TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 414 Treatment

Gao Yuan didn't dare to neglect. He didn't sleep anymore and quickly got up and left the guest house.It was midnight and there were no cars outside.In a rare moment of pride, Gao Yuan took a taxi and hurried back to Zhangzhuang.

Before entering the gate, Gao Yuan hurriedly asked: "Where are the people? Where are the Liu An people?"

Liu Sanquan ran out and said, "I locked him in the woodshed."

Gao Yuan stagnates.

Liu Sanquan explained: "Isn't there no suitable place? He can't stay outside. The more things he comes into contact with, the easier it is to infect others."

Gao Yuan nodded and pointed at Liu Sanquan: "Mask, mask!"

"Oh, oh, oh." Liu Sanquan quickly ran back and put on a gauze mask.

Gao Yuan entered the clinic first, put on a mask, put on a raincoat, and put on rubber gloves. After being fully armed, he said to Liu Sanquan: "Open the door."

Liu Sanquan called out at the door of the woodshed: "Director Liu An, Doctor Gao is back, I will open the door for you."

Liu Sanquan opened the firewood shed door.

Gao Yuan looked inside and saw Liu An sitting under the chair under the incandescent lamp. There was originally nothing in the woodshed. The tables and chairs inside were all temporarily moved in. There was also a cup of tea on the table.

"High...cough cough cough..." Liu An was about to speak, but he coughed again.

Gao Yuan frowned and walked inside. He said with relief, "Don't worry, I'm Gao Yuan."

How could Liu An not be worried? He was already worried. Now that he saw Gao Yuan dressed in such exaggerated clothes, he was even more speechless. How could it be so scary like the doomsday war in the movie?
"I...I...don't I just have a cold?" Liu An stammered in explanation.

Gao Yuan said: "Don't worry, sit down first. This is not a problem with a cold. At this critical time, any fever is a big questionable problem."

Liu An suddenly panicked: "I...I...ahem...are you still jealous here?"

Liu Sanquan stood outside the door and asked, "Jiang, why do you want to be jealous?"

Liu An made a sad face: "What do you think?"

Gao Yuan walked to Liu An and said, "Jealousy won't work. Don't worry, I'm here and nothing will happen to you."

Liu An looked at Gao Yuan and nodded reluctantly.

Gao Yuan gave him a gauze mask and said: "If the shortness of breath is not severe, wear a mask to avoid infecting others. If you feel that your breathing is not smooth, take it off quickly."

Liu An took the mask.

Gao Yuan said in a deep voice: "Now I want to diagnose and treat you, and at the same time, I need to conduct an infection control on you. After dawn, the people from the epidemic prevention station will come to check you to confirm whether you are infected. In addition, you should inform me immediately to go together this time. Those colleagues who visit patients are asked to live separately from their families, and their families must also stay at home and not go out."

Gao Yuan's calmness slightly calmed Liu An's anxious and nervous heart, and Liu An asked: "Is... are we infected?"

Gao Yuan stared at Liu Ande and said: "It's not completely certain yet, but you have to remember your identity, and you have to be clear about your mission and responsibilities. The more critical this moment is, the more you must play a leading role as a party member. So. , do you clearly understand what you need to do?”

Liu An nodded slowly and stroked his chest slowly: "Clear, I understand."

Gao Yuan said: "Now call your colleagues and ask them to stay at home and wait for the test."

"Okay." Liu An picked up the phone, swallowed, and made calls one by one.

Liu Sanquan asked Gao Yuan in a low voice: "Are you sure?"

Gao Yuan replied: "If any of the people traveling with him have fever or cold symptoms, then..." Liu Sanquan frowned.

Soon, Liu An finished the call and said with an ugly face: "Xiao Wang also has a fever, and the other two also said their throats are a little uncomfortable."

Gao Yuan turned to Liu Sanquan and said, "Go and have a rest first. Don't go home. Be careful to spread the news to your family. While there are still a few hours left, take a nap to replenish your strength before starting the war."

"I got it." The young Liu Sanquan didn't say anything nonsense. He straightened his back, which was already rickety to the point of being unable to straighten, and then quickly walked to the rest room and slept in his clothes.

Gao Yuan said to Liu An: "Now I will start the diagnosis. Stick out your tongue and let me take a look."

Liu An took off his mask and stuck out his tongue.

"The tongue is red and the coating is thin and yellow." This is the first time Gao Yuan has faced this disease head-on. Gao Yuan, who has experienced many battles, is also a little nervous inside, but more of an indescribable excitement.

Gao Yuan wrote down Liu An's symptoms bit by bit.

Fever, body temperature 39.2 degrees, cough, coughing up a small amount of white phlegm, sore limbs, headache, no chills and sweating, sore throat, no diarrhea, no shortness of breath, regular bowel movements, and clear mind.

Gao Yuan brought a stethoscope again and found that the breath sounds in both lungs were clear and no wet or dry rales were heard.

Floating pulse.

Liu An asked: " are you doing, Doctor Gao, can I still...can I be saved?"

Gao Yuan said: "Don't worry, you came early, the disease is still in the early stages, but you should have pneumonia in your left lung."

"Ah..." Liu An's heart started to rise again.

Gao Yuan said with relief: "Don't worry, this is pneumonia to begin with, and your condition is relatively mild."

"Oh." Liu An felt relieved.

Gao Yuan said again: "But..."

"Ah?" Liu An's heart was in doubt again.

Gao Yuan said: "The difficulty of this disease is that it deteriorates and spreads very quickly. If the initial stage is not controlled and reversed in time, it will soon become severe and even life-threatening."

"Ah?" Liu An's lips trembled. He had heard a lot of rumors about this disease during this period, but he didn't expect that he would become a patient so quickly. This fatal knife was now hanging on his neck. .

Gao Yuan smiled and said, "That's a normal situation."

Liu An trembled and asked, "Then what is an unusual situation?"

Gao Yuan pointed down: "This is an unusual situation here."

Liu An was shocked by Gao Yuan's strong self-confidence. He said: "Gao... Doctor Gao, next time... ahem... next time, can you say it earlier to boost your anger? I was almost scared just now." I peed, I thought about all the bad things I’ve done in my life.”

Gao Yuan looked at him sideways: "Have you done so many bad things in your life?"

Liu An got excited and coughed louder, but he still tried his best to explain: "Cough cough... cough cough... I... cough cough... I am a good person... cough cough..."

Gao Yuan was laughed at by him: "Since you are a good person, your life should not be cut off. Just be patient and I will get you some medicine."

Gao Yuan went to the pharmacy, thought about the information he had received during this period, summarized it a little, absorbed the treatment experience of his colleagues in Lingnan, went to get Houttuynia cordata injection and Qingkailing injection, and then prescribed It is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription that dispels wind, clears away heat, soothes the lungs and relieves cough. It is a comprehensive treatment.

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