TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 203 Hot

Chapter 203 Hot
After arriving at the big office, after a short rest, everyone conducted a discussion on the JE epidemic.

Because Japanese encephalitis is a severe infectious disease, with a high rate of severe disease, high mortality rate, and serious sequelae, it has always been very scary and has been highly valued by the superiors.As early as 52, health organizations at all levels and private clinics were required to report every case they found, and they must not be sloppy.

With the two major battles in Hebei and the capital, the higher-ups have paid more attention to this, and because of the outstanding performance of Chinese medicine in these two battles, no matter where the Japanese encephalitis epidemic has occurred, experienced Chinese medicine will be arranged Go to support.

This is also one of the rare honors of traditional Chinese medicine.

Western medicine has been researching and promoting the Japanese encephalitis vaccine before. In 51, it made an inactivated vaccine using rat brain and chicken embryos, which can reduce the morbidity and mortality to a certain extent, but this is only to a certain extent. The effect is not very satisfactory, and there is no condition for large-scale promotion with the national strength at that time.

And last year, because the rat brain vaccine contained more rat brain tissue components, severe allergic encephalomyelitis occurred one after another in several cities in North China after vaccination, and then the vaccine was listened to.

Now there is no specific medicine in western medicine, so it can only carry out symptomatic treatment according to the patient's condition.

Although Western medicine experts have also come to the capital, the plans proposed are not as many as those beyond the provincial hospitals, and they are basically within this framework.

The doctors in the provincial hospital did not share much new experience after listening to it.

Seeing that the Chinese medicine practitioners were still discussing it, the dean said, "I think we Chinese medicine experts haven't finished discussing it yet. Have we encountered any problems?"

Everyone else looked over.

Professor Fan also heard the words and looked.

Wen Sanquan brought the notebook over and said, "We have been treating Japanese encephalitis in Chinese medicine for several years, so we have summed up a lot of experience. Japanese encephalitis is the name of Western medicine. In Chinese medicine, it is a febrile venereal disease, which belongs to febrile disease." We have always followed the plan for treating febrile diseases."

"But past experience tells us that although JE is all JE, different climates and environments will bring about different symptoms. We must analyze and judge independently. This is what we were discussing just now. .”

The dean nodded, and asked again: "Has Team Leader Wen come up with any plan for our Japanese encephalitis condition?"

Wen Sanquan said: "We conducted a diagnostic analysis on these more than [-] patients, and found that they generally had high fever and sweating. Among them, the patients in the early stage showed floating floods, and the tongue coating was also yellow and dry. The local climate is very hot, so this is a typical hot JE."

The dean came from Western medicine, so he couldn't understand what Wen Sanquan was saying, so he said, "Group leader Wen, please speak more clearly."

Hao Pingchuan interjected, "Hey, it's the same as the situation in Shishi before."

"Oh!" After saying this, the dean understood.At the same time, he was also excited. He knew the results of Shi Shi's treatment, and the cure rate was almost [-]%.

You must know that Japanese encephalitis is a severe infectious disease with a very high mortality rate that makes people look pale. It's all over the world.

They were also required to study in the provincial hospital, but the situation changed again in the capital JE in the second year.He still kept the official letters and small books on the experience of learning Shishi back then in his office.

The dean's nervous mood immediately eased: "So, we can just use the plan from back then?"

Wen Sanquan was about to nod.

Gao Huaxin hurriedly interjected: "We'd better use it in the hospital first to see the effect, don't rush to promote it, and take it step by step."

Wen Sanquan also nodded when he heard the words.

Hao Pingchuan said carelessly: "Huaxin, you are too cautious."

"Shut up!" Wen Sanquan scolded himself as a villain.


Now that the direction has been determined, the next step is to discuss specific plans.For febrile JE, the main treatment plan is to clear heat, detoxify and nourish yin. Avoid sweating, diarrhea, diuresis, stimulants such as pungent and dry stimulation, and ice packs for cold compresses.

The prescription is based on Baihu Decoction. According to the severity of the disease, three treasures for febrile diseases, Zhibao Dan, Angong Niuhuang Pill, and Zixue Dan are used.Severe high fever, coma, rhino horns can also be added,
If there is evil in the pericardium, causing the patient to faint, delirium, tetany, opisthotonus and other convulsions, then add scorpion, centipede, rhino horn, antelope horn, etc. to the original prescription to calm the liver, relieve wind and relieve spasm.

This is all previous experience, so it is very quick to formulate and get started, and some details are well thought out.

After confirming here, they treated these Japanese encephalitis patients according to the plan.

The provincial hospital now has a department of traditional Chinese medicine, and has also opened a traditional Chinese medicine department, but the department of traditional Chinese medicine is still in its infancy, and the strength is not enough.

Seeing the busy appearance of these Chinese medicine practitioners, and seeing that young man named Hao Pingchuan's squeaking, arrogant appearance that he still doesn't like their provincial capital.

Professor Fan couldn't help thinking of Gao Yuan, he said, "It would be great if Dr. Gao Yuan was here."

"Huh?" Gao Huaxin, who was passing by, looked at Professor Fan.

Professor Fan smiled and nodded.

Gao Huaxin nodded in return.

Professor Fan turned and left.

Gao Huaxin pondered for a while, and then continued to work.

After a few days of targeted treatment, the conditions of these more than [-] Japanese encephalitis patients are basically under control, most of them have improved, and a small number of them have not continued to deteriorate.

This result also made everyone very excited.

"Good, good!" the dean praised repeatedly.

Wen Sanquan also showed satisfaction. It was his first time leading the team to achieve such a good result, which is also a very face-saving thing.

Hao Pingchuan became even more arrogant. He walked without bending his knees, and his eyes flew above his eyebrows.

The dean asked: "Group leader Wen, since the treatment effect is so good, should we promote the use as soon as possible, after all, many places in our province are on fire, and the situation is very serious."

Wen Sanquan said very excitedly: "Okay, then follow our plan and promote the use immediately!"

Gao Huaxin hurriedly stopped him: "Hey, wait a minute."

Wen Sanquan asked him, "What's wrong?"

Gao Hua Channel: "I suggest adding a sentence at the end of the plan. Local doctors can adjust the plan according to the actual condition of the patient."

Wen Sanquan frowned and said, "Is this necessary?"

Hao Pingchuan also said: "That's right, do you know what the levels of the doctors below are? What if you change the plan blindly and self-defeating?"

Gao Huaxin choked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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