TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 324 Cold and Damp Qi

Chapter 324 Cold and Damp Qi
After Gao Yuan finished talking to the doctor inside, he turned around and saw the people outside the door. He was slightly taken aback, then smiled, and nodded to several people.

They also nodded to Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan came out and asked, "A few leaders are here for inspection?"

Gao Hua channeled: "I originally wanted to come over to see if there was anything I could do to help, but now it seems that I can't use it."

Gao Yuan waved his hand and said, "How could it be? There is a shortage of medical resources here, and many patients cannot get treatment when they are sick. 02 Illness is an illness, and other illnesses are also illnesses. They are coming, so don't sit idle."

Gao Huaxin and Zhu Xiaofu looked at each other and smiled, sure enough, they wouldn't let them idle.

Although Qiu Xinquan had a lot to ask Gao Yuan, but it was not the time to chat, so he said, "Let's go, go to the doctor first, and I'll also check the condition of the patients here."

"Okay." Gao Yuan nodded and led them over.Followed by local doctors and hygienists, Gao Yuan led them to the patient's bedside.

He said: "This patient has been sick for three days before they brought it here. Take a look."

Originally, Gao Yuan told the local doctors that he wanted to guide them in clinical diagnosis and treatment.Unexpectedly, before these people stepped forward, Zhu Xiaofu went up first.

Everyone was stunned.

Gao Yuan just smiled and said nothing. It's a good thing that people are willing to work.

Gao Huaxin saw it, and said, "Xiao Zhu, the local doctor comrades haven't read it yet."

"Only them..." Zhu Xiaofu responded casually. When the words came to his lips, he realized that something was wrong, so he swallowed it quickly, and then changed his words: "I'll come first."

Gao Huaxin felt a little embarrassed.

Gao Yuan said: "Then I wish the doctor read it first, and let the experts from the capital give us guidance."

Zhu Xiaofu didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to see and ask about it. The patient also had typical cholera symptoms, vomiting and diarrhea, and sweating profusely.

Zhu Xiaofu reached out and touched the patient's hand, and found that it was cold. Then he checked the pulse and found that the pulse was low. He frowned slightly and said, "Rinse your mouth, then stick out your tongue and let me have a look."

After checking the tongue, the tongue coating is greasy.

He said in a low voice: "The void is filled with solidity, dampness stagnates and obstructs. The pulse is subdued again, and so much's strange..."

Seeing that the experts from the capital were undecided, the local country doctor next to him cautiously asked, "Why don't you try drinking some cold water? Doctor Gao just said that drinking cold water will help!"

Zhu Xiaofu's face darkened, and he said: "I know, you don't need to tell me!"

The man ate a bit, curled his lips and went away.

Gao Huaxin asked: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Xiaofu said: "It's a bit strange, why is it so cold and damp, isn't it summer now? Gao Yuan, where does this person work?"

Gao Yuan said, "Work in the fields."

Zhu Xiaofu was taken aback: "In the field?"

Gao Yuan said: "The day of hoeing crops is local, the farmers who hoe the ground."

Zhu Xiaofu rubbed his head: "That's strange, if the working environment is not very cold and damp, how could there be such a situation?"

"Is it possible that it's because of the residence?" The local doctor who was stunned just now asked aloud.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Xiaofu turned to look at him.

The doctor replied: "He is very greedy for cold. He doesn't live at home at night. If it's too hot, he always lives under the bridge hole in the river ditch, saying that it's cool there. You say it's cold in the morning and evening, and the dew is so severe, and there is still water by the river." Humidity is also heavy, right..."

Having said that, he became a little uncertain again, and his tone became weak.

Zhu Xiaofu suddenly realized, he said: "No wonder! Hey, how did you know?"

The doctor replied: "We are in the same brigade."

Gao Yuan explained to him: "The medical level of the local doctors is indeed not particularly high, but they are locals, and some of them are contracted doctors of the production team. They know the local conditions very well, and they are also very clear about the patients' living habits, temperament and personality. So many times they are the doctors who know their patients best.”

Gao Huaxin and Zhu Xiaofu looked at the doctor again after hearing the words.

The doctor looked a little nervous and uncomfortable.

"Taught, thank you." Zhu Xiaofu thanked him.

The doctor was still at a loss. Where did so many polite words come from in the countryside? He has never heard a few words of thanks in his life. The biggest gratitude expressed by rural people is: "Ah... ah... that, it's okay, it's okay. Empty, come to eat at home."

"Okay." Zhu Xiaofu also laughed.

Qiu Xinquan also looked at Gao Yuan. This person has a way of uniting. How can he be better than him as a leader? It's really strange!

Gao Yuan just smiled. The Zhangzhuang United Clinic back then was a mess.In that case, he can take care of it. Can this be a problem?
Now that the condition analysis is clear, there will naturally be a treatment plan.

Zhu Xiaofu said: "He is suffering from cold and dampness from the outside, hurting the spleen and stomach from the inside, clear and turbid, and vomiting and diarrhea because of the dislocation of the spleen and stomach. Seriously injured and the eyes sunken and the flesh cut off. So there is both a great deficiency of righteousness and a strong evil of cold and dampness."

Several people nodded.

The local doctor interjected and asked, "Hey, when will you drink cold water?"

Zhu Xiaofu almost didn't come up in one breath: "You don't need to drink cold water, I've figured it out!"

Gao Yuan shook his head and smiled wryly.

Zhu Xiaofu pinched his eyebrows.

The doctor ate again, still muttering about such a good idea, why didn't he use it?

Qiu Xinquan asked Zhu Xiaofu: "Then how should we treat him now?"

Zhu Xiaofu frowned and said: "Cold and damp air is the most hurtful, but he dragged on for a few more days, and now his condition is a bit serious."

Qiu Xinquan asked: "Can it be saved?"

Zhu Xiaofu said cautiously: "It depends on whether there is a turn for the better after taking the medicine. If there is a turn for the better, the probability of saving life will be much higher. Otherwise, it will not work."

Qiu Xinquan urged: "Then hurry up and write a prescription."

Several people quickly discussed.

The local doctors could only watch helplessly.

The condition is already like this, so we can only take the method of returning to Yang to save the adversity and reducing dampness and turbidity.First use aconite, dried ginger, licorice, and Sini Decoction to restore the yang and rescue the adversity.At the same time, add Codonopsis Radix and Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes Rhizoma Atractylodes simultaneously, with Aconite Lizhong Decoction, warms the middle and dispels the cold.Then use Pinellia, Evodia, Poria, Magnolia officinalis to reduce adverse effects and transform turbidity.Use the heart of the stove to warm the middle to stop diarrhea, pig bile to guide the medicine into the yin, and add children's feces at the same time to induce the deficiency of yang to descend.

Gao Yuan handed the prescription to the doctor in the hospital, and said: "Use this prescription first, observe the effect, if there is any change, please tell me in time."

"Okay." The doctor took the prescription and left.

Qiu Xinquan asked: "How is the treatment of local patients?"

Gao Yuan said: "As long as it is discovered early and actively cooperates with the treatment, the problem is not serious. I am afraid that concealment will delay the disease. Just a few days ago, a little girl in the village brigade had 02 disease, and she was already vomiting and diarrhea. gone."

"As a result, her family was afraid that the neighbors next door would scold them, so she picked some herbal medicine and ate it herself. She also hid it from the brigade cadres and refused to report it. This delay lasted for a few days. By the time we took over, it was already powerless. Sigh. ..."

Qiu Xinquan frowned.

Gao Yuan said: "So during this period of time, we have also asked the cadres of the various brigades to increase publicity. They must be detected early, reported early, and treated early. As long as they are treated in time, under normal circumstances, we can cure them."

Qiu Xinquan nodded and said, "You did a good job."

Gao Yuan turned to look at Qiu Xinquan, and then he said, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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