TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 311 Application for transfer

Chapter 311 Application for transfer
"Yes, yes, Dad, don't worry, well-known experts from all over the country have come here. We will do our best, don't worry, I assure you, there will be no more catastrophes like those in the late Qing Dynasty! , I will go back to my hometown in Tanggu with you, and have another drink! Otherwise, I will have no face to face my parents!"

Qiu Xinquan repeated his assurances on the phone.

The young man at the door had been waiting until Qiu Xinquan put down the phone before he said, "Director, experts are arriving in the conference room one after another."

Qiu Xinquan nodded. Although he put down his rhetoric just now, his expression was not at all relaxed. He asked, "Has there been any results from Professor Gao Shouyi?"

The young man said: "Not yet, he is doing pathogen identification."

Qiu Xinquan said: "Okay, if you have any results, you must tell me as soon as possible, no matter what I am doing, whether it is a meeting or a report."

"Yes!" The young man nodded quickly, and he said again: "Doctor Gao Huaxin is outside."

Qiu Xinquan hurriedly said: "Please, please."

Soon, Gao Huaxin was with the young people, and Qiu Xinquan immediately came to shake hands with Gao Huaxin.Gao Huaxin also greeted him: "Director, is your back pain better?"

Qiu Xinquan said: "It's much better, thanks to your medicine, otherwise I don't know how long this old problem will last. This time, I will have to work hard on you again."

Gao Hua said: "Don't be afraid of hard work, the most important thing is to cure the disease. It will take two days for my teacher to come back. I will come to the meeting for him first."

"Okay." Qiu Xinquan quickly communicated with Gao Huaxin.

And the young man who had just left the house came back again. He poked his head in and took a look. Seeing that they were still chatting, he fell silent.

But Director Qiu hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, just say what you have to say, is there any result from Professor Gao Shouyi?"

The young man shook his head: "No, Professor Fan Zhengzhong, an expert in intestinal diseases, and Zheng Zhenghui, an expert in infectious diseases in traditional Chinese medicine, are looking for you, but I think you are still busy..."

"Looking for me?" Qiu Xinquan was slightly taken aback.

Gao Huaxin also looked back, and he said: "Maybe there is something wrong, I know them too, why don't you let them come over?"

"Okay." Qiu Xinquan waved to the young man.

Soon, Professor Fan and Zheng Zhenghui came over. When they saw Gao Huaxin here, they quickly greeted with a smile.

Qiu Xinquan immediately said: "Sit down quickly, you two have worked hard all the way, haven't you rested yet?"

Zheng Zhenghui said: "Director Qiu, you're welcome. We're here to treat illnesses and relieve disasters, not to rest. This time we're here, and we have a very important matter to report to the leader!"

Old Zheng made a high-profile sound when he came up, and Qiu Xinquan was taken aback for a moment. He originally wanted to ask someone to pour tea, but he turned his head and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Zheng Zhenghui said again: "It's very important!"

Qiu Xinquan immediately became serious.

Professor Fan, who came with him, turned his head to look at Zheng Zhenghui with a respectful expression on his face. You Chinese medicine practitioners know how to brag!Looking at director Qiu again, he felt that Zheng Zhenghui had used the trick of doctors to scare patients.

Qiu Xinquan said, "Come on, sit down and talk slowly."

Zheng Zhenghui didn't even have time to sit down, so he said seriously: "Director, I don't need to say more about the severity and harm of cholera. This is one of the most catastrophic disasters in human history. I don’t think we can take it too seriously!”

Qiu Xinquan nodded approvingly. He is so stressed that his hair is falling out, and Jidi is close to the capital. If he can't control it, then he really wants to hang himself.

Zheng Zhenghui saw that the other party nodded, and he continued: "The sixth pandemic was still in the late Qing Dynasty. The corrupt feudal court was incompetent, which caused so many deaths and countless human tragedies."

"We are now a new society and a new government. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past. So from this perspective, we must do everything we can and mobilize all resources to prevent this terrible disaster!"

Qiu Xinquan looked at Zheng Zhenghui anxiously, and he asked: "And then? How can I not know the importance? My hair is almost falling out, but you are the key point, what should I do!"

Seeing that the other party was in a hurry, Zheng Zhenghui hurriedly said, "Look for someone, an expert! I know an expert who is very good at preventing and treating infectious diseases."

After all, Zheng Zhenghui looked at Professor Fan. He has been chatting for a long time, and this buddy still hasn't said a word.

Professor Fan quickly added: "He is especially good at the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal diseases, and the effect is excellent. There was once a severe dysentery outbreak in his county. With his medicine, it can be cured in one...half a day!"

Gao Huaxin also looked curiously, and asked, "Is there such a master?"

Zheng Zhenghui laughed dryly: "You know him too."

"Huh?" Gao Huaxin showed doubts,

Qiu Xinquan hurriedly asked: "Who is that person and where is he? I will send an official letter to the unit and send a telegram to transfer him immediately!"

Zheng Zhenghui looked at Professor Fan, who lowered his head and did not speak.

"What's the matter, is there any difficulty?" Seeing that the two were silent, Qiu Xinquan hurriedly urged them again.

Zheng Zhenghui could only bite the bullet and said: "He is currently receiving reform education."

Qiu Xinquan almost didn't come up in one breath.

Seeing the other party's expression, Zheng Zhenghui's heart was also suspended.

Gao Huaxin asked: "Are you talking about Gao Yuan?"

Zheng Zhenghui nodded.

Qiu Xinquan asked Gao Huaxin, "You know him too?"

Gao Huaxin looked at Zheng Zhenghui at the side, his eyes moved slightly, and he turned his head and said, "Yes, this person's medical level is indeed very high, and he can discover key points that ordinary people cannot discover."

"A few years ago, we went to their province to treat Japanese encephalitis. Our plan worked very well in the provincial capital, but when it was implemented in the southern cities, there were problems. The treatment effect was very poor, and the condition of many patients deteriorated rapidly."

"It was Dr. Gao Yuan who discovered in time that there was a lot of rain in their area during this period. He judged the new situation of summer heat and dampness. After he changed the prescription, the situation was immediately under control. Fortunately, no bad consequences were caused."

After hearing Gao Huaxin say that, Qiu Xinquan nodded solemnly.

Zheng Zhenghui took out a piece of paper: "I came in a hurry and didn't bring any specific information. I recalled it and briefly wrote on it the infectious diseases that Dr. Gao Yuan participated in the treatment of, as well as his unique insights and related information. achievements."

Qiu Xinquan took it over and took a look, and it was indeed brilliant. He hissed lightly, and then asked: "Is his business... is it going on?"

Zheng Zhenghui said: "Of course not, that happened ten years ago, that's how it is..."

He briefly talked about Gao Yuan again.

Qiu Xinquan nodded slightly, already thinking about it in his heart.

Seeing the other party's face, Zheng Zhenghui felt a lot more at ease.

At this time, the young man from before broke in again, and he said, "Director, there is news from Professor Gao."

"Say it!" Qiu Xinquan came over immediately.

The young man said: "Professor Gao used the group IV phage method to confirm that the pathogen this time is Vibrio cholerae of the Eltor biotype, not the classical biotype of the previous six times. It is the seventh pandemic from the inkpad, it is paracholera! "

"It really is vice cholera." Qiu Xinquan looked at everyone: "According to relevant regulations and confidentiality requirements, in all telegrams, phone calls, and subsequent conversations, we must use 02 as the code name for this disease."

Everyone nodded carefully.

Qiu Xinquan turned to Zheng Zhenghui and said: "In order not to happen in cities and not to spread in rural areas, we have set up joint defense committees in six provinces and cities, and are doing our best to prevent, control and treat it. Now there is nothing more important than controlling 02 disease. Your life and health come first. I will go to the leader now and apply for a transfer!"

(End of this chapter)

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