Chapter 246 Preparing for the Annual Ceremony
Lu Qingling woke up early in the morning and found that it was Uncle Lin and Datou Lin who had come. Although they made it clear yesterday, they couldn't drive them away after all, so:
"Uncle Lin, Brother Lin, Brother Jing and Doudou have gone out, Second Brother Jing is still awake, do you have something to ask him? Why don't you come in and say it, it's too cold outside."

"Since Second Brother Jing is still resting, we won't go in. Today we are here to invite you guys to celebrate the New Year together."

"Celebrate New Year together?"

"That's right, it's New Year's Eve today, Miss Lingling, don't you all forget it?"

Lu Qingling slapped her forehead, she really forgot, but this year must be passed, as a Chinese, how come there are so few New Years, so it must be passed, and it must be lived well.

"It really is."

"Then since you haven't prepared anything, let's go to my house to have a New Year's Eve dinner together. We've all prepared the meal."

Old man Lin said and looked at Lu Qingling expectantly.

Lu Qingling looked at Uncle Lin's warm invitation, it was difficult for her to refuse this big Chinese New Year, and this person was only lively after Chinese New Year.


"Okay, then it's better to be respectful than to obey, because I'm afraid it will trouble the uncle too much."

"No trouble, no trouble, it's too late for us to be happy that you can come."

"Master Lin, please wait a moment, we will come out after Brother Jing and the others come back."

"Okay, okay, okay, it's okay, let's go back first and wait."

After watching them leave, Lu Qingling turned around and went back to the wooden house, preparing to bring something there.

She felt that it would not be good to go to someone else's house for a New Year's Eve dinner empty-handed. Although that house was only temporary and might leave tomorrow, Lu Qingling still felt that the traditions of the Chinese people should not be lost.

There is no older child in their family, so there is no need for candy. Although the little one has not been born yet, Lu Qingling still thinks that he or she should have a copy.

What should I give?
In the end, Lu Qingling decided to send some folic acid and calcium tablets.

The role of pregnant women taking folic acid is mainly to prevent neurological defects in the fetus, prevent fetal congenital heart disease, and relieve anemia during pregnancy.

Taking folic acid throughout pregnancy can effectively reduce the incidence of fetal neural tube defects and congenital heart disease. Pregnant women taking folic acid during pregnancy can supplement vitamin B12 in time, can promote blood production during pregnancy, and relieve physiological anemia during pregnancy. s help.

Moreover, after pregnancy, the fetus and the mother share the same blood circulation system, and the demand for blood gradually increases. If they do not take food or drugs with blood-enriching effects in time, they are prone to physiological anemia.

In modern times, in order to improve the quality of the fetus and achieve prenatal and postnatal care, both husband and wife start taking folic acid 3-6 months before pregnancy, and generally stop taking folic acid after 12 weeks of the pregnancy cycle.

Although Mrs. Lin is almost two months pregnant, it's a bit late to eat now, but it's better than nothing.

So Lu Qingling planned to give her a two-month supply, as well as this calcium tablet, which is also very important for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, due to the growth and development of the fetus, pregnant women absorb a large amount of calcium from the mother, which may easily cause calcium deficiency in the mother's body, causing leg cramps, waist pain, joint pain, etc. Therefore, pregnant women must drink more milk during pregnancy and eat beans, fish and shrimp. They should drink more bone soup. Of course, they don't have this condition now, so they can only take calcium supplements, and they need to get more sun exposure to promote calcium absorption.

In addition to these during pregnancy, you should also eat more high-protein foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, to ensure that the nutrients are complete, which is conducive to the good development of the fetus.

Anyway, if a woman is pregnant, there are too many things to make up.

However, it is better for pregnant women to take calcium tablets when they are 4-6 months old. When the folic acid is finished, it is just right to continue taking calcium tablets.

Thinking of this, Lu Qingling took out two boxes of folic acid and two bottles of calcium tablets, removed their outer packaging one by one, and wrapped them carefully in oiled paper.

Afterwards, I got another bag of peanuts to go with the wine, and wrapped them in oiled paper and took them out.

In the end, she took out [-] catties of bulk flour and [-] catties of millet from the space, and it was OK to have these.

(End of this chapter)

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