Chapter 6 Chicken Soup

Yang Cuizhi's face immediately drooped - an old hen, not fat, and these few pieces of meat are not enough for the family. If Kong Daling is added, will there be food for their family?
This sister-in-law is really not open-eyed, she managed to make a good meal, and her family can't eat meat, so why leave outsiders to eat?
Kong Daling knew that the daughters-in-law of the Liu family were not easy-going, especially the eldest daughter-in-law Yang Cuizhi. If she stayed to eat this meal, she might get angry again, so she declined: "Sister-in-law, Xiuxiu, I ate it when I came out of the house, and I wasn’t hungry.”

Ma Ailian refused to let Kong Daling leave, and said to Xiuxiu: "Xiuxiu, go get your aunt Daling a bowl of chicken soup and bring it home for Jiabao and Yuxia to eat."

"Aunt Daling, wait here for a while, I'll get you a bowl of chicken soup, and bring it home for Jiabao and Yuxia to eat."

Liu Jiabao and Liu Yuxia are the grandsons of Kong Daling, they are five or six years old.

Seeing that she couldn't refuse, Kong Daling had no choice but to tell her: "Xiuxiu, serve less, it will be wasted if the two children can't finish eating!"

Kong Daling is a real person, she has helped their family a lot in the past, maybe Liu Wansan and Kong Daling and his wife will need their help later on, Xiuxiu is not stingy, she takes half a bowl of chicken out of the pot and fills it with Chicken soup looks like a big bowl full.

Just as he was about to take out the chicken soup, he looked up and met Yang Cuizhi's angry face.

How many chickens does this old hen have in total?It's all given to Liu Wansan's family. Is there any food for their family?
Yang Cuizhi kept winking at Xiuxiu, implying that Xiuxiu should put some chicken back into the pot.

But there is no reason to go back after it has been filled?

In addition, Ma Ailian kept urging Xiuxiu to hurry up outside, so Xiuxiu ignored Yang Cuizhi and warmly handed the chicken soup to Kong Daling: "Auntie Daling, take it!"

Kong Daling looked at the full bowl of chicken soup, and couldn't help saying "Ah!" Chicken soup is rare these days!

Carefully taking the chicken soup from Liu Xiuxiu, Kong Daling happily left, thinking of going home to improve the lives of Liu Jiabao and Liu Yuxia.

Finally it was Xiuxiu's family's turn to eat.

The old family, the second family, the third family, Liu Xiu's son-in-law and my Kong Daling, plus a few children from each family, couldn't sit at one table.

Everyone stared at the pot of chicken soup in the middle of the table, waiting for Ma Ailian to fill the chicken soup for everyone.

Ma Ailian took the bowl in front of Xiuxiu first, and she did not hide her doting on her little daughter in her tone: "This old hen was originally killed to make up for Xiuxiu's body. You are all touched by Xiuxiu's glory, so follow me." Son, give the first bowl to Xiuxiu."

After Ma Ailian finished speaking, she picked up a spoon and scooped up the bottom of the pot. Most of the pot of chicken was taken away and put into Liu Xiuxiu's bowl.

Yang Cuizhi's heart also ached.

Most of the pot of chicken is for Liu Xiuxiu to eat alone. The old lady is not biased, she is pretending to be Liu Xiuxiu with all her eyes!
Half of the chicken was served for Xiuxiu, and the remaining half was for the whole family.

The second child's name is Zhang Chuncao, who has a weak personality and only obeys the old lady. Although she knows that the old lady is partial to her sister-in-law, she dare not say a word.

As for Ma Yingchun of the third eldest family, she is from the same village as Ma Ailian, so she was originally facing Ma Ailian.

Ma Yingchun also felt sorry for her sister-in-law's rough experience, so she shared more meat, and Ma Yingchun felt that it should be taken for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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