He stared at him, and said to He Luoluo angrily:

"You girl, why are you talking so nonsense? If it weren't for Miss Lingling's action today, whether Jing Yu could have been saved or not is another matter. He saved someone, but you are crying and talking nonsense here, and you have intentions. I don’t intend to imply that all this is their fault, are you out of your mind and think that others are the same as you, so you can’t tell that you did it on purpose.”

Xiao Heng: "..."

I didn't hear it, could it be that my brain is really sick.


Wang Miaoling couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard Song Lao's words.

However, He Luoluo's face was pale by what was said, and he greeted all eighteen generations of Song Lao's ancestors one by one. Admittedly, otherwise she wouldn't want to stay in the General's Mansion. She hasn't finished the task assigned by her father. She wants to leave, but it's definitely not this time, so:

"Grandpa Song, no, no, I, I, I didn't mean that..."

As He Luoluo was talking, he burst into tears before he finished speaking.

"Old Song, look..."

"shut up!"


The voices of Wang Miaoling and Song Lao sounded at the same time.

"Miss He, you'd better go back and rest first, it's unlucky at night!"

Wang Miaoling did not hide her disgust, and said.

"I'm sorry, yes, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I, I was just too worried about brother Yu, that's why I said that!"

"Miss He, do you think I'm an idiot? Otherwise, why do you think that idiots don't believe me? I will believe it. Well, don't cry here. If you want to cry, you go back to the capital and cry. We don't welcome you here. !"


Xiao Heng yelled in disapproval, after all, he and her father have been friends for many years, they came to play, how could it be so far away.


Wang Miaoling really didn't want to talk to this man, so she got up and left.

Elder Song really didn't want to stay here, and hearing the girl cry and whimpering made him really upset, so when he saw Wang Miaoling leaving, he got up and left without hesitation, leaving Xiao Heng and He Luoluo alone. Stare small.

Here, Lu Qingling and the others ate until it was dark at night before putting down their chopsticks in satisfaction.

This period of time is too busy, and they haven't eaten so heartily for a long time, it's really cool.


Lu Qingyu slumped on the chair, held his stomach and burped, and looked at the remaining pieces of meat on the plate, and licked his lips.

He still wanted to eat, but the younger sister and elder brother said that he ate too much tonight and couldn't eat any more, so they could only watch helplessly.

Lu Qingxuan, Lu Qingwu and Jiang Doudou also put down their chopsticks one after another, with the same expressions of satisfaction, too full to move.

"Little sister."

Lu Qingxuan suddenly called out.


Lu Qingling, who was slumped on the chair, raised his eyelids and looked at him.

"Xiao Jingyu, he..."

"Brother, I'm tired today, so let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Before Lu Qingling finished speaking, Lu Qingling interrupted. After finishing speaking, before they could respond, he got up and entered the room.

That night, maybe he ate too much, maybe he was a little worried about Xiao Jingyu, so Lu Qingling fell asleep very late.

However, when she was in a drowsy sleep, she suddenly heard the dull sound of a heavy object falling into the mud outside the house.

Immediately afterwards, the two mules of her family also neighed uncomfortably. Lu Qingling realized that something was wrong, because her mules are generally very quiet, especially at night, and generally do not make any sound, so she quickly went to the space She took out the flashlight and got up carefully, but she didn't rush to turn on the flashlight.

"No problem, come in."

In the silent night, every sound can be heard very clearly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lu Qingling got up, a deep male voice rang out, which made Lu Qingling's heart tighten.

There are thieves!

Or two or more.


There was another dull sound of a heavy object falling into the mud.

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