Chapter 22 Dog bites dog

Ma Ailian and Xiuxiu said with a smile as they came out of their yard, "It's been a while since I've been to the back mountain. It just rained heavily a few days ago, and the wild vegetables must have grown in the back mountain."

Xiuxiu smiled and said, "Mother, let's dig some wild vegetables and eat wild vegetables."

Seeing that Xiuxiu was in a good mood, Ma Ailian inquired: "Xiao Min introduced you to that partner, how does it go?"

Xiuxiu blushed, and said: "Mother, aren't you going to the back mountain now, why are you talking about blind dates?"

Seeing Xiuxiu, Ma Ailian felt embarrassed and amused, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's go to the back mountain to dig wild vegetables, let's not talk about blind date, let's not talk about it!"

Looking back, Xiuxiu found that her dog Da Huang had followed her, so she put away the smile on her face and said to Da Huang, "Da Huang, my mother and I went up the mountain, you have to stay at home, be good!"

Rhubarb let out a "wow", although it really wanted to go to the back mountain with Xiuxiu and Ma Ailian, but at the moment it had no choice but to squat obediently at the door of the house and watch the two masters leave.

Ma Ailian saw that Rhubarb listened to her daughter so much, and said with a smile: "It really listens to you!"

Xiuxiu also smiled and said: "Mother, I raised it since childhood, dare not listen to me."

Xiuxiu remembered that when she picked up Rhubarb, Rhubarb was still a stray dog ​​the size of a cat.

After Xiuxiu's careful care, today's rhubarb has become a majestic rhubarb dog.

While Xiuxiu and Ma Ailian were walking towards the back of the mountain, she was thinking about the last blind date.

The last time I had a blind date with Gu Rongjin, it was a mess, and I even said such stupid things as "Our whole family is a farmer from birth".

I don't know if other gay men will regard her as a fool.

Why did my tongue get tied up when I saw a handsome guy?
Oh, what a waste!
When Xu Jiaxing saw Xiuxiu and Ma Ailian coming out of their yard, and heard Ma Ailian asking about Xiuxiu's blind date, Xu Jiaxing couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart.

Xiuxiu was so happy, it seemed that she had forgotten him long ago.

But he still thinks about Xiuxiu day and night.

He had to let Xiuxiu know how uncomfortable he was!

Thinking of this, Xu Jiaxing picked up a stone from the ground, crept out from the corner of the wall, and threw it at Xiuxiu's back.

I thought that this would attract Xiuxiu's attention, but I didn't expect that Xu Jiaxing's aim was not good, so instead of hitting Xiuxiu, it hit Xiuxiu's family dog, Rhubarb.

Rhubarb was wandering around the yard wagging his tail when he suddenly hit a stone on his head for no reason, and immediately became angry.

Turning the dog's head, he saw Xu Jiaxing wrapped up tightly again. Rhubarb's first reaction was to regard Xu Jiaxing as a thief.

Rhubarb doesn't care about other things, but if a thief enters the house, it will involve its professional bottom line!


Rhubarb immediately bared his teeth and called out to the sneaky Xu Jiaxing.

Xu Jiaxing was originally in an irritable mood, but at this moment, Da Huang yelled at him again, and immediately reprimanded him in a low voice: "Da Huang, what is your dog barking? Get out!"

As he spoke, he picked up a bigger stone and threw it at Rhubarb, trying to drive Rhubarb away.

Unexpectedly, this action completely angered Rhubarb. Because Rhubarb failed to follow Xiuxiu up the mountain, he had accumulated a lot of anger, but now he encountered someone who used stones to add fuel to the fire, and he suddenly became furious.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Rhubarb roared three times, bared his teeth, and rushed towards Xu Jiaxing.

Xu Jiaxing didn't expect Da Huang's dog to be so courageous that he dared to bite him. He didn't react for a while, and was bitten by Da Huang on his ass.


Xu Jiaxing howled in pain and kept kicking Rhubarb: "Stinky Rhubarb! Let me go!"

However, Rhubarb didn't intend to let go at all, but took a bigger bite.

"Ow! Ow!"

Xu Jiaxing's forehead was sweating from the pain, if this continues, his leg will be bitten by rhubarb!
Enduring the pain in his buttocks, Xu Jiaxing turned his head and bit Rhubarb's tail, mouthing dog fur.

Da Huang let go of Xu Jiaxing with a howl.

Xu Jiaxing didn't care that his ass was still dripping with blood, he staggered to his feet, wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head and ran away.

Rhubarb chased after him wildly, yelling at Xu Jiaxing while chasing.

Xu Jiaxing ran desperately, with a speed comparable to that of a sprint champion. After a while, his shoes fell off, and the scarf covering his face also fell off. In his memory, he had never been so embarrassed before!
But seeing Da Huang baring his teeth, Xu Jiaxing completely ignored his image and ran around the village like a gust of wind.

"Isn't that Xu Jiaxing?"

"Why were you chased by a dog?"

"A dog eats a dog, it's a dog!"


The people in Liujiazhuang had no intention of helping at all, they were all joking around, and some even encouraged Da Huang to run faster.

Xu Jiaxing: "..."

At this moment, Xu Jiaxing's heart: the people and dogs in Liujiazhuang are too scary, and they will never come again!
Back Mountain.

It had just rained heavily, and the ground behind the mountain was still wet.

Xiuxiu raised her head and took a look at the mountain. The top of the mountain was as high as a cloud. She had never looked at this mountain carefully before, and she didn't expect it to be so high.

Ma Ailian picked up two arms-thick branches from the ground, handed one to her daughter, and kept the other for herself.

"It has just rained, and the mountain road is slippery. Go up the mountain with a branch and be careful not to fall." Ma Ailian babbled to her daughter.

Xiuxiu thought to herself, mother, you underestimate your daughter too much. In the last days, your daughter is not afraid of beating ten zombies by herself. What is this little mountain road?

Although she thought so in her heart, Xiuxiu obediently took the branch from Ma Ailian's hand and said, "Got it, mother. You should also pay attention to safety."

The mother and daughter went up the mountain one after the other.

Xiuxiu slowed down on purpose and walked behind the old lady.In case Ma Ailian accidentally slips and falls, she can help her in time.

After a short walk, I saw a field of wild vegetables.

It has just rained, and the wild vegetables are growing very vigorously.

Ma Ailian happily took off the back basket as if she had found a treasure, took out a small shovel from it, and said to Xiuxiu: "Xiuxiu, dig quickly, these wild vegetables are enough for us to eat several times!"

Xiuxiu responded, and took a closer look at the patch of wild vegetables. They were all wild bracken and wild amaranth, not worth the money, let alone taking the effort to put them into the space.

These things are not the purpose of her coming to Houshan this time!
So Xiuxiu began to work as a foreign worker, dug up a few trees symbolically, and put them in her back basket.

Ma Ailian quickly filled most of the baskets, and looked at Xiuxiu's baskets, there were only a few wild vegetables, but these were enough for them to eat for several meals, if they dug too much, it would be a waste.

Today is full of harvest, Ma Ailian said happily: "Girl, let's go down the mountain!"

Xiuxiu was startled, and looked at the wild vegetables in her and Ma Ailian's baskets, that's it?

Looking up at the towering mountain, Xiuxiu said: "Mother, we have just reached the foot of the mountain, let's go up!"

Hearing this, Ma Ailian's expression changed, as if she heard a horror story, she shook her head again and again: "It's too dangerous, we can't go any further!"

(End of this chapter)

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