang lost the fear he had before.

"With the hammer bandits at the side, the dog tartars will not dare to attack the city with all their strength." Dai Wang stood up and said:
"Besides, even the rebels of the Ming Dynasty dared to fight a bloody battle with the dog tartars. If our army of the Ming Dynasty surrendered, wouldn't we be laughed at if we died!"

Cao Wenzhao had no intention of surrendering at all, so he echoed Dai Wang's words, and directly replied to Huang Taiji, refusing to surrender.

On the contrary, Ma Chengxi shook his head slightly: "Daiwang, General Cao, let us pretend that we haven't seen this letter, and we don't have to reply to him alone."


Cao Wenzhao was not polite, he was afraid that someone would stab him in the back.

Wang Chengyin's behavior last time, he will never forget in his life.

If there was any evidence, Cao Wenzhao would have killed Wang Chengyin, the person who colluded with the hammer bandit.

But now Jiang Xiang has invited the Hammer Bandit to let the Hammer Bandit and the Houjin Tatars kill each other, and the Ming army will benefit from it. This feeling makes him very happy.

"It seems that Huang Taiji and He Jinzhao will continue to fight. Why don't we catch Huang Taiji and show that we are thinking and making choices."

Ma Chengxi looked at the letter written by Huang Taiji: "Don't talk to him."

Huang Taiji didn't sleep well that night, he knew that the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for him.

He suffered a loss in the previous battle with the hammer bandit He Jinzhao, and Huang Taiji had nothing to do with He Jinzhao's Tian Ji's horse racing strategy.

He Jinchao first used the low-grade horse Mongols to deal with the high-grade horses of the Houjin army (Daishan, Haoge, Duoduo), and then used the middle-grade horse Ming army to deal with the low-grade horses of the Houjin army (Daishan).

After the soldiers under Huang Taiji's command fought fiercely for a long time and became weaker, he used his high-grade horse (Gao Yigong) to deal with Houjin's medium-grade horse (Huang Taiji).

With such behavior of exchanging sons, Huang Taiji was inferior in every way, how could he be undefeated by He Jinzhao?

Huang Taiji was already at a disadvantage in terms of troop strength, and he was fighting away again.

His previous strategic goal was to deal with Lin Danhan, and he brazenly invaded Mingjing because Lin Danhan fled directly, which has become a secondary goal.

Coupled with the march in the hot summer, it has already violated the taboo of military strategists, and it has won every battle against the ordinary Ming army.

But to congratulate Jinchao, he directly fortified the walls and cleared the fields, and took the opportunity to move the people from the six counties of Datong Prefecture into Shanxi, waiting for work with leisure and hunger with food.

Huang Taiji ran for more than [-] li without looting anything, so he couldn't last long.

Since He Jinchao defeated Xiaocao last year, he took the time to cultivate his voice, divide the land, mobilize the people in southern Shanxi to farm the land, and release a large number of slaves to serve the people.

Transport enough food to Taiyuan and other places, stockpile weapons and ammunition, and train soldiers.

This time the combat food route is very short, it is almost a local battle, and there is no logistical pressure.

In contrast, Hou Jin's preparations were poor, and Huang Taiji wanted to take a big bite, just like the last time he robbed the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

But in places like Xuanda, it is by no means that there are so many manors of dignitaries and relatives of the emperor near the capital that can be plundered.

Even if Huang Taiji divides his troops, he still has great confidence, because they are all accustomed to by the Ming army.

Even if a Niulu was sent to plunder, the Ming army, whose strength was ten times that of the Houjin Tartars, would not easily go out to fight in the field.

In order to expand the interests he had plundered, Huang Taiji could only target the rather affluent Shanxi.

Then first, the Dege class met the hammer bandits who dared to fight and fight hard, and combined the artillery and the car battalion to develop their strength, and implemented the combination of battle and defense.

The Hammer bandit soldiers who have been trained repeatedly, their combat effectiveness is several times higher than that of the Ming army.

But Dege still carried out his father Nurhachi's tactics, thinking that Dajin was invincible in field battles, and saved the step of luring the hammer bandits into field battles.

If this tactic fails, they use cavalry and archery to attack fortified positions, and use chariots as attack tools. How can they deal with the increasingly powerful firearms of the hammer bandits?

Dege's tactics have fallen behind the times in front of the hammer bandits' new tactics and new weapons.

The version that He Jinzhao currently has is 2.1, while Dege is still guarding the old version 1.0.

It would be strange if he didn't fail if he wanted to use the same method he used against the Ming army to deal with the hammer bandits.

Even though Huang Taiji had tactical innovations, he ran thousands of miles and brought a few red cannons to bombard the openings of the Great Wall, or fired cannons to scare the Ming army defending the city.

If the Hou Jin army wants to fight against the artillery of the hammer bandits, it will not take advantage of it at all.

Even the firearms of Kong Youde and others all greeted the Mongols, making Huang Taiji's plan come to nothing.

The most important point is that in the matter of beating the Tartars of the post-Gold Army, both the Ming Army and the Hammer Bandit soldiers probably share the same hatred.

Especially when He Jinzhao chanted the slogan of anti-Jin Baojia, the Hammer bandits were willing to fight to protect their new hometown.

Huang Taiji tossed and turned sleeplessly at night. When he besieged Dalinghe, the number and power of his artillery far exceeded that of the Ming army.

He was already a big version ahead of the Ming army, but he suffered a big loss when he met He Jinzhao, a stubborn stubble.

Now there is no news in Datong City, which makes Huang Taiji very angry.

Now even Daming's dog officers and soldiers dare to make faces to themselves, so they can't read it anymore?

Huang Taiji couldn't sleep at night, sat up from the bed, frowning, Datong Mansion couldn't stay anymore.

Shanxi can't be looted, so go on to Xuanda, cut the wheat and return.

However, you can also try to destroy the Inner Great Wall of Shanxi, attack Dai County and Fanzhi County, threaten Yanmen Pass, and force He Jinzhao not to pursue.

If you can't beat it, leave decisively.

After Huang Taiji decided to return to Shenyang, he must vigorously forge artillery.

At that time, let the leader of the Hammer Bandit, He Jinzhao, also taste the power of my big gold cannon!
(End of this chapter)

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