This template, it's a bit of a loss to be a hero

Chapter 57 Xu Shaoyang's Common Sense Lesson

Chapter 57 Xu Shaoyang's Common Sense Lesson

I have to say that the general knowledge popularization class on superpowers is really boring. Even if Xu Shaoyang, a popular star, comes to teach in person, the effect is similar, and it will not be more interesting because of his soft voice.But the girls in the class didn't care, they were already very satisfied to have such an opportunity to appreciate his beauty up close.

As Yin Chengyi had expected, he had just stepped into the classroom when he was greeted by screams filled with girlish hearts.The girls fully proved that it's not that they don't like whispering, but that they usually don't have any topics that interest them.Once there is...the intensity of their chatting is no less than that of the naughtiest boy in the class.

Looking at Xu Shaoyang's posture, it seems that he has been used to this for a long time, and he has not been affected by the girl's enthusiasm.After saying hello politely, he stood on the podium skillfully and began to speak on his own.Every child in this era starts learning from kindergarten, and the content is old-fashioned. Halfway through, Yin Chengyi felt a little tired and yawned.Looking at it again, the male students in the class basically had the same reaction, bored and sleepy.


"Okay, so far, I believe that everyone understands everything." Xu Shaoyang has a very good control of the time, without looking at the watch, and said confidently, "There are still 5 minutes until the end of get out of class. If you have What questions would you like to know about..."


I have heard the process from students in other classes a long time ago, and I have been waiting for this moment!

In an instant, countless hands were raised in unison, and the dull atmosphere just now was swept away.Compared with the boring content that they have to listen to at least three times a year, this group of high school students will of course be more interested in the actual super police, all of them are like athletes waiting for the gun to go off.

"Ha... everyone is more enthusiastic than I imagined..." After hesitating for a while, seeing that a girl in the front row was about to overturn the table, Xu Shaoyang had to choose her first, "Then, this student, be careful your table."

"Senior, I have a very important question to ask you!" After being called, Yin Luoteng stood up suddenly, with an extremely excited smile on his face, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I don't know why everyone is so interested in this, but strictly speaking, this does not belong to the category I should answer." Xu Shaoyang was not annoyed by her asking about privacy so bluntly, and politely pointed at her Smiling, " are my juniors after all, so there is nothing to hide."



There was another loud scream.

"Okay, next one." He didn't dare to throw the topic to girls again, in case someone asked him "What is your criteria for choosing a mate", he would talk endlessly, so he named a boy.

"That...that..." The boy looked very nervous, as if he didn't expect to be called out, and encouraged by Xu Shaoyang's warm smile, he finally stumbled and opened his mouth, "I want to ask, senior, is it right?" ...As long as you have superpowers, you can enter Antares Academy?"

"It's not. In other words, whether you can enter the academy depends on whether the academy 'needs' you. Generally speaking, having superpowers is a prerequisite for being admitted to the academy. The principal and the others will find a new one. A batch of admissions lists, and then the teachers of the admissions office will issue invitations one by one. However, in some special cases, the dean of the school may personally come to the door and invite a certain student to enter the school."

He pointed to himself, and his tone was very humble, without the slightest hint of showing off, as if he was just stating the fact that one plus one equals two.

"For example, I was specially invited by the dean of the college. This kind of situation is really rare, and I am honored to be valued by the college."


There was a sudden sound in the classroom, like a group of children listening to stories around the fire, and they gave neat feedback when they heard the key points.

Yin Chengyi was secretly startled.

According to what he said...about two weeks ago, didn't He Lianshan also go to the boss's small bar to persuade himself to go to Antares College to study in college?It turns out that in his heart, he and this noble young master are already at the same level, so does he need to come to invite him personally?

Just like that, how could the boss refuse him in person? !

The world is getting crazier.


"Senior, do you know Fire Fist?"

"Fire Fist..." Xu Shaoyang replied humorously, "I know him, but I can't guarantee whether he knows me or not. No matter how you look at it, he is my senior, and I still have a lot to ask for. learning from you."

"Senior, senior, what exactly is your superpower?"

"If I dare to say one more word to you about this issue today, I will be charged with a crime immediately after I go back." Xu Shaoyang said mysteriously, "'Leaking state secrets'."

The whole house roared with laughter.

Li Shupei lay silently on the table, his head drooping, his whole body lacking energy, like a defeated rooster.Strange to say, as superpowers, he and Xu Shaoyang should have endless topics to talk about.However, after the whole class, he didn't take the initiative to communicate with Xu Shaoyang, not even making eye contact.

He just stared at his former younger brothers with dark eyes, these fellows who were obedient to him in every possible way on weekdays, and said "Brother Li" every time... Turning his head, he showed a brighter and more excited smile to Xu Shaoyang .

Jealousy was like a snake, biting his heart and pouring poisonous blood into it.

He gritted his teeth.

"...About the question about the weapon, I think some students asked about it just now. It just so happens that I brought it with me today." As usual, without looking at the watch, Xu Shaoyang knew very well that the bell would ring in 2 minutes, so he changed the topic Stop it, get up naturally, like magic, take out a long black box from under the desk, and gently put it on the table.

"Wow even----!!"

This time it was the turn of the boys in the class to erupt collectively. This feeling is similar to the excitement you get when you have the opportunity to touch Thor's hammer up close.There was a clatter, and those who were not disciplined and undisciplined rushed forward.Even Zhang Huxiang, a coward, dared to squeeze into the crowd, just to get another look at Xu Shaoyang's weapon.

Under such temptation, the two boys still sat there without moving: one was Li Shupei and the other was Yin Chengyi.

Needless to say, Li Ge looked at them with even more hatred, his teeth itched with hatred, and he clenched his uninjured left fist unconsciously.


However, in order to prevent the leakage of combat information, it is absolutely impossible for the weapons used by the super police to be disclosed in front of a group of ordinary people.Xu Shaoyang's long box also had a combination lock. When a boy asked him what was inside, he could only purse the corners of his mouth and pretend to reply mysteriously, "Guess what".

Fortunately, everyone is very excited at the moment, and no one raises any doubts. They just think this thing is too cool and awesome!
"Ring ring ring ring---!!!"

The bell rang on time.

Xu Shaoyang glanced over the crowd and Li Shupei, but finally fixed on Yin Chengyi, showing him a meaningful smile.

"Students, please remember that in this era, there is no shortage of strong men who go to heaven and earth. In contrast, strong but kind people are the cornerstone of maintaining social order."

"No matter what role you will play in your future life, I hope that before playing this role..."

"You're a 'good guy' first and foremost."

(End of this chapter)

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