"Hehe, raising fish will waste money sooner or later! Liu Xiuxiu has never raised fish before, so she has to contract a fish pond. She and her mother-in-law will cry when the time comes!"

Yang Cuizhi continued to walk into the field with a shovel in his hand, thinking unbalancedly in his heart.

At the moment, all the old men and women who go to the fields, young daughter-in-laws like to sleep in, not many go to the field at all.

Yang Cuizhi felt very wronged while going down to the ground.

She thought of her life at her mother-in-law's house.

Although Ma Ailian didn't want to see her, she didn't care much about her easily.

Most of the work in the field was done by Liu Aiguo, as long as she yelled that she was not feeling well and wanted to sleep in at home, she would sleep in at home, and no one cared about her.

It's good now, she will go to the field early in the morning, the key is that she can't eat well every day!
Where has she suffered such a crime!

Yang Cuizhi was cursing and swearing, while thinking about finding a chance to remarry Liu Aiguo in his heart.

Yang Cuizhi thought to himself: "Patriotic is not a heartless person. As long as I give in to him and admit my mistake to Ma Ailian, he will definitely agree to remarry me. After all, the stone and the grass are so big!"

She couldn't stand being tortured at her brother's house all the time!
Even if it's for the happiness of the rest of my life, what's the point of bowing to Liu Aiguo first?
Yang Cuizhi made up his mind, he had already reached the field, so he reluctantly pouted and began to work.

The morning sun slowly rises.

Pushing a bicycle, Zhang Dongmei stood in front of Xiuxiu's house and looked back at Ding Cui: "Sister and sister, is this the family?"

Ding Cui got off the bicycle, nodded, and said to Zhang Dongmei with a smile: "This is the family, Miss Dongmei."

The two pushed their bicycles into the black painted door, and saw an old lady with finely pulled hair cleaning the yard with a broom.

This old lady is very particular about her clothes and her attire, she doesn't look like a rural person at first glance.

When Ding Cui saw the old lady, he smiled and said, "Auntie, is Xiuxiu at home?"

Cai Wenqing was overjoyed: "Isn't this Xiuxiu's second sister-in-law?"

Ding Cui nodded with a smile, carefully took off the bag of eggs hanging on the handlebar, and handed it to Cai Wenqing: "Auntie, these are the eggs my mother-in-law asked me to bring, and they are all fresh."

Cai Wenqing hurriedly said: "Oh, look at your mother-in-law, why are you being so polite?"

While talking, he quickly asked Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei to sit in the main room.

Cai Wenqing wanted to make tea for Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei, but Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei hurriedly stopped her: "Auntie, don't be so busy, we are not thirsty."

Cai Wenqing said with a smile: "Xiu'er pushed her aunt to play in the village. Wait a minute, I'll tell her to go!"

After speaking, Cai Wenqing hurried out to find Xiuxiu.

Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei looked at the yard and were very satisfied.

Some time ago when Xiuxiu got married, Ding Cui came to send Xiuxiu off, and she came once.

Ding Cui was too busy that day, so Ding Cui didn't have time to take a closer look at the yard.

Only had time today to take a closer look.

The yard is well-maintained, the flowers and plants are well maintained, and the branches and leaves of the trees are also carefully pruned. It can be seen that Xiuxiu's mother-in-law is a caring person.

As soon as you walk into this courtyard, you feel as if you have stepped into a paradise. Without the hustle and bustle, the whole person's heart calms down.

Zhang Dongmei asked with some anxiety: "Sister and brother, you said that we have never raised fish before, can we raise them well?"

Although Zhang Dongmei has been an elementary school accountant for many years, she is also an uninitiated person.

I have never raised fish before, so suddenly I want to raise fish, I can't help but feel a little nervous.

Ding Cui said: "Second sister-in-law, let's just listen to Xiuxiu. What Xiuxiu said must be right, let's just follow Xiuxiu."

Zhang Dongmei nodded: "Okay. Then listen to Xiuxiu."

While the two were talking, Xiuxiu came back.

"Second sister-in-law, sister Dongmei." Xiuxiu called out, smiled and went to make a cup of hot tea for Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei.

Zhang Dongmei and Ding Cui drank hot tea and asked, "Rong Jin is gone?"

Xiuxiu nodded: "Let's go."

Thinking of Rong Jin's reluctance when he left, Xiuxiu was still a little emotional.

I don't know if he has arrived at the base now.

Seeing that Ma Yingchun didn't come, Xiuxiu asked, "Where is the third sister-in-law?"

Ding Cui said: "Yingchun's mother sprained her ankle. She went to see his mother today and left early in the morning. I guess she will come to help next week."

Xiuxiu was concerned about the situation of Ma Yingchun's mother, and Ding Cui shook her head, expressing that she was not very clear.

Xiuxiu had no choice but to stop asking.

Zhang Dongmei took a few sips of tea and asked, "Sister, what are you going to do?"

Xiuxiu said: "Sister Dongmei, Second Sister-in-Law, I'll take you to the river to have a look first!"

Zhang Dongmei and Ding Cui hadn't seen the river in Yangjiazhuang before, so they nodded at this moment: "Okay. Xiuxiu, let's take a look with you!"

Xiuxiu brought Zhang Dongmei and Ding Cui to the river.

The morning sun sprinkles on the river, and the golden light jumps on the river, which is very beautiful.

Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei couldn't help sighing: "Tsk tsk, this river is really big! If it is properly raised, it will definitely sell for a lot of money!"

While showing Zhang Dongmei and Ding Cui a tour by the river, Xiuxiu said, "Second sister-in-law, Sister Dongmei, I plan to buy fish fry today and put them in the river. You will take turns taking care of the daily feeding. Wait until the fish fry When they grow up, they will be taken to the town to sell. Whether it is feeding the fish or starting to sell the fish, I will give you two dollars a day."

After Xiuxiu finished speaking, she looked at Zhang Dongmei again: "Sister Dongmei, aren't you still working as an accountant in elementary school? You don't have to come here if you don't have time, just come and help on weekends or holidays."

Zhang Dongmei was very happy. She was the only one at home, and she had nothing to do on weekends and holidays.

If she can earn two yuan of wages on weekends and holidays, plus her salary, she can save dozens of yuan every month!

In this way, she will not worry when she needs money in the future!
So Zhang Dongmei gratefully agreed: "Okay, sister Xiuxiu, I will come to your side to do things on weekends and holidays, and I will work at school on weekdays!"

After everything was settled, Zhang Dongmei and Ding Cui were very happy.

Xiuxiu said: "Let's go home and have breakfast first, and then go to town to buy fry."

While talking, Yang Cuizhi came back from the field with a shovel and a bag of grass.

Yang Cuizhi's stomach is almost flattened by hunger!
She pulled a lot of weeds this morning, but her stomach couldn't take it anymore, so she came back from the field to eat.

Xiuxiu, Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei also saw Yang Cuizhi.

Both Ding Cui and Zhang Dongmei felt very embarrassed and pretended not to see Yang Cuizhi.

Yang Cuizhi took the initiative to throw the cloth bag on the ground, and walked over with a grin, grinning, and asked, "Sister-in-law, I heard that you plan to raise fish? Are you still short of people here? I'll do it for you."

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