Chapter 247

At this moment, a thunderous voice suddenly came from afar: "Leave that ship quickly!"

Vivian recognized that it was Conrad's voice.

The son of the storm's unique thunderous voice is easy to recognize, let alone an acquaintance.

However, when she looked in the direction of the voice, her companions were stunned, not to mention her.

It was a ghost ship with extremely dilapidated sails.

If the ship under their feet was still covered up with fog, Conrad's warship would hardly be a show.Translucent green light skulls hovered around the ship's mast. They opened and closed the jaws of the spirit matter, as if silently telling their grievances and pains, and then shuttled between the holes in the damaged sails.

The bow of the ship can fit into a small car, and seawater is poured in at all times, but on the side of the ship, which is supposed to be made of oak planks, it is like a human body sweating, and seawater is continuously swelled out.

With her extraordinary eyesight, Vivienne could easily see the giant Conrad with his left foot on the figurehead, as well as the busy ghost sailors behind him.

If another person appeared in this posture, Vivienne had to think of a way to beat him up first.

That's Conrad, the macho bodyguard who never left Mark's side!
In addition to receiving all kinds of news from Mark in the past few months through the church, Vivienne made a decision immediately!
"All evacuate!"

The Punishers who didn't go too deep into the hull did not hesitate to use various means to break out of the window or rush to the deck.

Almost at the same time, the blood plasma under their feet finally revealed its cruel real body. The blood plasma seemed to boil and surge, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into a huge and vague image of a shark head, planning to bite down on the purification team on the deck.

Suddenly, Shark Head seemed to sense something, and turned his head quickly.

In the sea to the north, the seemingly old-fashioned cannon roared loudly.

In this era, the cast iron muzzle, which is a bit ridiculous, burst out a huge and terrifying soul shock.Not only the two cannons on the bow, but also the side cannons fired together.

I thought it was a ridiculous wave shot, who would have thought that those solid iron ball shells circled an obvious 90-degree arc in midair strangely, and finally gathered together, falling from the sky like a storm, sweeping down, and in a blink of an eye Then shot to the front of the cargo ship.

"Damn it! We're still on the boat!" Vivian couldn't help but curse.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, she realized that she had scolded too early.

Just before the solid iron ball shells that were not much worse than her head were about to hit the ship, the shells magically turned again.

The shells that were as dense as rain suddenly sank and shot hard below the waterline of the ship.

"Huh!?" The young female judge's eyes widened

"Boom boom boom!"

The seemingly endless soul cannonballs were like thunderstorms falling from the sky, under the control of a certain tyrannical will, they rushed fiercely to the bottom of the water.

What's even more amazing is that those shells seem to ignore the physical barrier of the water body and penetrate the water without hindrance.

In the next second, the answer will be revealed!

An inhuman roar came from under the boat.

In the huge water column that burst open suddenly, a large amount of unknown flesh and bone fragments were mixed.

At this moment, Vivian's hands and feet were cold.

No wonder the reaction to the evil detection spell was so vague.It turned out that the other party was not on this boat at all, but was hiding under the boat.

The sea has never been the area that the twin goddesses are good at.

In order not to offend the Lord of Storms, the entire church did not specially develop any divine spells for underwater use.

There's not much they can do when they encounter a demon working underwater!
Right now, the origin of the deep sea demon at the bottom of the ship is unknown, nor does it have any characteristics or weaknesses.Vivian only knew that staying on this broken ship for even a second longer would be a matter of increasing risk.

"Go!" Abner yelled.

The strange thing is that just as he finished speaking, the small boat they came in was swallowed by a thing like a huge mouth of an abyss under the water.

not good!To suffer!
And more lumps of flesh and bones turned into terrifying big mouths, biting towards them.

"Stay with me!" Dida screamed, opening a sacred golden shield.

The spherical shield with a diameter of less than ten meters can protect all members of the purification team.

"Crack, click!" The teeth of different sizes popped out from the meat ball, biting Dida's shield like grinding teeth.

Vivian noticed that besides the canine-like fangs, there were more...human teeth.

Dida struggled to hold on, and despite his best efforts, the golden light on the shield was still rapidly diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The shield is getting thinner, its size is also being reduced, and the color of the barrier is rapidly fading and weakening. Obviously, it won't last long.

At the very moment, suddenly, the waves around the ship violently bulged a huge bag.

That is a water body of hundreds to thousands of tons, a phenomenon that can only be produced when a huge underwater object rapidly emerges from the water.

For a moment, Vivienne lost all thoughts: It's over!

Unexpectedly, reinforcements came!
A lobster-shaped monster with a length of three to forty meters just by looking at its upper body suddenly appeared on the stage.

As soon as it appeared, a pair of huge lobster claws went to the bottom of Vivian and the others' boat.

"Squeak! Roar! Ga..." Amidst the messy roar, Vivian finally noticed what it was through the dripping water.

Uh, kind of indescribable.

It's like cutting up countless large and small fish, shrimp and crabs into several pieces, and then randomly assembling them into a huge meat ball, with some human limbs mixed in.

Looks extremely disgusting.

However, it was disgusting for a second, and when the tongs were retracted, the ball was sent into a huge mouthpart like a pulverizer.

"Eat it!?" Dida's eyes widened in disbelief.

At this time, no matter how slow their reaction was, they realized that this was really reinforcements.

That's right, it is the deep-sea monster [Abyssal Ghost Crab Queen], a fusion of lobster and giant crab!
At this time Conrad's voice came again: "Jump on the crab's head!"

It was only then that they discovered that in the turbulent waves beside them, at some point, some large crabs that were about the size of a car floated to the surface.

hell!Don't you say that we all regard them as enemies!

Without hesitation, the purification troops jumped off the ship one after another, jumping onto the back shells of these crabs that looked vicious but actually behaved quite docilely.

There was an unlucky guy who slipped his feet because of the moss growing on the crab's shell, and Brother Crab even helped him with his pliers.

When the crab troop arrived at Vivian and the others, they immediately paddled their funny hind legs and started to move away.

Vivian didn't have the time to 'appreciate' this monster battle until she distanced herself.

(End of this chapter)

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