Chapter 296

However, the combat power of the Mechanicus is too dependent on the level of the contemporary master craftsmen.

Some master craftsmen get [-] points because the upper limit is only [-].Some master craftsmen get [-] points because they can only get [-] points.

Genius cannot be surpassed casually. How many god-level mechanical knowledge have disappeared in the long river of history one by one, and how many shocking new inventions have been born and mass-produced, but have been kept secret?
This is a great test of the patience of the evil faction alliance, as well as the pulling of all the demon gods and demon kings.

During the siege, some churches or gods who had always been relatively neutral chose to join forces with the Wright royal family to fight against the coalition forces of demons.For example, the branch presidents of several knowledge churches, and the goddess of agriculture.

Most of them were unscrupulously offended by their own domain, and became unbearable, angrily went to war against the evil group.

In fact, the twin goddesses are happy to see this scene happen.

Originally, there was no such thing as a dominance in this world, and no matter whether it was good, neutral or evil, there was no super existence that could overwhelm all the opposing factions.

In this case, there are often only two possibilities:

One is that which camp can't stand it, whoever comes will raise their arms and gather together to push the opponent, just like what the twin goddesses did in the last millennium.

Second, as it is now, the well-informed gods know that the twin goddesses are on the list of sacrifices, and they are still at the top of the list, so they will either intentionally or unintentionally indulge other factions to get the twin goddesses first.

Even so, the Wright royal family assembled these forces, just like Mark, obviously shunting away the fighting power of the evil faction.

In this way, after the attack lasted for a month and got nowhere, a very miraculous scene appeared——

The defense circle of the capital of the Wright Empire actually gained a brief period of peace.

On the evening of October 10rd, on Mark's side, Anna had just finished cleaning up for Mark, when she suddenly said nonsensically, "It's almost there."

"Huh? It's almost the same. You said I bullied you? Hehe! How can it be enough?" Mark smirked.

The Ice and Snow Goddess gave Mark a hard look, and seemed to find that her eyesight was not good, she said, "I'm sorry, I was the one who spoke too loudly just now." ’, his eyes flinched for a moment, and he immediately turned to say: “Speak to the business. Those evil gods should have almost finished their quarrel, and it’s time to decide who is responsible for punishing whom.”


"You don't think that those devil gods and devil kings who have their own ghosts can really work together to deal with a group of gods?"

"Of course not. But there won't be evil gods on our side." Mark stood up with a smile, opened the window to feel the cool sea breeze, and the next movement of his hands echoed his words: "That year I put my hands in my pockets." , I don’t know what an opponent is.”

With a single word, it can be dragged to the sky.

If you drag someone, you will be cleaned up at most.

If you are dragged by God, you will be punished by God.

Oh?Are you not afraid of God's punishment?Still meeting gods and killing gods?

In a word from Mark, the Goddess of Ice and Snow was so upset to see Mark in her heart. At this moment, she felt like she was insane.

"What? Do you think I'm reliable as your man?"

"Hmph! Not at all!" Anna immediately recovered from the trance, and turned her head angrily: "It is obvious that you captured me with despicable means when I was unable to resist, and I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

"Oh? Really? If I let you go now..."

"How dare you!?" Anna really looked like a cat with fried hair at this moment.

"Hehe! I'll just tease you."

"You..." When Anna was a little angry, suddenly she, or the other gods on board, felt a surge of evil thoughts slowly descending on the Caribbean.

Not an attack!

It's just that some evil being descended upon his will.

The pitch-black night sky suddenly turned a chaotic muddy yellow.

Around the entire space, lights and shadows of brutal fighting emerged everywhere, whether it was human beings, or beasts, or demons, devils, and demons.

There was the clang of weapons, the crack of claws tearing flesh, the groans and wailing of the dying.

Coupled with the smell of blood overflowing across the space.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and those who didn't know would think that the Caribbean, which had been peaceful for a long time, ushered in a terrible surprise attack.

At that moment, not to mention all the angels flying out in full armor, waiting in full force, even the tree god and lion ape at the bow raised their heads nervously and stared at the sky.

"[War]! Are you here to declare war?" Tree God Surman cursed in a deep voice.

"No! It's just to say hello to my junior who is also good at [war]." [War God] did not show a fixed form, as if he was showing the world that he is war itself, he is a living war encyclopedia.

It's a pity that Mark always felt that it lacked so much meaning.

There is no grand battle of "World of Warships".

There is no "Ace Combat" like "Ace Combat".

There is no biubiubiu of Gundam on the interstellar battlefield.

This Nima is also worthy of being called [War God]?
At best, it can be regarded as [Classical] or [Fantasy] War God, right?

Mark didn't speak, but he continued to maintain that posture with his hands in his pockets, and he felt full of confidence just by being seen by his god-level subordinates.

This is clearly 'so boring!I want to see blood flowing into rivers' aura!
"Pretentious old ghost... Don't worry, at least at this moment, my friends are not here." Mark opened the pot and lifted the pot, and uncovered the scars of [War God] on the spot.

If he had been brave enough, he wouldn't have been forcibly kidnapped by Mark's fellow villagers in front of Wanqian's younger brother Botis.

In the past, 【War Demon God】couldn't swallow this bad breath at all.

Now, even if Mark doesn't rely on his fellow countrymen, just this group of godly brothers and sisters here is not enough for him to be gnawed down by the War Demon God.


The 'noble' Lord Demon God snorted coldly, deliberately ignored the sarcasm in Mark's mouth, and turned to business: "Mark Destiny, if you want to swear by your [neutral] position, what price will you have to pay for us?" When dealing with the twin goddesses, you and your fellow villagers and god-level subordinates will not take action?"

"Huh?" The Ice and Snow Goddess next to Mark showed a playful smile.

In the past, when Anna fired randomly, Mark would give her a blank look and warn her, "If you don't know how to speak, just hold back." But this time, Mark didn't need Anna to restrain himself, but he did a surprisingly good job of teasing her.

The expression on Mark's face was almost the same as that of the Ice and Snow Goddess.

"You can't afford the price of keeping nearly a dozen god kings from making a move!" Mark deliberately asked the price, but he didn't want to do it.

This is obvious:

We can talk!Need to add money!
This really controlled the mentality of the evil gods to death.
ps: In fact, there was still a chapter saved yesterday, but a chapter was updated yesterday, and the starting point is still counted as my absence.There are not so many points to exchange for a leave of absence.I just happened to be in good spirits today, and I wrote a chapter to make up for the subsistence allowance.

Alas, I have mild symptoms, I just had a fever for a whole day, no brain fog and other messy things.On the fourth day after confirmation, now I have a cough and runny nose.

I hope that there will be special medicines available in the new year, otherwise it will be normal for everyone to ask for leave.

Happy new year to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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