Mysterious as the wind, always with me

Chapter 222 What is the price?

Chapter 222 What is the price?
When Anastasia heard the news of Mark's summoning, her first reaction was ecstasy, and then she was a little uneasy.

Natasha, the female knight beside her, was keenly aware of the saint's ambivalence: "Your Highness, no matter what, we are in this situation thanks to his protection. If there is anything wrong, we will only find out when we go."


It has been a long time since that shocking cleansing.

Peter the Great continued to purge the opposition in the country.Originally, Peter the Great meant that as long as he converted to the God of Ice Bears, he would let those nobles and believers go, but there is a phenomenon in the world called "layer by layer".

Those speculators who were the first to change their families were eager to suppress the old nobles, and expressed their loyalty to the emperor by purging the nobles who believed in the goddess of ice and snow.So this big cleansing will change its flavor after it is implemented.

The local aristocrats who held military power held high the banner of cleansing, and also cleaned out those hostile nobles who had originally converted.

There is an unwritten rule among the nobles-the enemy nobles will never be killed intentionally during the war.

The church does not have this rule.

When local nobles escalate it into religious wars, there is no such thing as a bottom line.

The cruel killing and looting forced those nobles who once announced their conversion to stand up and resist, and their resistance confirmed the slander of the local nobles.

Even the local nobles who had taken refuge in the emperor attacked each other under the banner of 'the other party is a traitor'.

As a result, the civil strife in the entire Bill Empire could not be quelled at all.

Although there is a strange rumor - Peter the Great's imperial army seems to be inexhaustible, no matter how many troops the nobles gather and how many casualties they inflict on the imperial army, within a week, the imperial army can be replenished again.What's even more frightening is that the combat power has not diminished at all.

However, this strangeness also brought about another consequence. The emperor's direct soldiers seemed to have only 20 soldiers.

Although the 20 forbidden army seems to be a lot, it is nothing to put it on a vast land of more than 1000 million square kilometers.

The emperor's personal soldiers could easily defeat any established noble private army, but they couldn't handle the turmoil that was raging across the country well.

The domestic situation in Bill was chaotic, and a group of Apocalypse Knights and Sin Priests were attracted to secretly enter the arena, making it even more chaotic.

In such a situation, the 'lighthouse' [Anastasia Saintess] standing abroad took the opportunity to absorb more combat power.

However, each family of nobles came with their own private soldiers, wealth, and citizens. Although they are all believers in ice and snow, they each have different demands.

However, the saint knew very well that it was impossible for her motley army, which had swelled to 40, to beat her father's imperial army.

And even if they wanted to counterattack, without Mark's naval cover, the Ice Goddess would be nothing.

On the other hand, more nobles, soldiers, and believers who believed in the goddess of ice and snow poured in, making the Lisa Federation miserable.I have sent people to greet the saint more than once, and extend my most sincere greetings... Cough cough, speaking human words-when are you going to get out?If you don't leave, I'm going to ask Big Brother Wright to beat you up.

Neither Wright nor the Lisa Federation would allow such a large group to stay here.

Maybe it's not impossible for Lai to stay here and not leave.

It was in such a complicated political environment that the saint waited for Mark's call.

Almost as soon as she received the news, after discussing with her close ministers for about ten minutes, the saint hurried to the pier in a carriage, and boarded the Caribbean on the ferry.

Along the way, there were bursts of melodious songs coming from various halls from time to time.

Hank led the way ahead, and the three saintesses not only saw the shuttle musicians, singers, and dancers, but also saw the incarnation of the goddess.

After saluting respectfully, the saint could not help but wonder, did the three goddesses of literature, music and dance live here all year round?

Especially Barbara, the goddess of dance, who greeted them warmly.

Why do you feel like a hostess?
Full of doubts, the three of them entered the resplendent living room.

After some greetings, Mark got straight to the point: "I can help you destroy an army of Peter the Great that is about to enter our world."

There is joy, and even more surprise!

The saint princess who has experienced many hardships has gradually grown up, and she has passed the stage of surprise: "It is our duty to serve Your Excellency Destiny. Your Excellency is suddenly willing to take the initiative to intervene in our Bill Empire. The war, which made me fearful."

The implication of the saint's words: What is the price?
Mark smiled: "Of course, it's not without a price. The price you have to pay is—let some people of sufficient weight come out and accept a curse."

"What curse? Whose is it?"

"Mine!" Accompanied by a magnetic and seductive voice, the goddess of dancing swayed and pushed in through the side door.

Compared with the simple shock of Natasha and Captain Boris, Anastasia, who is a saint, saw more. She could see that there was a very ethereal power connecting Mark and Barbara .

It is an exaggeration that the two parties are actually based on Mark?

The saint suddenly felt a little bitter.

I thought I was qualified, at least as a clown dancing in Mark's palm.

Unexpectedly, the dancer was not someone else, but the majestic dancing goddess!

This pattern is too big!
It was so big that she suspected that the end result of relying on Mark's strength was that she might become cannon fodder.

Unfortunately, she didn't have a choice.

Anastasia bowed deeply: "It is our honor to share the curse with the Lord of Dance."

She had no choice but to agree, and she didn't even have the right to hesitate.

Mark's eyes were like water, and he said calmly: "Your Highness, are you sure? Although this curse is not necessarily fatal, it is enough to cause a large number of noble people to lose their glory and status, fall into the mortal world, and become a person who will never have the chance to control their own destiny. Poor bastard."

When Barbara heard it, she felt a little bit fried in her heart.

Fortunately, it was only a moment.

Ever since she lent her divine power to Mark to attack the five reincarnation knights, she had no way of turning back and could only follow Mark all the way to the dark.

In fact, she is broken now, and Mark said to help her get rid of bad luck, so she let Mark do it.

She was more interested in this saint who was targeted by Mark.

Anastasia boldly asked Mark: "Your Excellency, what does this mean?"

Mark said briefly: "You just need to contribute a group of great nobles to share the curse of bad luck. Of course, the list can be determined by you."

At this moment, the three people on the saint's side froze, and then Natasha and Boris next to the saint became short of breath.

What is the price?
This is not the price!This is a gift!
(End of this chapter)

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