TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 423 Sacrifice

When Gao Yuan found Lao Liang, he was hiding in an empty toilet and coughing loudly.

Gao Yuan pushed the door open and entered.

Lao Liang was startled, like a frightened mouse. When he saw Gao Yuan coming in, he hurriedly went to get the two masks he carried with him.

It was only at this time that Gao Yuan saw Lao Liang's face clearly.

"Why are you here?" Lao Liang put on a mask in a panic: "Is there something wrong with the emergency room? I'm going down now to check."

"What the hell!" Gao Yuan cursed and stepped forward to touch Lao Liang's forehead.

"What are you doing?" Lao Liang was startled and wanted to hide.

Although Gao Yuan was old, he was still very strong. He pressed Lao Liang against the wall in one fell swoop. He touched his forehead and found that it was surprisingly hot. Then Gao Yuan easily pulled off Lao Liang's forehead. Mask. Only then could he clearly see Lao Liang's face and conduct a face-to-face consultation with him.

Lao Liang wanted to stop his mouth and nose: "What are you doing?"

Then, he couldn't help coughing, so he could only hold himself tightly, and the veins on his neck and temples bulged out.

Gao Yuan scolded: "I hunt eagles all day long, but my eyes are pecked by sparrows. Wearing a mask and a protective hat, I really didn't realize that you were also attacked!"

Lao Liang wanted to grab the mask from Gao Yuan's hand, but he couldn't pull it away at all. He tried to use force, but he couldn't help but want to cough.

Gao Yuan let go and returned the mask to Lao Liang.

Lao Liang covered his mouth with a mask and suppressed his cough.

Gao Yuan's lips couldn't help but tremble. Pneumonia patients were already in respiratory distress. He was also wearing two masks. Normal people would have difficulty breathing, let alone him!Moreover, he is still treating patients in the busiest emergency department, and he still has to suppress his physiological reflex of coughing. What a damn strong perseverance this requires!He wears two masks not because he is afraid that others will infect him, but because he is afraid that he himself will infect others.

Gao Yuan asked: "How long have you had the fever?"

Seeing that he could no longer escape, Lao Liang said: "It doesn't take long to have a fever, about two days. But we doctors who work hard in the emergency department are the most vulnerable to infection. This disease has an incubation period, and we don't have to worry about it." You know when you will be tricked...cough..."

Lao Liang suppressed his cough again. He gasped and said, "It's funny. In the past two days... it's been getting harder and harder to breathe in the past two days. I want to cough more and more, and I can't help it anymore. I hid it pretty well before, but now I’m afraid I can’t hide it anymore.”

Gao Yuan frowned and said, "What are you trying to do?"

Lao Liang said: "Our hospital does not have a dedicated fever clinic. The emergency department is the front line of the battle. It is the most difficult and painful place, but it is also the place with the weakest personnel and resources. Director Li has already collapsed. If I continue Those young people can’t hold on if they fall down. Too many medical staff have fallen down. If I fall down again, what will happen to the patients?”

"So... So I ask you to cure Director Li as soon as possible. I know I can't last long. If he doesn't get well, the emergency department will be paralyzed. At that time, the defense line will collapse. If he doesn't recover, Before I get up, I have to hold on no matter what."

Gao Yuan asked him: "What are you doing to support yourself? Are you risking your own life? This disease is inherently depleting your righteousness. Look at you, you have diabetes, high blood pressure, and all the basic diseases, but you are still holding on and don't want to live anymore?"

Lao Liang forced a smile and said: "Who doesn't want to live? But this is a war? They can die, can't I die?"

Gao Yuan pulled him out and said, "Stop talking nonsense and get hospitalized as soon as possible."

Lao Liang asked: "What should I do in the emergency room?"

Gao Yuan said: "I will help you guard it for two days."

Lao Liang asked urgently: "What will happen in two days?"

Gao Yuan said: "Let Director Li do it yourself!"

Lao Liang was startled.

Lao Liang was hospitalized. Only then did everyone realize that Lao Liang had been infected. Sighs echoed inside the hospital, and another doctor fell.

But fortunately, Director Li's condition improved quickly. Just as Gao Yuan expected, the disease was just the end of the fight.Director Li no longer has a fever, but is fatigued and occasionally coughs. The crackles in his lungs have disappeared.Chest X-ray shows that shadow is already being absorbed.Platelets also came up.The tongue is pale, the coating is thick and slightly greasy, and the pulse is still wet and thin.

In the afternoon, the Lingnan expert team arrived to provide support.

The provincial hospital, which was almost driven crazy, took a breath of relief.

After discussing with the expert group, Gao Yuan continued to use his ideas to strengthen the body and eliminate evil, clear away heat and dampness, replenish qi and activate blood circulation.The next day, Director Li's white blood cells increased to 6.5. The patient felt that his body felt refreshed, his tongue coating changed from greasy to light, his pulse also changed from wet to thin, and most of the pneumonia was absorbed.

The condition is under control and Director Li is ready to get back to work.

However, Lao Liang's condition quickly worsened.

The dean came to see him several times, and Huang Di also made a special trip to see Lao Liang, and then asked about the situation of the expert group.

The experts from Lingnan expressed that the condition was very pessimistic. After expressing their opinions, they all looked at Gao Yuan, only to find that Gao Yuan also had a frown on his face. "Teacher." He Fang gently pulled Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan said in a deep voice: "Do your best and obey fate."

This was the first time He Fang heard his teacher use such a pessimistic tone.

Director Li, who had just recovered, stood up when he heard this and turned to walk out.

The dean asked him: "Why are you going?"

Director Li said: "Go to work. Lao Liang used his body and life to survive the period of my absence. Now it's my turn, and I will continue to support him until he recovers."

After speaking, Director Li walked out.

Huang Di solemnly said: "Although this battle comes unexpectedly, and although this invisible and intangible opponent is extremely powerful, it is precisely because of our batch after batch of brave and determined warriors who are not afraid of life and death that no matter how difficult it is, we will win." Everyone believes that we can win this battle!"

Gao Yuan quickly calmed down and said to the expert group next to him: "Let's get started."

The Lingnan expert team seized the time to invest in training and treatment.

The epidemic control and prevention work outside is also going on hard, but the provincial capital can't find any clues. They found a corpse under the bridge. It was a migrant worker who also suffered from the disease. They didn't know why he refused to go to the hospital. I don’t know where he passed it on.

Their situation is really serious, second only to Lingnan and Capital.The provincial capital bears the greatest pressure. Serious patients from other places are also sent to them. Many medical staff have fallen down and they are in urgent need of supplements. Therefore, volunteers are solicited from the following cities and counties.

A group of brave and fearless medical staff took the initiative to sign up and went to the front line where the war was the most tragic.

After Lingnan experts trained medical staff in the provincial capital, they were about to go to cities and counties for training. They also brought surprising news.They suspect that premature opening of the airway is an important reason for medical staff to be infected, so they strongly recommend not to open the airway if possible.

Everyone felt numb when they thought that their local medical advice also required opening the airway as soon as possible.

It's just that Lao Liang's condition never got better and he couldn't control it no matter what. He had too many underlying diseases and received treatment too late, so he deteriorated very quickly. It didn't take long for him to be on the verge of death. Even Gao Yuan couldn't help it. Nothing can be done.

Manpower has its end after all, and doctors are not gods.

Gao Yuan went to see Lao Liang. Although Lao Liang could still speak, it was already very difficult.

"It seems that you can't do it either." Lao Liang still wanted to tease Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan said to him: "I can't do it, but are you happy?"

Lao Liang forced a smile: "I can see...see the famous doctor Gao Yuan make a mistake, I will live my life in vain."

Gao Yuan said angrily: "You are about to die, why don't you live this life in vain?"

Lao Liang said to Gao Yuan: "Let me tell you a secret, do you still... Do you still remember the time when dysentery broke out in your county... Professor Fan Zhongzheng of intestinal diseases from the Provincial Hospital took his student Dr. Wang to your county to provide support. ?”

Gao Yuan thought for a while and had a vague impression.

Lao Liang said: "The doctor named Wang is my uncle. I have heard my uncle talk about you since I was a child. Hey... he admires you very much, but... you just lost to my disease."

Lao Liang was secretly amused.

Gao Yuan's thoughts suddenly returned to that passionate era. Looking back now, he has become so old, and most of his former friends have passed away.

Lao Liang asked: "How is... outside?"

Gao Yuan comforted: "Don't worry, we will win."

Lao Liang said seriously: "I have always... always believed in it, but I... am afraid that I won't see the moment of victory."

Gao Yuan didn't know what to say.

Lao Liang said: "When you win, come and see me on my grave. You don't need to bring paper money or incense candles. Bring me some candies and cakes. This...I've had enough of this ridiculous sugar control meal, Mom." Yes, even dogs won’t eat it.”

"Okay." Gao Yuan agreed.

Lao Liang laughed with satisfaction.

Then, Lao Liang died.

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