TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 335 Comrade

Chapter 335 Comrade
Zhu Xiaofu and Gao Huaxin took one each.

Gao Huaxin asked Gao Yuan: "Have you never smoked?"

Gao Yuan replied: "I used to smoke. When I was a child, I secretly smoked my father's dry tobacco and my husband's hookah, but I never smoked cigarettes. There is no such condition. The first time I smoked cigarettes was when I went to the army. At that time, we The company commander only has half a pack of cigarettes, and he himself is reluctant to smoke."

"Because my education level is better, I can write well, and I am too young to do anything else, so I helped everyone write home letters and send them back. The company commander took his remaining half bag Cigarettes were rewarded to me, but I took one and returned it to him, and he also said that I am a big kid."

Gao Yuan smiled faintly.

The three people beside him quietly listened to Gao Yuan's storytelling.

Gao Yuan said slowly: "I am the youngest, so everyone takes care of me the most, and they give me food first. They do a lot of hard work, and they even try to protect me during battle. I……"

Gao Huaxin gradually forgot to smoke, he asked: "Then where are your comrades-in-arms now?"

Gao Yuan was a little sad: "Many people died."

Gao Huaxin was silent.

Gao Yuan said: "I am lucky. Although many people think that I am unfortunate, I am actually lucky."

The three of them looked at Gao Yuan in a daze.

Gao Yuan gently twisted the cigarette, his thoughts fluttered, his throat moved slightly, and he sang softly: "Forward forward, our team faces the sun, our feet are on the land of the motherland, and we carry the hope of the people on our backs. We are an invincible force. We are the children of workers and peasants, we are the armed forces of the people..."

The three of them put down their cigarettes, and they seemed to be brought back to that era by Gao Yuan's singing.

"Gao Yuan!"

Gao Yuan heard the voice calling him, and the singing gradually stopped. Looking back, a group of people came towards him.At this moment, Gao Yuan's mood became very calm. He returned the cigarette he had been sniffing for a long time to Hao Pingchuan, and said softly to him, "Thank you for the cigarette."

Gao Huaxin looked up at the people and found that there were still people in military uniforms. He asked nervously, "Is there any result?"

Gao Yuan replied calmly: "There is an end."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuan smiled at several people, then turned around and walked steadily towards the visitor, he was going to meet the final result.

The three of them looked at him nervously behind Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan met the visitor, he saw Director Lin and the person next to Director Lin, he was a little surprised: "Old leader, you are here too."

"Long time no see." The old leader nodded to Gao Yuan.

"Yeah, it's been many years. The brats back then have now turned into black-faced rough guys." Gao Yuan squeezed a smile, then looked at Director Lin with a calm expression.

Director Lin asked him, "What do you want to say?"

Gao Yuan said calmly: "Whatever the cause is, what the result is. People must be responsible for their actions, no matter good or bad, I will accept all the results."

"Okay." Director Lin nodded slightly, then stretched out his hand towards Gao Yuan, and said solemnly, "Comrade Gao Yuan."

Gao Yuan slowly raised his head and looked at Director Lin with a dull expression for a few seconds.

Director Lin smiled at him, raised his outstretched hand, and said again: "Comrade Gao Yuan."

Gao Yuan stretched out his hand to hold it, but couldn't help pressing his other hand on his eyes: "Thank you."

He trembled slightly, and said again, but his voice became choked: "Thank you."

Director Lin held Gao Yuan's hand tightly.

"Thank you." Gao Yuan said it again, and he took off his hand covering his eyes, and everyone realized that Gao Yuan's eyes were already red.

Qiu Xinquan sighed softly, feeling inexplicable.

The old leader was also a little distressed. He said softly to Gao Yuan: "It must have been difficult for you these years. If you have any requirements, you can ask me."

The others also looked at Gao Yuan, wondering what kind of request he would make.

Gao Yuan couldn't hold back his tears, he seemed to want to release the depression of his two lifetimes at this moment, his voice became more choked up, and his tone became urgent: "I...I want to go home, I want to go home, I haven't seen you for a long time Coming home, I miss them so much, I miss my family so much."

The old leader patted Gao Yuan's shoulder lightly, and said solemnly, "Okay, okay!"


On the train home again, Gao Yuan's heart was like a bird with two pairs of wings, eager and enthusiastic, jumping for joy!
In this life, he finally changed the tragic ending of himself and his family!

Ten years ago, on the train returning home, he attracted frequent glances from others.

Ten years later, he once again attracted the attention of others on the train returning.

But this time, he was different.

This time, he is Gao Yuan!

He is the upright Gao Yuan!
He is that glorious Gao Yuan!

He is no longer the high source who will bring endless troubles to his family, he is the high source who can protect his family from wind and rain at any time!


"Wen Hui."

"Hiss." Wen Hui, who was mending her clothes, accidentally poked her hand and hissed painfully. A bead of blood rolled out. people.

She imagined countless scenarios, but none of them could match the real and simple reunion at this moment.

"You..." Wen Hui's mind went blank.

"Father..." The eldest daughter was also stunned and murmured.

No matter how hard Gao Yuan suppressed his emotions, he rushed forward and hugged Wen Hui tightly.

Feeling the familiar and real body sensation, Wen Hui's brain gradually recovered, and she asked, "I... am I not dreaming?"

The boss turned around and twisted the second child's arm, the second child burst into tears immediately, the boss said excitedly: "Mom, it's not a dream, it's real!"

"It's true, it's true!" Gao Yuan kept repeating.

"Woo..." Wen Hui burst into tears, and she hugged Gao Yuan back: "You are back, you are finally back."

Gao Yuan was also very excited: "I'm back, I'm back, I'm back!"

The eldest daughter wanted to come forward for a hug several times, but seeing her parents so affectionate, she still couldn't intervene, hesitated a few times, and simply turned her head and hugged the crying second child, comforting: "Don't cry!" Don't cry anymore, Dad is back."

Hearing this, the second child cried louder.

Wen Hui's voice was trembling: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back."

Gao Yuan said, "I'm fine."

Wen Hui's teary eyes widened, and she asked in disbelief, "Really?"

Gao Yuan nodded vigorously: "It's true, I'm fine, we will never be separated again."

Wen Hui covered her mouth and cried loudly.

The eldest hugged the second even harder.

The third child in the swaddling baby also began to cry, not knowing what to cry for.

Gao Yuan couldn't suppress his heart, he stroked Wen Hui's forehead, tears rolled down, he kept saying: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Wen Hui just hugged Gao Yuan hard, and she choked up and said, "It's okay, it's okay, but I... I can finally fall asleep."

Gao Yuan's heart was broken. He owed his family too much in his life.

After a long time, the emotions of the two stabilized a little. Gao Yuan hurriedly asked: "I haven't been back for a long time, is my family okay?"

Wen Hui hesitated a little.

"What's wrong?" Gao Yuan's heart suddenly hung up.

The eldest daughter said: "Grandma is not well."

"What?" Gao Yuan was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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