I created scientific magic

Chapter 611 War Trial and Sky-high Compensation

Chapter 611 War Trial and Sky-high Compensation

"Dear Governor, I am the captain and chief consul of the Seventh Column of Geometric Civilization No. 30. Please forgive us for our previous offense! In fact, this conflict is just a misunderstanding. We did not go to this galaxy with any intentions. not with malice, but with goodwill and friendship.”

There was a faint white glow all over the Archon's body. While delivering the message, the spire-like body also split apart, forming a ninety-degree bend from top to bottom. This is usually when the lower-ranking person meets the upper-ranking person. Etiquette only available to those who do not.

After an interstellar war and several attacks, the Archon was [-]% sure that the other party was a super civilization whose technological level surpassed that of the mother world, so his attitude was naturally lowered to the extreme.

After all, this conversation is too important, directly related to the survival of the mother world.

"Goodwill and friendship?"

Before Linn could reply, Arad, who was mixed in with the team of divine servants, stood up and delivered a very sharp message. "Are you referring to the sudden and unprovoked attack on the detectors we sent?"

"It's not without reason, Lord Governor!" the consul hurriedly explained. "We detected that the detector was accelerating again despite being extremely close. It may have great malicious intent, so we made a tentative move..."

"Feint!" The consul thought for a while before the word came out of his mouth.

"This is entirely your one-sided statement. We have accurately calculated the orbital path of the attack. If we do not avoid it in advance, these fifteen energy cannons will hit the detector from different directions." Arad said with a sneer, Raphael on the side also added.

"In addition, this probe was just patrolling the border of the galaxy as usual. After discovering your movements, it rushed to confirm the situation, but it did not expect to be attacked by the most violent..."

The words of the two people made the consul choke directly. It was true that they acted first, but if the other party hadn't made such a misleading move, he would have been more cautious.

But the next moment, the consul realized that he had made a huge misjudgment, that is, he regarded the detector's speed-up behavior as a sign of attack.

This may be true for traditional propulsion systems. After all, deceleration requires a cycle. It usually takes about twenty atomic minutes for the most advanced warships of geometric civilization to go from sub-light speed to full hover.

But the warp engine is different. The reduction from top speed to static level is likely to be within a thousand atomic seconds!
Wanting to understand this, the Archon felt his body tremble, as if he was on the verge of disintegration. In other words, it was his misjudgment that ultimately led to this interstellar war that should not have happened...

Now, even if he returns to his home world, he may be imprisoned or even executed for the crime of provoking a war.

It's just that now is obviously not the time to consider personal honor and disgrace, the consul hastily explained. "I think this is a not-so-good misunderstanding, Mr. Governor... Our ships use anti-matter source-driven propulsion devices. It is relatively difficult to change direction and slow down at super high speeds, so at 100 million kilometers Speeding up internally is usually considered a prelude to an attack..."

The Archon very sincerely recounted the process of how he misjudged the situation and launched the attack, and said that as the chief culprit of the war between the two civilizations, he could self-destruct and apologize!
Of course, this cannot completely make up for the losses of the war, but geometric civilization can also provide corresponding compensation.

"Compensation, how do you want to compensate? A galaxy, or a hundred galaxy-level battleships?" Raphael showed a bit of disdain on his face, but he suppressed the excitement and joy in his heart.They have seen the power of geometric civilization. The Star Destroyer Cannon alone makes Raphael jealous. This is a powerful weapon that can kill the true god and destroy a world with one blow!

The super weapon Lynn named the black hole is even more terrifying, it can even repel the main god!

Naturally, the Archon didn't know Raphael's little thoughts. In his opinion, this was an obvious mockery, but it was normal to think about it. Facing a civilization with a higher technological level, he wanted to come up with something that would satisfy the other party. Compensation is never easy.

At least I can't make the decision myself...

"Dear Governor, regarding the issue of compensation, I cannot give you a direct agreement. You need to ask the leaders for instructions before you can make a decision." The consul lowered his attitude again.

"I gave you a whole month, and you haven't discussed a charter yet?" Lin En said suddenly.

These words made the Archon feel a chill in his heart. Only then did he realize that his previous ability to contact the mother world was actually the result of the other party's deliberate laissez-faire. It was even possible that the entire communication process had been under the surveillance of the other party, and they He didn't even notice it at all.

"In that case, I'll give you a few more days to think it over." Lin En waved his hand, and more than a dozen divine attendants led a group of weird-looking Geometry Stars down.

The Archon returned to the spacecraft alone under the strict supervision of several divine attendants. He used the ship's onboard optical brain to meet with the waiting disk leaders and reported all the latest news and his conjectures.

However, for such a big matter, it was obvious that the discussion could not reach a conclusion for a while, and there were many voices of approval and opposition within the group.

Fortunately, Linn did not ask them to give an answer immediately. However, in the past few days, the captive Geometricians did not receive any preferential treatment and were instead imprisoned in prison.

This prison was built in the center of the moon. After hearing about the satellite prison mentioned by the consul, Lin En temporarily manipulated the divine domain to create it. The area was very large, but it looked a bit crude.

Hundreds of Geometricians were imprisoned separately. In addition, Linn also deliberately used the Moko people, Wright people and other intelligent creatures in the main world as models, and used his divine power to squeeze some prisoners in to serve as their roommates to facilitate the process. Next steps.

The technological level of this alien civilization is very high, and a little leakage can benefit them a lot, but since they are now pretending to be a civilization from a higher dimension, they directly ask for some 'low-end' technology Most likely it will arouse suspicion.

In addition, the "barrenness" of this galaxy is seriously inconsistent with their boasted setting. It may be able to confuse the other party for a while, but it may not be possible after some time, so there must be a more reasonable explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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