TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 275 Dean

Chapter 275 Dean
It turned out that the Zhangzhuang Health Center, which was full of talented people, collapsed in half at once, and Gao Yuan's eyelids were throbbing with pain.

This is not the case of their Zhangzhuang family. It is basically the same in other commune health centers. To be precise, these health centers have already existed in name only.Many capable doctors have gone out to start their own businesses, and older doctors are affiliated with the production team, making life very difficult.

There are also many nurses and doctors with poor medical skills who simply changed their careers, and most of them went back to the village to work in agriculture.Many of the hygienists who were previously trained were wasted, sanitation campaigns were not carried out, and no one was responsible for the prevention work.

The entire rural medical care has fallen into a very empty state.

Gao Yuanyuan has grown up. According to the memory of his previous life, the typhoid epidemic is coming soon, and this time it will last for two years.One is because it is now a stage of major adjustments, the country is already in a difficult situation, and there are not enough typhoid vaccines issued. As a result, no doctors are willing to work, and the vaccines have not been completed.

Another very important reason is that there is too little medical care in rural areas now, resulting in untimely treatment, which is why the typhoid epidemic has been delayed for so long.

As soon as the typhoid fever passed, paracholera came immediately...

It is also based on this background that the central government has repeatedly proposed to pay attention to rural medical care.Many people only know the 626 instructions, but they don't know that as early as February, the teachers instructed to train doctors for the rural areas, but the subordinates didn't follow through, so they got angry and severely criticized in June.

Gao Yuan was feeling melancholy, but Liu Sanquan came over with a silly smile.

"What's the matter, Doctor Liu?" Gao Yuan frowned and asked Liu Sanquan.

Liu Sanquan rubbed his hands and said with a sneer, "Didn't our President Hu go to the ceramics factory?"

"En." Gao Yuan responded.

Liu Sanquan asked again: "I heard that there is also a health care room at the ceramic factory. Do you think there will be a shortage of doctors?"

Gao Yuan was a little speechless, he said: "It's not your turn to be absent, many capable doctors are trying to figure out a way out, such a good unit, won't they take the lead?"

Liu Sanquan got closer: "But our director Hu has become the deputy director of the factory. Maybe what he says will work."

Gao Yuan said: "As for Lao Hu's temper, you follow his way, heh, you might as well ask someone else."

Liu Sanquan said with a sneer: "So, I'm here to ask you to help me. Dean Hu doesn't need to give other people's face, but he will definitely give you your face."

Gao Yuan squinted at Liu Sanquan, why is everyone looking for his way now, he said: "As far as our current situation in Zhangzhuang is concerned, half of the doctor team has collapsed, not to mention me, the gods have come, and Lao Hu won't Let it go, what do you say?"

Liu Sanquan was speechless for a moment, and then had a bitter expression on his face.

Gao Yuan said: "Okay, don't think too much, just do it well. Our joint clinic was able to survive before, and it can do the same now."

Liu Sanquan nodded helplessly, and then asked cautiously: "We have trained hygienists and midwives for each production team. Now that we do this, it won't make them steal our business."

Gao Yuan said, "How can you think that way? Before, we had to visit the whole town every three to five days. It was so tiring. At least now we don't have to run so often. That's a good thing."

Liu Sanquan didn't understand: "Where is it?"

Gao Yuan said: "Run less, and you won't be hungry."

Liu Sanquan choked.

Gao Yuan said: "Now the big cafeteria is closed, you have to eat by yourself. If you go to the production team, there may not be food for you."

Liu Sanquan was even more broken, he said: "I'd better ask Dean Hu again."

Liu Sanquan ran away.

Zhao Huanzhang and Li Shengli came over.

Li Shengli also asked: "What happened to Dr. Liu, why did he run away?"

Gao Yuan shook his head and asked, "Could you also come to find another way?"

Zhao Huanzhang said: "No, no, I will definitely not leave Zhangzhuang. I will definitely stand on the same front with the poorest working people."

Gao Yuan was a little bit dumbfounded. To be honest, anyone might leave, but Zhao Huanzhang definitely wouldn't.As the son of a famous local landowner, Zhao Huanzhang had always been too cautious.

Gao Yuan smiled and nodded: "That's good."

Li Shengli said, "Hey, why don't you ask me?"

Gao Yuan said angrily, "Okay, just shut up."

"Hey!" Li Shengli folded his hands and walked away.

Zhao Huanzhang said: "Doctor Gao, we came here to talk to you about being serious. Now that the hospital is owned by doctors collectively, we don't want to open our own practice, so we came here to ask you what you think, if you don't want to open it independently , then we hope you can come to be the dean and lead us."

Gao Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

Zhao Huanzhang said again: "Now that Director Hu has been transferred, our hospital has no leader. There must be someone in charge. It seems that only you are suitable."

Gao Yuan said: "When I first came to the United Clinic, you were the director at that time."

Zhao Huanzhang waved his hand a little embarrassedly: "I just have no choice but to catch ducks on the shelf. Dr. Liu Sanquan is too soft-tempered, and his medical skills are not convincing. Li Shengli and Shen Congyun pinched each other hard, and neither of them accepted the other. I am purely picking a general among dwarfs." , I have to be this home."

Gao Yuan nodded solemnly. Indeed, when he first came back, the joint clinic was in a mess, and everyone was alienated and not united.

Zhao Huanzhang said: "Actually, I wanted to give up the position of director to you back then, and I talked to you about it, but you didn't agree. Then it was reorganized into a health center, and a new director came, so I won't mention it But now, our situation has changed. Doctor Gao, are you willing to be the dean?"

Zhao Huanzhang looked at Gao Yuan seriously.

Li Shengli, who was holding his hands on the side, also said: "Doctor Gao, only you can support this situation now."

Gao Yuan let out a breath slowly, feeling that his breathing was much heavier.

Li Shengli put down his hand: "With such an adjustment now, the good sanitation situation we created before will face great challenges. Doctor Gao, the local people need you. Similarly, you also need the support of the people more."

Zhao Huanzhang looked at Li Shengli, he didn't understand why Li Shengli said such a sentence suddenly.

But Gao Yuan's mind suddenly went crazy, and he understood everything.During this period of time, there were two things that troubled him. One was the major adjustment and streamlining, and the other was that his own problems had not been resolved for a long time.

But he was really confused by the authorities. These two things actually lead to the same goal by different routes.

There are only three years before 626, and these three years are the most difficult three years, but as long as he can support such a difficult situation, it may not be that his things will not turn around.After all, 626 is just a direction, but how to do it specifically needs to be investigated and studied by the Ministry of Health.

In fact, the Ministry later selected five counties as pilot studies.As long as you do well enough, it may not be possible that the next pilot will not be changed to them.

You can know the honest ministers when you are tough, and you can know the strong grass when the wind blows!
The harder it is, the more you have to persevere!His own affairs may not have a turning point in the future!Maybe three years later, it will be his best chance, and of course it may be his last chance!
Gao Yuan stood up, his eyes became firmer, and he said solemnly: "I agree!"

"Dean Gao." Zhao Huanzhang smiled.

"Dean Gao." Li Shengli also smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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