I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 333 Contact from God King Odin

Chapter 333 Contact from God King Odin

He is God King Odin, even though he recognizes the strength of Void God Kassadin.

But it is completely impossible for him to bow his head to Kassadin, the god of the void.

"But I heard from Tony that the blessing of the Void God Religion can bring about infinite evolution."

"Tony Stark was born as a Blue Star, so the starting point is extremely low."

"But now he has only joined for a few years and has evolved hundreds of times. Even if he is weaker than me, his strength will not be too far behind."

"You should have seen his strength."

"And he said that his life expectancy is at least a thousand years, and he may live for thousands of years."

Thor was slapped on the head by his father Odin, and he knew that his father was considering his identity, but he still said seriously.

"Asgardians can live for thousands of years if they don't die from accidents."

"The blessing of the void can also be done, proving that they have something in common."

"My blessing bestows divine power, which will gradually improve as I grow older."

"What the blessing of the void brings should be other powers."

"In the short term, it may greatly improve its own strength."

"But what is certain is that infinite evolution is impossible, and it is impossible to have such a terrifying blessing in the world."

"The evolution of the Void God Religion is bound to have a limit."

Odin saw Thor stubbornly trying to convince himself, his eyes flashed, he withdrew his hand and said.

"Regardless of whether there is a limit or not, what if the blessing of the Void God Religion can really prolong life?"

"Father, don't you want to keep your body?"

"If you really leave, Loki and I don't have that much confidence to protect Asgard."

"I hope you can continue to watch over us for a while, so that we have enough time to grow."

"And your life is about to come to an end because your body can't bear the increasingly powerful divine power in your body."

"Then as long as you can make your physical body stronger, you should be able to better stabilize the divine power in your body."

"The physical bodies of some people in the Void God Sect are much stronger than mine."

Sol heard what his father said and thought it made sense, but he still wanted his father to try it.

"Yes, we are going to Void Island for a few months this time."

"Basically stay in a building called Gravity Building."

"The gravity building can freely change the gravity, and the maximum gravity is as high as 150 times."

"When I try my best to use my divine power, I can only move freely in the 35 times gravity chamber."

"The limit of Sol's physical body blessed with divine power is sixty times."

"But among the Void God Cult, there are four guys who are physically stronger than Sol."

"Respectively 62 times that of Lacey from Xandar."

"Seventy times Yan Moglix Mowgli, born on Mowgli."

"Blue Star was born with 75 times the power of Bruce Banner who can transform into the Hulk."

"He was born on Xandar, and he was born with eighty times the power of Hercules Kyle."

Loki nodded in confirmation when he heard the words.

If the father can get the blessing of the void, then he can also join the glorious evolution and get rid of his current weak body.

His father allowed him to use the Frost Treasure Box, an artifact of the Frost Giants, which greatly increased his strength, but Loki still wanted to join the Void Cult.

Seeing that Tony, Lacey, and Banner have such terrifying and powerful physical bodies now, and they will continue to become stronger in the future, Loki is completely lying if he says he is not envious.

It's just that the Void God Sect welcomes him to be a guest, but does not welcome him to join.

In the final analysis, the reason is that his father Odin is a big man whose strength is infinitely close to the void god Kassadin.

If Kassadin, the God of the Void, allowed him to join the Void God Cult without the consent of his father.

There was bound to be a war to be fought between Asgard and the Void Cult, but if his father and king joined, then there would be no problem.

"Although the average physical fitness of Xandar is not bad, but I remember it is a little worse than the soldiers of Asgard?"

"That Lacey who was born on Xandar can really step into a place with 62 times the gravity and move freely?"

"She doesn't have any superpowers?"

When Odin heard what Thor and Loki said, his eyes showed some surprise, and his tone contained some doubts.

"What is certain is that Lacey is not a person with superpowers."

"This point was said a few years ago when Lacey was invited by Tony to support Blue Star during the New York War."

"At that time, we were not enemies with her. If she is really a superpower, then she has no reason to hide."

Saul nodded when he heard the words, and said in confirmation.

This trip to the Void God Religion has gained him a lot. Not only has he tested his current limit, but he has also improved his manipulation of divine power to a higher level.

In the extremely harsh gravity environment, his potential is constantly stimulated.

At first he wanted to channel the divine power in his body for tens of seconds, but now he can channel the divine power in less than five seconds.

The upper limit of strength may not have been raised, but even if he is not holding Thor's Hammer, his strength will not drop too much.

"A person born on Xandar who is not a superpower can actually reach 62 times the gravity..."

"What is Tony Stark's limit?"

When Odin heard Thor's words at this time, he really realized that the blessing of the void might not be as simple as he imagined, and then he thought of something and asked.

"Tony Stark's limit is forty times."

"But Tony Stark also said that because of the direction of evolution, his physical body is not the top in the Void God Sect."

Saul also responded when he heard the words.

"It's not the top, but it's still stronger than Loki's physical body. It takes the human body as the starting point to reach this point."

"Is it really possible to evolve infinitely?"

"But infinite evolution is supposed to be impossible, and it is impossible for such outrageous power to exist in the world..."

Odin's face became serious when he heard this.

Although Loki's physical strength only occupies a small part of it, more strength comes from the magic he controls.

But you must know that Loki has lived for more than 500 years, and Tony Stark will only be a hundred years old at most. In the future, he will have a lot of time to learn abilities other than the physical body.

From this point of view, the overall strength of the Void God Sect is much more terrifying than he expected.

The Starfleet that easily wiped out the Kree is just the tip of the iceberg revealed by the Void Cult, far from the full strength of the Void Cult.

The Infinity Stones are very powerful, but those are the only six stones involved in the origin of the universe.

Even if they are controlled by others and can play their role to the greatest extent, it will only affect six people.

But the blessings of the Void God Religion are not limited to six but more.

Does the power of infinite evolution really exist, and what is the fundamental source of this power?
As the top powerhouse in the universe, Odin sees more clearly.

The strength of Kassadin, the God of the Void, is definitely very powerful. It is assumed that the blessing of the Void can really bring about infinite evolution.

Then the origin of Kassadin, the God of the Void, is worth thinking about.

He also investigated Kassadin's origin, but there was very little information, claiming to be from the void.

But Odin has lived for so many years, and has never heard of a world called the void. Kassadin seems to have emerged out of thin air, and his power is terrifying and unfathomable.

When he spied on Asgard for the first time, neither he nor Heimdall could find Kassadin's trace or even guess his identity.

He knew whether it was because Kassadin was observing Asgard, or because he felt the same feeling of being watched.

At the same time, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who were born in the Void God, also happened to come to Asgard as guests.

From this, it can be deduced that Kassadin is secretly observing them in Asgard.

Although it is still impossible to understand Kassadin's thoughts now.

However, Odin was also able to confirm that Kassadin did not seem to have much malice towards them Asgard.

Even though Kassadin was coveting some of Asgard's treasures, Kassadin did not use brute force to grab them.

That's why he planned to establish diplomatic relations with the Void God Cult, and hoped that the other party would look at favors and would not do anything to Asgard in the future.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, is too mysterious, so he doesn't know whether to meet him in person now.

"Whose contact information do you have from the Void God Sect?"

"Let them help me tell Kassadin, God of the Void, that I want to talk to him."

Odin thought about it and couldn't make a decision. The reason for everything was that there was too little information, so he decided to chat with the other party.

"Father, have you agreed to join the Void God Sect?"

Loki's eyes lit up when he saw what his father said after contemplating.

"Stinky boy, do you think this matter can be decided casually?"

"You don't even know the origin of the Void God Religion, so you just want to plunge into it, and be careful not to leave any bones left behind."

Seeing Loki's excited look, Odin also knew that Loki wanted to join the Void God Cult before, but he never succeeded, so he patted Loki on the head and taught him a lesson.

"I don't think you want to contact me, it means you don't want to die."

Loki said innocently after hearing his father's lesson.

"If possible, of course I would also like to continue living to watch the two of you rule Asgard."

"But it's not that simple."

"Even if I am willing, the other party may not agree to our joining."

"The purpose of contacting now is to understand the situation before we talk about it."

Seeing Loki's innocent face, Odin spoke.

"You are God King Odin, isn't it a good thing for the Void God Cult that you are willing to join the Void?"

"Kassadin, God of the Void, has no reason to refuse your joining."

Saul was also a little puzzled when he heard the words.

"If my lifespan is really extended after joining the Void God Cult, then I will definitely pursue more."

"Whether it is a human or a god, they are all intelligent creatures in essence."

"As long as intelligent creatures live, their desires are endless."

Odin came to a stone chair step by step, sat down slowly, and said.

"We do have the contact information of some people from the Void God Sect."

"Wait for me, I'll contact Reynolds for you."

Sol understood this when he heard this, and took out the cosmic communicator.

If Tony is on Void Island, then his first choice must be to contact Tony.

But now that Tony is back at Blue Star, he doesn't know what to do.

So the only people he can contact now are those who are still on the island, and Sol quickly contacted them.

At the same time, on the void island, the time is in the afternoon.

Reynolds had just finished practicing. After taking a shower, he was eating with Kyle and the others in the cafeteria.

Suddenly Renoli's cosmic communicator rang.

"As expected of Reynolds, the communication really doesn't stop all day long."

"Which beauty is calling this time?"

Kyle said with a smile when he heard the ringing.

Reynolds is very handsome, so there are often situations where women take the initiative to pursue Reynolds.

Unlike him who is too big, even if Kyle thinks he is good, it is easy to scare some women away.

"It's Saul calling."

Reynoli felt a little helpless when he heard Kyle's teasing words, and also clicked on the caller's message.

"Didn't they just return to the Nine Realms?"

"Why did I contact you all of a sudden?"

Kyle was a little surprised and confused when he heard that it was actually Kyle calling.

"I don't know, let's talk about it."

Renault also shook his head when he heard the words, and then connected to the communication.

The communication was connected soon.

What Renoli saw was an extremely luxurious hall, obviously Sol should have returned to Asgard.

It's just that when Renoli saw the majestic old man with pale hair and wearing armor sitting behind Thor, his eyes also changed.

"Sol, can I help you with anything?"

Reynolds had never met God King Odin, but considering Thor's location, it was not difficult to guess the identity of the old man behind Thor.

"My father, King Odin, wants to chat with Kassadin, God of the Void."

"I wonder if you can tell Kassadin, God of the Void, for help."

Saul also got straight to the point and directly stated the purpose of finding Renoli.

As soon as these words came out, the cafeteria, which was originally very lively chatting with each other, immediately quieted down.

The name of God King Odin has been heard in the universe for a long time, almost everyone knows the power of God King Odin.

"I can only tell Miss Sonia for you, but I cannot guarantee that the great Void God, Mr. Kassadin, will definitely agree to have a talk with God King Odin."

When Renoli heard that God King Odin wanted to chat with Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, his expression became extremely serious.

"Okay, then I would like to trouble you to pass on the information."

"If Master Kassadin, God of the Void, is willing, please let him call my number."

Thor also knew that it was impossible to directly contact Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The members of the Void God Sect basically have to go through the Void God Envoy Miss Sonia to establish contact with the Void God Kassadin.

 Every day, the first four thousand words are sent.

(End of this chapter)

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