This template, it's a bit of a loss to be a hero

Chapter 86 I may really be planted in your hands...

Chapter 86 I May Really Fall In Your Hands... (On Friday——!!!)

When the knife fell, the other half of the horns on the black dragon's head snapped off, and fell into the lake with a plop.If it was the state where only one corner was broken before, it still has the meaning of "battlefield-tested", and people can't help but imagine a story of a [-]-round battle between a dragon and a brave man.Now... the horns on both sides have been cut off, and the dragon's arrogance has dropped a lot in an instant. The only thing that can be thankful is probably the obsessive-compulsive disorder that makes the two sides uncomfortable because of the asymmetry?


The more guilty the beast, the more ferocious its roar.

The black dragon at this time is like this, trying its best to show a fierce side, expanding its big mouth more and more scary, the drizzling lake water dripping from the big mouth, tick-tock, amber vertical pupils staring and being scared by it The human beings who couldn't move seemed to be thinking whether to swallow them in one gulp, or spit out dragon flames and burn them into a pile of ashes.

When the bright color surged up from the abdominal cavity, the young father seemed to have foreseen what would happen, and hugged his wife and child tighter—even though he knew very well that if something really came from this giant No matter what it was, his actions made no sense, but he did it anyway.Give up the chance of escape and choose to die with your family.

very brave.

But... On the other hand, it's also very powerless.

Perhaps this is the epitome of dignity for ordinary people in the face of this grotesque world.

The next moment, Yin Cheng stomped his feet and rushed forward, and the whole land became his pedal.He curled up in the air, like a thrown bowling ball, but when he was close to the target, he stretched out suddenly, straightened his legs, and kicked the black dragon hard on the chest.

It was as if a dozen cannons had exploded on the ground, and when they heard such a loud noise at close range, the family hurriedly covered their ears, even though they moved quickly... they were still temporarily deaf.

Kicked back into the lake by this kick, the black dragon also realized that it had no chance of winning on land, so it simply hid in the waves, with a pair of dragon pupils appearing and disappearing, revealing strangeness and viciousness.It can be said that Yin Chengyi's animal taming skills are quite successful in turning a dragon species that soars in the air into a water monster swimming in the lake.

"It's not safe here, Yin Zhou will be here soon, hurry up!"

After repeating this, the family didn’t seem to respond, and then Yin Chengyi realized that they might have been deaf by the sonic boom, so he had to make gestures, like driving sheep, “Go————!! Go! Go! Go! "


Only then did the young man come to his senses, he didn't bother to thank him, he quickly picked up the child with limp legs, he tried his best to support his wife, and limped away.After they walked away, the noisy world seemed to quiet down suddenly. The West Lake not far away was immersed in the night, showing an almost dead atmosphere. The color of the black dragon gave it a natural advantage in this environment, potential In the water, like a cunning crocodile, it is luring its prey to take the bait.


Take a deep breath, as if trying to swallow all the oxygen in the world into your lungs.



The moment the lake water submerged his neck, Yin Chengyi couldn't help shivering. He suddenly realized that the sparkling and beautiful West Lake in his impression was actually far deeper than he imagined, and it was as deep as his feet could step on to the bottom. The swimming pool is not a class at all.


Fortunately, his double pupils can see things underwater, as clear as day.

Noticing that this tricky human jumped into the water, the black dragon first shrank its neck, took the initiative to stay away, observed for a while, and found that he was not as flexible as on land, then boldly surrounded him from the side, showing its fangs and sharp teeth , wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

Water, water, water, water...

The ubiquitous ice-cold liquid wrapped his body, and his exertion was severely hindered. Yin Chengyi slid his body with some difficulty, and couldn't dodge in time, most of his body had already entered its mouth.


A punch hit the black dragon's jaw, the strength and angle were slightly inferior, but it shook its head a few degrees to the left, and even the sound of punching became dull.However, even this greatly shrunk fist... made him have to spit out a big mouthful of air, and the aggrieved oppressive feeling in his abdominal cavity became even stronger.

Sliding limbs, turning around, like a dexterous dolphin, turned over in the water, and cut off most of the black dragon's wings in an instant with a slash of the blade!


The black dragon raised his head in pain and yelled, taking this opportunity, Yin Chengyi stabbed the blade into its "reverse scale", and with a backhand stir, he used the knife to pry off a few scales.With a backhand pull, a large cut was made in its neck that looked like it would seep through people.



Even so, the roar remained.

The wings were severed, the reverse scales were pried off, the throat was slit... half of his life was about to die.

Even if it endured such pain, it still had to take a gamble, opened its huge mouth, and flew towards Yin Chengyi, because this was its only chance.

It bet right.

The dragon's roar was pressed by the liquid, and the huge mouth opened like a whirlpool, stirring the water flow, closing up and down, "click", biting Yin Chengyi's most half of the body fiercely.For the purpose of venting its anger, it bites extremely fiercely, wishing it could chew him up directly with its two teeth.The sharp stone-like teeth bit his shoulder, "stuck" his body in it, but no blood was seen.

Compared to Lu Canglong's bite strength, this seemingly gigantic beast is nothing more than a stern and internal irritant.At the same time, it exposed its soft tongue to Yin Chengyi again.

Without any hesitation, raise the knife and stab!

The moment the blade pierced his tongue, Long Tong's eyes widened rapidly.A scalding dragon flame spewed out from its mouth, before it could escape, the endless water around it extinguished it, turning into a stream of scalding white smoke, spreading in the water droplets.It also seemed to be very clear that this was the price it had to pay when it bit Yin Chengyi in its mouth. It choked on two sips of water and suppressed the pain. Instead of screaming, it turned around, its wings fluttered, and Falling deeper into the water.


The water pressure changed suddenly, coupled with the compression of the lungs, Yin Chengyi spit out a series of precious air bubbles.Watching them gushing out of their mouths and noses and escaping to the distant surface of the water gave me a feeling of powerlessness.

It doesn't intend to bite itself to death...

It's about dragging yourself into this dark and cold hell and drowning alive.


The feeling of suffocation in the lungs gradually turned into pain, as if someone was using a branding iron to burn hard on the abdomen through the skin. Perhaps on land, I never thought that the air that can be seen at any time would be so precious.Although he never gave up punching and did knock out a few of its teeth, it didn't affect the overall situation. The black dragon knew very well that it was time to decide the outcome. He took to the bottom of the deepest lake.

Finally, when he was holding back until his eyes were full of stars, a mouthful of water was poured into his nasal cavity uncontrollably.


The last breath of life-saving oxygen was squeezed out like this.

There were stars in his eyes, and buzzing in his ears, as if someone had chiseled his temples with a small hammer, jumping up and down.

Perhaps feeling that the resistance was getting smaller and smaller, the black dragon finally let go of his mouth and let him fall freely.


Quiet is like another planet.

The world under his feet was pitch black, and Yin Chengyi vaguely felt that he was sinking, and he didn't know where he would drift with the current.


"Obviously, you overestimated your ability to move underwater, and underestimated its ability to move underwater... After all, judging from the habits of a 'human'... you are still too weak."

The tiger's voice seemed to come from far away, with some echo, "If nothing else happens, kid, you're going to die soon."

"Any last words?"

He eagerly asked, "You must regret doing such an utterly stupid thing? There is no benefit, and even your life will be lost. At this time, the justice you advocate does not treat you at all... "

"Can you still... run...?" Yin Chengyi managed to squeeze out a few words in his heart.

"What?" Da Chong was taken aback.

"Continue to stay in my will drown with me..." Yin Chengyi clenched his teeth, trying not to let water pour in from his mouth and nose, "I...can hold on for a while..."

"Taking advantage of hurry up and find a way to run away...get out of my body..."




The tiger was very silent and speechless, as if he had encountered something completely incomprehensible.

Double pupils were fully opened, staring round, staring straight at Yin Cheng.In just a few seconds, perhaps, Yin Chengyi was the monster.



In Yin Chengyi's trance-like hearing, he heard a sigh.

This was probably the first time that the evil beast lurking in his body showed its emotions from the heart without concealing it.

"Little devil, the 'this life' that I managed to win..."

"It looks like it's really going to fall into your hands."

 It's on the shelves on Friday~~~~ There will be ten updates on the day of the launch, readers and friends, don't forget to support it~~~! !
(End of this chapter)

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