TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 337 Destiny

Chapter 337 Destiny
Gao Yuan was still in a daze, why did the dean suddenly become so enthusiastic?He was not used to it anymore, so Gao Yuan had no choice but to thank him quickly: "Thank you, you have worked hard."

"Should be, should be." The dean smiled all over his face, and then stretched out his hand inside: "Quick, please come inside."

Gao Yuan turned his head and saw Huang Wending waiting at the side. He couldn't help smiling and said, "Long time no see."

"Yes, it's been a long time." Huang Wending was also quite emotional, and stepped forward to shake hands with Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan firmly held Huang Wending's hand, and shook it vigorously a few times. He felt like an old comrade-in-arms he hadn't seen for a long time. He was the one who lured Huang Wending to the countryside to support him, and built a western medical surgery department. Now the Zhangzhuang Hospital is still there. Being able to perform surgery is what he brought up.

Later, they survived the three years of the most difficult conditions together, and only they knew about the shared weal and woe.It was only later that the health system changed, and the health center was divided into doctors again, and the health center couldn't afford so many doctors, so Huang Wending returned to the province.

"Are you okay?" Gao Yuan asked aloud.

Huang Wending nodded vigorously, and he was also very excited. He said: "Everything is fine, everything is fine. I also want to congratulate you, congratulations!"

After saying this, Gao Yuan felt even more emotional in his heart, and he held Huang Wending's hand even tighter.

The dean looked eagerly from behind. Gao Yuan was not so enthusiastic when he shook hands with him just now. He said, "Why don't we hurry in and discuss the condition first?"

"Okay." Gao Yuan nodded, and then let go of Huang Wending's hand.As the two walked forward, Gao Yuan asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Huang Wending glanced back at the dean, and said with a suppressed voice: "The superiors have given instructions that we must do our best to treat the old lady's illness. If you need any medicine or resources, you can report it."

"Oh." Gao Yuan responded softly, his heart warmed at that moment, he said with shame: "I didn't expect my family affairs to cause trouble to the organization."

Huang Wending shook his head, and said, "You deserve it."

It was about the safety of his mother, so Gao Yuan didn't dare to be polite, so he hurriedly entered into a discussion with all the experts.After Gao's mother was admitted to the hospital, she also stepped up to carry out various inspections and tests.

The standard of this consultation was very high. All the relevant experts in the hospital came. The dean still felt that it was not enough, so he went to the Chinese Medicine Hospital to invite Chinese Medicine experts to discuss together. The Chinese Medicine Hospital was also very cooperative and sent them soon. The experts are here.

It's just that this illness made everyone suffer.

"Water and rice can't get in..." Mr. Wu Wenquan's eyebrows were frowned, and he looked at Zheng Zhenghui who was beside him.

Zheng Zhenghui swallowed his saliva, smiled wryly and said, "This is a bit difficult, and most of the methods of traditional Chinese medicine will not work."

Gao Yuan also suffered from headaches. In this way, oral medicines are useless, and he can only rely on external treatment. For this kind of tumor, external treatment can only play a supporting role, and the effect is not as good as internal treatment.

The oncologist from the provincial hospital said: "Although patients cannot take drugs orally now, our chemotherapy method can still be used. For tumors, chemotherapy is currently the best solution. In addition, since the patient cannot drink water and eat now, we will first Life support with infusions."

Gao Yuan nodded when he heard the words. After all, the conditions in the province are much better. At least he can use infusions to maintain his life. Otherwise, how many days can he survive in such an impenetrable situation?It's just that he asked worriedly: "My mother also underwent chemotherapy in the city hospital before, but the effect was not good, and it even worsened."

The oncologist smiled slightly, put his hands on his belly and said, "First of all, chemotherapy does not guarantee that the tumor will be cured, but it is indeed the best way at present. Secondly, there is still a big gap between the level of municipal hospitals and provincial hospitals. "

The dean also nodded confidently.

"Okay." Gao Yuan had no choice but to agree.

The oncologist said again: "It's just that chemotherapy will also bring some side effects. In this regard, can your traditional Chinese medicine do something to help."

Gao Yuan himself is an expert in Chinese medicine, he immediately said: "Yes."

"That's good, then let's discuss the treatment plan quickly." The oncologist also responded.

The situation is basically discussed, and the next step is treatment.

Gao Yuan also exchanged pleasantries with Wu Wenquan and Zheng Zhenghui. They knew that Gao Yuan was not thinking here now, so they didn't make any invitations. They just chatted briefly and left first.

Afterwards, Gao Yuan stayed in the hospital to accompany her, and Gao's mother was also actively receiving treatment.

It's just that unlike the dean's full confidence, Gao's mother's condition is still deteriorating rapidly, and it will not take long to reach the terminal stage, and the hospital has to issue a critical illness notice.

This news is like a bolt from the blue!
Qiu Xinquan, who was far away in the capital, was also very concerned about Gao's mother's situation. After learning that the situation had deteriorated, he quickly called to ask if he needed to be sent to the capital for treatment. If necessary, he could arrange it in time.

But obviously, Gao's mother can't bear such a toss at this moment, Gao Yuan politely rejected the other party's kindness, and stopped causing trouble to the organization.

However, Qiu Xinquan still took Gao's mother's condition report and asked experts in the capital, but everyone's opinions were very pessimistic. Discharged home.

Seeing the situation like this, Qiu Xinquan was quite helpless, and he tried his best.

Wu Wenquan and Zheng Zhenghui also came to see it several times, but they have nothing to do now.

Wu Wenquan looked around, only Huang Wending was still here at the provincial hospital, and he asked, "Is your director not here?"

Huang Wending shook his head, and said with embarrassment: "Maybe he also feels a little embarrassed."

The few people next to him were also speechless. Thinking of how the former dean looked down on the medical level of the hospital in the special area below, and now the patient's condition is deteriorating so quickly, it's no wonder he is embarrassed.

Wu Wenquan looked at the dignified Gao Yuan again. He sighed softly and said, "Gao Yuan, you are also an experienced doctor. You should know that manpower will eventually come to an end. It may be God's will. I..."

Wu Wenquan didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only look at Zheng Zhenghui aside, and said to him, "Brother Zheng, why don't you say a few words?"

Zheng Zhenghui had a bitter look on his face, and he said, "This is fate."

Wu Wenquan choked, you might as well not persuade him.

Gao Yuan never said a word. He was silent for a long time. After hearing this sentence, he finally gave a response. He shook his head, looked at his mother's extremely emaciated appearance, and said slowly and firmly: " This shouldn't be her fate, my mother's fate, and it shouldn't be decided by God!"

Several people in the room looked at Gao Yuan in surprise.

Wu Wenquan asked, "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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