I created scientific magic

Chapter 614: A wave of sudden wealth, becoming a magic empire of galaxy-level civilization!

Chapter 614: A wave of sudden wealth, becoming a magic empire of galaxy-level civilization!

Under Linn's harsh conditions, which could be called robbery, even the Yuanpan leaders who originally preferred compensation for defeat could not accept it.

"War, only a war can wash away this shame!" A Yuanpan leader of the main war faction sent a message with the highest frequency electromagnetic wave. Since the other party has no sincerity in negotiating, then summon more fleets and fight with the other party. A total war!
Similar remarks soon dominated the entire Disc Council. However, as the true leader of the geometric civilization, the donut-shaped supreme leader was not carried away by anger. Instead, he looked at the person who had just been released through the quantum communication screen. , the consul who acted as the intermediary in this negotiation.

"Tova, you have been deeply into that civilized world. How much do you know about them? What is their technological level compared to ours?"

"It's very powerful, very powerful. The technological level of the other party's civilization is definitely beyond what we can compete with!" the consul named Tova said with great conviction. "I think the idea of ​​war should be abandoned, negotiations should continue, and compensation can be reduced to an acceptable level through negotiation..."

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated?" A Yuanpan leader asked dissatisfiedly.

If there is really such a big gap in the technological level between the two sides, then they should have no resistance in the previous galaxy wars.

And judging from the images transmitted by the warships arriving in this star system, it does not look like a galaxy under the control of a powerful civilization. Instead, it is full of desolation and backwardness.

Seeing that the Yuanpan leaders were confused by these superficial appearances, Tova quickly told the truth about the information about the Magic Empire that he had learned in the prison.

Using a galaxy as a bait, releasing news to induce other civilizations to launch attacks, and then using the righteousness of anti-invasion to counterattack and suppress these civilizations to satisfy their own moral needs. Such insidious behavior frightened all the Yuanpan leaders. No wonder they I always feel that this civilization seems so fragmented...

But compared to Tova, who has experienced it personally and firmly believes in the words of the Wrights, some Yuanpan leaders still have deep doubts about this and are unwilling to believe that the gap between the two sides will be so large that they cannot resist. situation.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" the supreme leader also asked solemnly.

"I have personally witnessed the powerful technology of manipulating elementary particles. In just one atomic minute, they built a huge trial hall on the surface of the satellite, and their satellite prison also proves this... ..." Tova spared no effort to exaggerate the power of the Magic Empire, and even deliberately boasted, just to dispel the war intentions of the Yuanpan leaders as much as possible.

Under Tova's constant assurance and exaggeration, the Yuanpan leaders who were originally excited and wanted to start a war had to calm down again and think about the pros and cons of war.

It is undoubtedly foolish to launch a war with no chance of victory. It will only drag the entire civilization into a bottomless abyss!

"Perhaps only our ultimate weapon can make the other party feel afraid." Tovar said hesitantly. This is also the only bargaining chip they can bring out in the negotiation, because it has indeed repelled the enemy sent by the other party to annihilate the fleet. High-dimensional biological weapons.

And judging from the information sent by other fleeing main ships, the black hole still exists in the void and has not been dealt with. I don’t know whether it is impossible or it consumes too much... but in any case, it is enough to serve as a powerful deterrence and leverage.

Hearing Tova mention the ultimate weapon, all the disc leaders had different expressions. There is no doubt that artificial black holes are the trump card of geometric civilization. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a black technology that transcends civilization levels.Because in addition to particles and dimensional technology, manufacturing it also requires a large amount of element 100. It was even jokingly called [-] years forever due to the high difficulty of research and development.

Although it is finally done, the only one in stock for experiments has been used up. It will take at least another ten years to create a second micro black hole!
For a galaxy-level civilization, ten years is neither long nor short. Sometimes an interstellar voyage requires more than ten years of effort, but the other party may not be willing to give them another ten years of preparation time. Traveling at [-] times the speed of light, from the Eternal Star to the border of geometric civilization, five years is enough!

This does not include wormhole jumping, a technology that can span large distances in a short time.

Seeing that the Yuanpan leaders did not respond immediately, Tova knew in his heart that they might not be able to use the ultimate weapon for the second time in a short time.

Fortunately, the enemy may not know this, and may be able to use intimidation to increase one's own deterrence.

Tova, who was uncertain but shouldered a heavy responsibility, quickly returned to negotiations with the bottom line of compensation discussed by the Yuanpan leaders.

After more than half a month of bluff intimidation and compromise, this unique negotiation concerning the survival of two civilizations was finally finalized. The original five star systems were reduced to three, and the one hundred active warships were also reduced to two. With ten ships, Element Seven has increased from [-] tons to [-] tons.

Originally Tova wanted to replace element [-] with other rare ore resources, and even maintain compensation for five star systems on this basis. After all, element [-] is too important, and it is not enough to say that it is the foundation of geometric civilization. Pass.

Rafael, who was in charge of the negotiations, originally wanted to agree because the compensation offered by the other party was actually much higher than they expected. In the end, it was Linn who insisted on asking for it and forced the other party to give in.

In view of the identity they created before, they need to remain relatively strong. The more the other party wants to give something, the more casual they have to be. The less the other party wants to give something, the more insistent they are to ask for it.

It was precisely under such a conflict that at the worst time it was almost on the verge of war. Both Raphael and Tovar were frightened, but they had to bite the bullet and continue talking.

Although no one hopes that war will really break out, they have to make the other party believe that they are ready for a war at any time.

So much so that when he returned from the negotiations, Raphael was a little depressed. On the contrary, there was an indelible smile on his face, because they completed this great victory with zero sacrifices without spending a single soldier. !

With three entire star systems, twenty interstellar battleships capable of long voyages, and the Magic Kingdom... it should be said that the Magic Empire has become a veritable galaxy-level civilization from today on!

(End of this chapter)

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