Chapter 17
"Only those who are capable can eat meat."

After He Jinzhao's words were given to everyone, he announced the start of the match.

In order to eat pork, no one is willing to give up easily.

Gao Yigong did his part and won No.1.

The foundation he has cultivated since he was a child is not comparable to these people who can only raise him for a few days.

Although Liu Erhu chased after madly.

But in order to eat pork, these people exhausted all their energy.

The competition for the top [-] is quite fierce.

Amidst the cheers and regrets of the crowd, the curtain came to an end.

Before He Jinzhao could persuade his brother-in-law's family to go with him, his brother-in-law took the initiative to join him, which really surprised him.


He Jinzhao rubbed his eyes and took a few steps forward.

That's right.

The butcher who killed the pig in front of him was the forensic doctor who asked him to pick a piece of dead human flesh outside the city.

"Hello, Your Majesty."

The butcher looked a little embarrassed holding the knife.

Butchering pigs is a technical job, and he is the only person in this group who knows how to kill pigs.

"It's okay, you killed you, I came to see the butcher."

He Jinzhao didn't bother to talk about any big reasons.

This world turns people into ghosts.

"Hey, you take a basin and some pig's blood."

He Jinzhao discovered that these people did not have the habit of eating blood tofu, isn't this a waste?

Everyone who is poor wants to eat, and spoils good things.

"Eh, my lord, is this blood still edible?"

Liu Zongmin stopped calling him Little Martial Uncle, and started calling him Dawang outside.

After all, the master has already said that he is going to be a traitor, so the apprentices naturally have to keep up.

"Long hair, short knowledge."

He Jinzhao raised his eyebrows and sent someone to buy more tofu.

Those who don't eat pork can also share some blood tofu and pig offal.

"My lord, I think this blood tofu is better than pork."

Liu Zongmin held up the bowl and poured it into his mouth.


Many old people and women who had no chance to eat meat joined in.

Because it's really rotten, it's easy to eat, and it tastes good.

This is much better than just drinking broth.

The king still takes care of them.

These people are grateful for not abandoning the old and the weak.

Some people began to secretly wipe their tears, and finally lived a few days of human life!

After eating and drinking enough, He Jinzhao was not idle.

Instead, they gathered people and sat in the backyard of the county government office with a good view to enjoy the cool and have a small meeting.

In the past few days, he fed everyone enough, so he should instill some simple principles in them.

In the future, allowing them to follow themselves will not only require food.

As an entrepreneurial leader, you need to cheer up the people below you.

He Jinzhao held up the wooden trumpet and said, "Everyone has eaten well today."

"already ate."

As the number one Gao Yigong, he naturally sat in the front row.

He held his chest high.

An indescribable sense of honor lingered in his heart.

Many people who ate pork shouted loudly.

This is pork earned by his own ability.

Who doesn't want to rely on their own ability to eat?

But in this dead world, they won't even give them this chance.

People who come here for fame still drink porridge first, and they won't dry it up.

They can only smell the smell of meat and drink porridge.

Liu Erhu didn't eat any meat, and his boast made him extremely embarrassed.

After all, everyone can eat meat by their own ability.

"My lord, I can't figure it out."

He Jinzhao was not angry either: "Tell me why you can't figure it out."

Liu Erhu stood up: "Why do you choose someone who runs fast and doesn't choose someone who is good at fighting? When the time comes, the officers and soldiers will all die."

"Er Hu asked a good question." He Jinzhao smiled and took a few steps forward: "Have you ever beaten the army?"

Liu Erhu really wanted to yell loudly that he could beat him, but he held back his bragging words:

"I can't beat it alone."

"You can't beat it, so many of us have only had enough to eat for a few days, how could we beat the officers and soldiers?"

He Jinzhao walked to the middle of the crowd and said, "So I want everyone to practice running first, we can only run faster than the officers and soldiers.

Survive first, find a place, take good care of your body, and train before you can defeat the army. Do you think this is the truth? "

"Your Majesty is right."

A group of people think it makes perfect sense.

The new refugees are even a little excited, the king treats me like a human being.

Some rebels would use these refugees as cannon fodder to attack the city. In turn, the soldiers of the Ming court would do more than the rebels.

Dang Shousu patted his head helplessly, He Jinzhao really wanted to train all his subordinates to become postmen.

Otherwise, it is required to run fast!

But the emperor of Ming Dynasty had abolished all the post stations, and he had no chance to become a post station.

Learn to run first, be able to preserve yourself, and then learn to fight.

In today's Shaanxi, He Jinzhao believes that there is no space and location for the development of base areas.

There is no mass base at all.

As the first place to raise the flag of rebellion, Shaanxi will definitely be focused on by the court, especially Hong Chengchou, who is ruthless in killing people.

He Jinzhao made up his mind that he would not be able to fight against him prematurely for the time being, as far as the gang of native chickens and dogs under his command were concerned.

Whether it is land or climate, Shaanxi has not been able to develop in recent years.

Facts have also proved that the early experience of bandits is correct, and when the officers and soldiers arrive, they should hurry up.

Running fast is king.

That's why He Jinzhao focused on training and running.

Seeing the lively atmosphere, He Jinzhao also knew that it was time to get into the theme.

"All of you follow me to rebel against He Jinzhao. I know that most people want to fill their stomachs."

As soon as He Jinzhao said this, some people couldn't help laughing.

Because when it comes to their hearts, it is heaven to be able to eat for a day, who would think about the future.

He Jinzhao raised the horn and asked, "But why didn't you have enough to eat before?"

"No field."

He Jinzhao immediately asked, "Where did your fields go?"

"It was taken by the official."

"Borrowing food during a severe drought, owed usury, and returned to the landlord."

"There will be a lot of taxes to be paid after the renting of the land. You have to rent silver to the prince."

"Especially when paying taxes, there are not only withholding and pre-levying."

Withholding refers to the unfinished money and food owed over the years, and a certain number of points will be levied when the positive amount is collected in the current year.

Pre-collection refers to the collection of part of the money and food for the coming year in advance, in addition to being ordered to pay the taxes of the year.

"There are also corrupt officials who have cleverly set up their names and sent more privately."

The answers are varied. In short, obedient citizens are the targets of exploitation.

Everyone can't live a life if they want to. After paying all kinds of miscellaneous taxes, the output of the fields can't fill people's stomachs.

When disaster strikes, it will be even worse.

These people are landless.

In the year of disaster, it is a great opportunity for the landlords and gentry to make a lot of money.

Ordinary people have no ability to resist the risk of famine at all.

Thousands of acres of land, tens of thousands of acres, and hundreds of thousands of acres of land owned by landlords and gentry are mostly obtained in this way.

He Jinzhao nodded secretly, these speeches must be written down, they are the history of blood and tears of these people.

In order to develop independent base areas in the future, taxes cannot be raised casually.

(End of this chapter)

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