This template, it's a bit of a loss to be a hero

Chapter 26 Jianghu is not a fight, but a worldly way!

Chapter 26 Jianghu is not a fight, but a worldly way!


The huge force broke into the wall, and the poured concrete interspersed with steel bars burst and flew out. The glass window beside it could not bear the force, it shattered in an instant, and was swept away by the wind from the tall building, and was blown into the room , rattled on the wall.To make matters worse, two wall fragments about the size of a table also flew into the room and smashed hard on the ceiling.With both quality and speed, this ceiling is like paper in front of them. With only one encounter, there was a loud bang, and two large holes were smashed out immediately.

This is not just at the level of "falling paint"... There was a loud crashing sound from the ceiling, as if someone had dropped a cannon in the mezzanine of the two floors.Not long after, a larger concrete block fell from the upper floor, smashing the ground to pieces.Because this sudden force is quite close to Yin Chengyi, unfortunately, he, as well as Yin Luo, became the unlucky ones who suffered the first wave of area damage.

The fulcrum of this floor was damaged, the ground caved in, and the ceiling was crumbling.All of a sudden, it seemed as if the whole building was shaking, and large gravels were falling down like rain.It's so undead, the location where the broken wall "sputtered" happened to be on the heads of the two of them... The loud noise almost exploded against the eardrums, scaring Yin Luo out of his body immediately, foolishly Standing there, my feet froze as if they had taken root, and I didn't know what to do.

This is actually a part of the body's protection mechanism - as early as when she was stunned, her brain had already judged the surrounding environment by itself, and she came to the conclusion that...there is a risk of collapse at any time, and there is no place to hide around, so naturally she just Can stand still.


Seeing a piece of reinforced concrete the size of a millstone falling from upstairs, smashing through the floor, it immediately "turned over" the marble floor tiles.It's like throwing a stone into the pond, with a "plop", the water splashes and builds up, and a small ripple will be formed in an instant.It's the same now, except...the tumbling has changed from liquid to solid, as if a wall rises from the flat ground, carrying unparalleled kinetic energy, rolling towards Yin Luo.


At the moment of life and death, the girl's mind went blank.

When encountering a sudden disaster, most people's minds are like this... There is no slow motion in reality, and things like "thousands of thoughts in a thousandth of a second" like in TV dramas are unlikely to happen.She just stood there blankly, with stiff hands and feet, seeing the stone wall, like a derailed train, getting closer and closer to herself...

A strong hand grabbed her by the back of the collar and shook her hard.At this time, he couldn't care less about controlling his strength. Yin Luo was unprepared for this, and was thrown staggeringly, almost with his feet hanging in the air, and fell heavily to the ground.

She has never been treated so roughly since she was born... But it doesn't matter anymore.

Sitting on the ground, Yin Luo widened his eyes in horror, taking in all this scene.

A sassy and fierce figure sprang out from behind, raised his waist like a rugby player, flew up, and slammed straight into the approaching stone wall!
too fast.

Before Yin Luo had time to think about the unreasonableness of this move, just after everything that happened, especially the back of Yin Chengyi brazenly stepping forward and striding forward, was faithfully engraved into his brain, there was a thunderbolt in front of him.

"Boom—" the stone wall hit Yin Chengyi's body just now, and the scene of flying flesh and blood did not appear. On the contrary, this concrete block with both speed and quality was cut in two , shattered one after another, turning into large and small stones and stone powder.Only the steel grid in the middle, after hitting Yin Chengyi, also made a "squeak—" sound. He grabbed it with one hand, unscrewed it casually, and threw it aside like trash.


Only then did the brain finish processing the complex information, and the girl began to scream belatedly.It was also this yell that made Yin Chengsheng stop, instead of rushing forward like a reckless man.

Looking again, a large piece of the originally crumbling ceiling has been out of control, hanging about half a meter above Yin Luo's head, and may fall at any time.

"Be careful----!"

After yelling, Yin Chengyi flew to Yin Luo's side with a completely unreasonable sliding shovel like in a video game, stretched out his left hand, pressed her head involuntarily, and hugged her tightly into his arms , almost "pressing" her whole body onto him.The other hand is raised high above the head, with five fingers spread out, making a lifting gesture.


The critical point was broken, and the ceiling could no longer support it, and immediately collapsed one by one, burying the two of them firmly among a large mess of rubble.


The smoke and dust dissipated, and the sound of shoe soles rubbing against the rocks all over the ground was particularly obvious.

"It's really you, the car operator..." With the roar of the engine, Lin Yiqi turned off the flying system behind him, landed lightly, and saw the mess in his eyes. Disciple, now I know that those unbearable shortcomings of Lishi are basically learned from you."

First of all, this man's clothes are quite individual... He didn't wear a power mecha like Lin Yiqi, which was wrapped up and down, and armed to the back molars. Instead, he wore a relatively loose suit. A dark shirt, and a pair of trousers on the lower body, with both arms and calves exposed, which can be described as extremely slovenly.If he hadn't taken the initiative to use this way of entering the stage through a broken window, but instead walked in slowly from the front desk, no one would have stopped him.

However... this person is the most eye-catching protagonist in this operation. Lin Yiqi looked fully armed, but in fact he only played a supporting role.

"Xiao Linzi, you are still too young."

"Why does it sound like a eunuch's name..." Seeing him shaking his head, Lin Yiqi couldn't help complaining.

"Before the two sides actually engage in battle, the aura has already been confronted one step ahead. In other words... the battle has already begun where you can't see it! Having a shocking way to appear on the stage is equivalent to winning half of the battle first. If you can report back The last name that is well-known far and near, or at least in the circle, can make the other party feel uncertain."

He gestured at himself with his thumb, bared his teeth, and gave Lin Yiqi a smile he thought was handsome, "It's like my nickname... [Insect Pest]. It didn't sound clear at first, but I actually said it several times. , it will be catchy, and it will be widely sung."

In his own imagination, this smile is probably the kind that even the teeth are shining.

"...Why?" Lin Yiqi obviously disapproved of this, squinting his dead fish eyes and complained, "Sometimes I really don't understand, why do you all like to reflect your abilities and characteristics in pronouns? Not just us, super The police also have the same style, aren't you afraid that the other party will infer more details from your nickname?"

"Hahahaha, that's why, Xiao Linzi, you are still too young." Chongpang shook his head, took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, lit it for himself, and immediately began to puff and smoke, half-closed in enjoyment Eye.

"The rivers and lakes are not about fighting and killing. The rivers and lakes are... about the ways of the world, understand? Superpowers are so precious. Except for those super-brained super-cops, everyone else cherishes their lives. , if you have some prestige in the circle, then you can stop fighting if you can, and deal with it. Copying guys if you disagree, that's what a fool would do."

(End of this chapter)

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