Be the emperor from the postman

Chapter 43 Businessman's Vision

Chapter 43 Businessman's Vision

Zhao Bancheng recalled what Mr. He Jinzhao said about sponsorship, and hastily changed his words:
"No, I want to sponsor him three hundred spears and fifty armors."

Long spears are much better quality than simple spears.

"Father, where did our family get so many things?"

"Of course there are many Ming Dynasty military codes that can't survive, and our shop has a lot of them."

"Oh, I see."

Zhao Xiaowu was still wondering if his father also wanted to rebel?
Otherwise, what would the pawnshop do with so many ordnance?

Most of the pawnshops in Daming are businessmen from Shaanxi, Shanxi, Anhui and so on.

Ordinary people have no money to redeem, so these things belong to the pawnshop, and Zhao Bancheng naturally has a lot of ordnance.

Zhao Bancheng hurriedly urged: "Go quickly, it will break if it is late."


Zhao Xiaowu fully agreed, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Master, master." The housekeeper yelled and came in, with a bitter expression on his face: "Win, win."

Is this the end of the war?
That was too fast.

He Jinchao's gang of hungry people really couldn't beat the Ming Dynasty's army.

The Zhao family father and son couldn't hide the look of disappointment on their faces: "Who wins?"

"Back to the master, back to the young master, He Jinzhao's rebel won!"

The steward sighed for a long time, with a bitter expression on his face: "The officers and soldiers outside the city were beaten to death by He Jinzhao. They are being hunted down."



Zhao Xiaowu couldn't help asking again and again: "You mean He Jinzhao won?"

"Yes, it's absolutely true. He Jinzhao's people all chased and killed them, and beat the shit out of the officers and soldiers."

The housekeeper's face was full of bitterness.

When will Ganquan County escape from the rebels?
He didn't dare to go out these days to act like a domineering.


Zhao Xiaowu couldn't help laughing: "Father, He Jinchao won!"

"I won." Zhao Bancheng breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the chair and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay!"

The housekeeper looked at the father and son, a little confused.

He Jinzhao, the leader of the anti-thief, robbed your house of money again, and he also blackmailed [-] sets of clothes and miscellaneous things.

You father and son don't want to deal with the traitor He Jinzhao, but now that He Jinzhao has won the army, you laugh out loud.

There is something wrong with the designation of the father and son's heads, right?
The butler was speechless, staring at the roof.

"Hurry up and prepare to send the spear and armor over there. Even if it's not a timely gift, the icing on the cake is a must."

outside the city.

Feng Shichang, who was guarding the west gate, heard the report from his subordinates.

Speaking of the big defeat of Chen, the young master is leading the cavalry to hunt down and kill the Fan family.


"The one surnamed Chen lost badly."

"Withdraw, withdraw."

Feng Shichang hastily got off the collar and fled away with his confidants.

The young master has indeed become a thief, and no one is allowed to get involved in the people he likes.

Otherwise, how could the young master be so angry?
Even if it was [-] pigs, the communist army would not be able to catch them all in three days.

It is impossible for one person to catch a pig. It may take three or five people to catch a pig, but one person can capture many people.

The army is defeated like a mountain, and if you are told not to move, many people really dare not move, kneeling on the ground and surrendering.

The sun rises as usual, and the hot weather makes people sweat.

"Captain." Dang Shousu happily held the book.

He Jinzhao looked at the soldiers below: "Let's talk about our casualties first."

"Our army killed one person and slightly injured 15 people."

He Jinzhao knew who was the vanguard: "Han Xiaoliu was brave in battle, and he was rewarded with ten taels of silver as a pension and a generous burial. His younger brother Han Xiaoqi received the reward on his behalf.

Those who are brave in battle today will be rewarded with three taels of silver after the event. "


Dang Shousu took his notes and wrote it down. It was just an advance notice, and now He Jinzhao has officially set the tone.

The commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty's army died, and the pension given by the imperial court was eight taels, and the bottom-level soldiers were three taels of silver each, so this may not necessarily fall into the hands of their families.

"Thank you, Captain!" Han Xiaoqi knelt on the ground.

"Stand up." He Jinzhao patted him on the shoulder and said, "I will not treat meritorious soldiers badly."

There were tears in Han Xiaoqi's eyes. Just because of what the captain said, he must rebel with the captain in his life.

No one had ever treated the two of them as individuals before, let alone a full meal.

Now that the eldest brother died in battle, he can still get a decent funeral.

Everyone heard that a well-informed person was talking about the pensions of the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers, and then looked at our Captain He, that was really extravagant.

Everyone followed He Jinzhao to rebel, which made everyone feel more motivated.

Seeing that He Jinzhao nodded, Dang Shousu stood on the city wall and announced to everyone:

"In this battle, our army killed a total of 78 officers and soldiers, killed 150 or 320, and captured [-] or [-].

Eight pieces of armor were seized, 120 long spears, 51 Yanling knives, one bird blunderbuss, two Frang machine cannons, thirty catties of gunpowder, and six sub-cannons. "

The casualties of the enemy army are extremely watery.

It was because the soldiers fled and caused casualties to each other.

"Okay." He Jinzhao pointed at the crowd and said, "I was astonished by your performance, even the officers and soldiers were defeated."

"It all depends on the power of the captain."

Dang Shousu yelled, and the yelling gathered the entire city.

He Zan rode on the horse, watching the group's fanatical performance towards He Jinzhao.

He looked hesitant, fearing that he would not be able to pull He Jinzhao back into Daming's arms in the future.

"Slaughter pigs for meat."

He Jinzhao didn't say anything else, and won another burst of cheers.

Li Guo observed the battle from beginning to end.

Even though the battle was going well, he also saw a lot of things.

The command of He Jinzhao's troops is much higher than that of Fan's family.

Even though those officers and soldiers were elite Fan Jiajiading, facing this kind of organization, they could only end up fleeing in embarrassment.

The most important thing is that He Jinzhao has only trained these soldiers for more than a month, and they are so powerful.

The rest of the rebel troops that Li Guo observed were quite different.

Really dare not be underestimated!
On the contrary, we can make friends with him. In the future, he will be more powerful than Buzhanmu, maybe the days won't be too long!
Zhao Bancheng hurriedly sent someone to count the spear and armor, and he sent some meat to express condolences to He Jinzhao.

"Today congratulate the king for protecting me in Ganquan County, this is a little of my heart."

Zhao Bancheng personally handed out the gift list to Dang Shousu beside him.

He Jinzhao narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I won't suspect that you have colluded with the Fan family outside the city. Don't do that, Mr. Zhao."

"Your Majesty He, don't worry, I won't collude with the Fan family. The Fan family has bullied me a lot."

Zhao Bancheng was sweating profusely. He set fire to the city to lure the enemy into the city. Most likely he caught the internal support of the Fan family.

"It's good if you have enmity between you." He Jinzhao looked at the people digging a hole, "I'm going to attack Fan's Manor, and I heard that there's too much food there."

Zhao Bancheng's eyes lit up immediately, and he cupped his hands and said:
"Your Majesty, the Fan family relied on someone in the family to be an official, so they took bribes a lot.

There are some worthless antique calligraphy and paintings in the manor, it is useless for you to take them, you might as well sell them to me. "

(End of this chapter)

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