Help!The big guy is in my heart again

Chapter 74 How did Brother 2 change so much?

Fu Lanzheng asked Geyue: "Yueyue, tell aunt the truth, uncle let your second brother inherit Xinghuang" and let him give up his construction career in New York, "Tell me the truth, your second brother is not unhappy, right?"

In fact, she also has selfishness.

How could a child like Cen Shuo be disliked?

But Cen Qin is also or is her real child, she has to be partial in this matter.

Since he was a child, Cen Shuo has always been in favor of Cen Love.

In fact, no matter how Cen Yuan did something to him, he would not fight back.

What's wrong this time?
Could it be that Cen Shuo has complained about their family?

Jiyue shook her head, thought about it carefully: "No, I think the second brother is quite happy."

Fu Lanzheng: "That's good, that's good."

Every other month: "Auntie, you don't have to worry, the second brother has the best temper, it's just that the eldest brother went too far today."

Fu Lanzheng finally felt relieved in one breath, that's good.

Cen Shuo is such a gentle child, she has always known it in her heart.

Fu Lanzheng also asked Ge Yue: "How was your filming in Xinghuang?"

Every month nodded: "It's pretty good."

Xinghuang's atmosphere is quite good. Now she has met some young actors and friends. Although they are not all big stars, they can earn a lot of money by focusing on filming, and they don't involve these dirty things in the circle. thing.

Fu Lanzheng smiled gently: "That's good."

There is only one girl like this in the Cen family's generation. If it weren't for their own company, they would really worry about her going to the entertainment industry.

The greater the interest, the deeper the water.

Fu Lanzheng said with some relief: "As long as you children are doing well, we can rest assured as elders. I don't know when your two elder brothers will start a family and start a business. They are not young, and there is not even a certain None of the objects?"

Every month I was a little confused: "Huh? My second brother has a girlfriend, right?"


"Don't you know?" Ge Yue was a little surprised, "Second brother's girlfriend is also Xinghuang's, or his junior."

"Really?" Fu Lanzheng couldn't help being excited, "So, she is also a member of the circle."

"Well, yes. She's super pretty."

"That's it." Fu Lanzheng didn't have the old concept of matching each other.


"Why haven't you heard about your second brother?"

Ge Yue laughed and said, "Maybe, the two of you haven't reached that point yet."

Fu Lanzheng waved his hand, Cen Shuo, a kid, won't mess around with this kind of thing.

It's not easy to talk about Ruan Zhaozhao's affairs with my aunt every other month, so I said goodbye to the Cen's family and left.

She drove the car every other month, and it was dark outside, so she drove very carefully.

From the Cen's old house to the urban area, there is a section of mountain road.

The moonlight shines on the mountain road, which has a special flavor.

Oh, it will be August [-]th soon.

He didn't dare to be distracted every other month, and walked in the direction of the headlights until a figure appeared on the side of the road.

Eyes shrunk every other month—

The foot also slammed on the brakes!
The figure in front of him swayed and got out of the car quickly.

"Second brother, second brother, what's wrong with you?"

The man in front of him was half-kneeling beside the car, with blood still dripping from his face—

Where have I seen such a scene every other month.

It's pitch black here, and my heart is about to jump out of my throat every other month.

The man slowly opened his eyes. He had never seen his second brother's eyes so cloudy in the past month.

It turns out that the second brother is a person of Jiyue Qingfeng.

Cen Shuo's lips moved before he could say a few words: "I'm fine."

The man stood up with difficulty holding the body of the car, but his tall and straight figure was crumbling at this moment.

"Brother, why don't I send you to the hospital?" After a month, you can probably guess why, the relationship between the eldest brother and the second brother is really getting worse.

The man said: "No need."

"Second brother."

Cen Shuo took two steps forward.

"Every other month, you send me back."


He sent Cen Shuo to his car every other month, and called the old house to tell them to deal with the car.

Looking back at the car every other month, following the light of the headlights, she could see that the car was severely damaged.

This... How did this become like this?

Ge Yue looked at the man on the co-pilot with some concern, "Brother, why don't we go to the hospital, or tell uncle and aunt."

"No need."

He was so persistent that there was nothing he could do every month.

They are all her elder brothers, and they can't favor anyone every other month.

The second brother had a lively temper when he was a child, but he became more and more gloomy and gentle when he grew up.

Every other month, I couldn't imagine how a second brother like her would like Ruan Zhaozhao.

"Brother, are you serious about Ruan Zhaozhao?"

He didn't answer.

"I don't mean anything else." He drove the car every other month and quickly explained, "Brother, I just think"

I feel, feel that these two people are somewhat inexplicably incompatible.

One is a noble son who has been pampered since childhood, and the other is a vixen-like woman who has been struggling from the bottom.

As far as their relationship is concerned, the financial support is almost the same.

There was a gleam of light in the man's eyes, as if the darkness couldn't hide the brightness.

"It's none of your business."

Shutting up every other month, she originally wanted to ask if there would be further progress.

He sent Cen Shuo to Ziling Pavilion every other month, looked at the tall and straight figure, hesitated again and again, and finally did not speak again.

Brother, I don't seem very happy today.

Now there were no people in the corridor and the elevator. The man was leaning on the elevator, his eyes were gentle, and there was still blood on his face. He was calm enough for people to ignore his current embarrassment.

He took a cigarette from his pocket and held it between his fingers.

Suddenly that delicate and smiling face jumped into my mind, smiling at him flatteringly and sincerely:

"Boss Cen, do you like me?"

He suddenly laughed, obviously the fakeness in his eyes was about to seep out, but he couldn't avoid it or forget it.

When Cen Shuo returned to his home, there was an empty atmosphere in the room, almost suffocating.

Oh, almost forgot, she went somewhere else.

Cen Shuo took out his cell phone, and after making a call, it rang for a second, and then he pressed to hang up.
Ruan Zhaozhao almost burned his face to death when he remembered the dream last night.

An empty room, two naked people.

Ruan Zhaozhao really wanted to slap himself.

Could it be that her thoughts about her big benefactor have reached this point?

Ruan Zhaozhao swallowed, and went out of his room to practice his posture.

In addition to Xinghuang's actors, there are also other actors who come here to compete for the role of "The Cinnabar Mole".

Because Ruan Zhaozhao has just aired a variety show, and now the promotion of "View from the Wall" has started, Ruan Zhaozhao is still very competitive among the young faces.

She usually comes early in the morning, and sometimes doesn't leave at night, but fortunately she sleeps here.

She came a little later today, and a few slightly unfamiliar faces were already there.

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