TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 360

Chapter 360
"Come on, the dean is here, the dean is here."

The few people around the hospital bed hurried to the side to make room.

Gao Yuan strode over: "Who is the doctor in charge? What's the situation?"

The young doctor next to him hurriedly said, "Dean, it's me."

Gao Yuan looked at him: "Xiao Qi, tell me what's going on?"

Doctor Xiao Qi said: "This patient came to the outpatient clinic three days ago for treatment of a cold. After I made the diagnosis, I found that the patient had a strong headache, fever, no sweat and sore throat, but a slight chill. Wasn't the flu very serious during this time? And most of them are Yinqiao scattered syndrome, so I prescribed penicillin and Yinqiao decoction."

"It's just that after three days of medication, the patient's condition became more serious. When I came here today, I saw that the condition was not good, so I hurriedly admitted her to the hospital. I'm not sure what's going on, so please come and help me take a look." .”

"En." Gao Yuan responded softly, and looked at the patient again. The patient was lying curled up facing the wall, covered with two quilts, but he was still shivering non-stop, and seemed very afraid of the cold.

"Comrade, comrade, turn around and let me take a look." Gao Yuan called out to the female patient.

"Okay." The female patient replied tremblingly. She was about to turn around, but she said uncomfortably, "No, no, I can't turn because of back pain."

The patient's husband hurried forward to help her turn around.

When the person turned around, Gao Yuan gave her a face-to-face examination, and found that her complexion was blue and gray, and the whites of her eyes had turned crimson. Gao Yuan took the flashlight and said, "Open your mouth."

The patient opens his mouth.

Gao Yuan looked at it and found that the tonsils were slightly swollen, bright red in color, and the tongue coating was white and moist. He asked again, "What's your body temperature?"

Doctor Xiao Qi replied: "39.5"

Gao Yuan continued to diagnose and question, and found that the patient was not thirsty, his pulse was deep and subtle, his knees were cold, and after drinking a little warm orange juice, his stomach was cold and noisy.Always want to sleep, but difficult to fall asleep.

Gao Yuan thought about it. Judging from these manifestations, the patient had the symptoms of Taiyang typhoid fever, but the pulse was deep and thready, and he was drowsy, so it seemed to be the syndrome of Shaoyin, but the symptoms of sore throat and high fever were different. It seems to be caused by warm evil.

Gao Yuan was also a little confused for a while, he subconsciously asked: "Yan Xun, what do you think of this disease?"

After asking, Gao Yuan didn't wait for a reply. He looked up and found that Yan Xun was not there. He asked suspiciously, "Xiao Qi, where is your Director Yan?"

Doctor Xiao Qi touched his nose and said, "Not here..."

Gao Yuan asked again, "Where did you go?"

Dr. Qi looked around and smiled awkwardly.

Gao Yuan frowned again. According to the normal procedure, Xiao Qi needs to seek Yan Xun for consultation first. If Yan Xun can't solve it, he will come to him. But now Yan Xun, the director of the internal medicine department of traditional Chinese medicine, doesn't know where he is. .

Gao Yuan suppressed his dissatisfaction and said, "When Yan Xun comes back, let him come to me!"

"Oh." Doctor Xiao Qi agreed weakly.

When Gao Yuan saw the patient again, he couldn't make a judgment for a while, so he continued to ask the patient: "How is your health? How are you eating and going to the toilet?"

The female patient is already suffering.

Her husband replied: "I'm usually in poor health. I'm afraid of the wind and the cold. If I'm blown by the cold wind or exposed to a little rain, I'll catch a cold. I don't eat much, and I have diarrhea when I eat a little. Oh, the rooster crows every morning." I have to get up on time and have diarrhea."

"Wu Gengxie?" Gao Yuan frowned slightly, seeing the patient clutching his waist, he asked again: "When did the waist start to hurt? Does it usually hurt?"

The husband glanced at the patient: "It hurts. I usually have low back pain. As long as I am at home, I will lie down and don't want to get up. She said that it hurts when I stand. There are so many jobs at home, and she refuses to do anything. She is a lazy woman."

Gao Yuan didn't take care of other people's housework, but after hearing the other person's narration, his thoughts gradually became clearer. He was usually afraid of the wind and cold, and suffered from back pain.

People with self-prosperous qi tend to heat up and become superficial after suffering from evil spirits.People who have always been deficient in yang like this can easily turn cold after being infected with evil.

""Treatise on Febrile Diseases" has a saying to distinguish the true and false of cold and heat, 'The patient is very hot, but if he wants to get close clothes, the heat is in the skin, and the cold is in the bone marrow.' You see, although the patient's body temperature is very high, he is still covered with two quilts. I feel cold." Gao Yuan began to point out Dr. Qi.

Doctor Xiao Qi looked at the patient, then at Gao Yuan, and asked, "So...the patient's red eyes, sore throat, and high fever are all fake?"

Gao Yuan showed approval: "Not bad."

"But..." Dr. Qi hesitated again.

Gao Yuan encouraged: "Say it, be bold, don't be afraid of making mistakes."

Doctor Xiao Qi said: "But the patient's tonsils are very bright red, and the body temperature is so high... I don't understand this, isn't it a thermal phenomenon?"

Gao Yuan nodded and said: "When you are free, you should read more about medical skills. At the same time, you should not read dead books, you should read books alive."

"Ah..." Xiao Qi was stunned, as if he was scolded for being uneducated.

Gao Yuan said: "Cao Bingzhang once said that 'a red tongue is not fire.' You see, although the patient's tonsils are very bright red, it is not necessarily fire. Have you forgotten the medical term called 'face red like makeup'?"

"But... this is not face... Oh!" Xiao Qi suddenly understood, he knew why the dean said he was a dead book.

Gao Yuan asked: "Understood?"

Xiao Qi nodded in embarrassment.

Gao Yuan said: "This patient is inherently yang deficient, so the cold evil can direct the middle shao yin, and the heart and kidney are weak. In addition, you misused the cold and cold earlier, which hurt the kidney yang. , it became what it is now.”

Hearing this, Xiao Qi became even more embarrassed.

Gao Yuan reminded: "This disease, you have to reflect on it after you go back. There is no fixed way to treat the disease. It doesn't mean that there are many flu patients with Yinqiao syndrome, but all of them come with Yinqiao syndrome. One treatment, one treatment for one person, one treatment for each individual.”

Xiao Qi nodded heavily, and after nodding, his head drooped again, feeling embarrassed to look up.

Gao Yuan said in relief: "It's okay, just reflect on it and learn from it. Every doctor stumbles over. When I was young, I also stumbled a lot. If there is something I don't understand, if I am not sure, I should ask the seniors more. ,do you know?"

"Understood, Dean."

Gao Yuan asked again: "Then what should be done now?"

Xiao Qi replied cautiously: "Shaoyin disease with recurrent fever and deep pulse, Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction is the main one?"

Gao Yuan said: "That's right, your foundation is still good."

Before Xiao Qi could be happy, Gao Yuan changed the subject again: "It's just that there is still a lack of experience. The Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction is mainly biased towards attacking evil, but as I told you just now, there is no fixed method for curing diseases. , should be tailored to individual conditions."

"Look at this patient, there is more deficiency and less evil. This prescription is basically correct, but the focus is not completely accurate, so on this basis, we must take care of the vitality of the patient's lower Jiao and encourage the kidney qi."

Xiao Qi nodded in agreement.

Gao Yuan personally wrote one side, Mafu Xixin Decoction combined with Erxian Decoction, Zhibai was removed, and kidney four flavors were added.The patient was sweating after taking it, and after a good night's sleep, he recovered the next day. The red eyes and sore throat all subsided, which proved that Gao Yuan's judgment was very accurate.

The patient was discharged from the hospital the next day, and Gao Yuan gave him the aftercare prescription. The original prescription was Qumafuxi, 30g of Codonopsis pilosula, 15g of Lingzhi, 30g of Shengqi, and 15g of Paojiang for invigorating the spleen and strengthening the kidney to deal with the aftermath.

It wasn't until evening that Yan Xun, who had disappeared for two days, came back with big bags and small bags.

(End of this chapter)

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