Chapter 14 Braised Big Fish
With a thought of Xiuxiu, big fish and small fish swam towards her in groups.

Stretching out her hand to fish into the stream, the two big fat fish immediately stopped obediently in her hands, without even moving their tails.

"Pfft—you guys are quite sensible!"

Xiuxiu couldn't help laughing, it seems that the animals raised in her space also recognized their owners!
The fish raised in the stream are so big!

Xiuxiu remembered that the last time she went to the agricultural and sideline products market in the town, the big fish could be no more than five catties.In this age and this season, it is already amazing to be able to raise five catties of fish, and many people are scrambling to buy them.

Now the fish she is holding is twice as big as the biggest fish she saw that day. Xiuxiu weighed it and estimated that it weighs ten catties!
Bending down to put a fish back into the stream, Xiuxiu patted its belly: "I won't eat you today, go play with your little friend first!"

The released big fat fish swam happily away wagging its tail as if understanding Xiuxiu's words.

Xiuxiu took the fish in her hand, turned around and entered the space villa.

There is a kitchen on the second floor, but it has not been used for a long time.Xiuxiu came to the kitchen and found that all the modern cooking equipment can still be used, which is much easier to use than the large pots and stoves of this era!

Clean the fish, cut the fish body on both sides, heat the oil in the pan to [-]% heat, put the fish in, pour oil on the fish, fry until golden on both sides, take out of the pan and set aside.

Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, and salt to a bowl, pour a bowl of water, put a little oil in the pot, add chopped green onion, minced ginger, and minced garlic, and fry until fragrant.

Pour in the prepared sauce, bring to a boil, put in the fried fish, simmer on low heat for half an hour, collect the soup on high heat, sprinkle with coriander, and the fragrant braised fish is ready, and the fragrance will waft far away !

Xiuxiu took a sip. The meat of the braised fish was extremely delicious. After one bite, she wanted to take another bite. The key point was that there were no fishbone, so it was very convenient to eat!

The taste of fish raised in space is hundreds of times better than that of ordinary fish!
Xiuxiu gorged herself, and soon ate up all the braised fish.

She wanted to bring one for her nephews and nieces, but now is not the right time.

To vacate the things in the space, there must be a suitable reason, otherwise it will arouse suspicion.

Xiuxiu washed her face with stream water in the space again, and when she took a photo of her face in front of the stream, she found that the skin on her face was obviously much smoother than yesterday, and it seemed to be two degrees whiter.

Now she can confirm that the water in the space does have the effect of beauty and skin care, and the effect is hundreds of times better than expensive skin care products!
Anyway, there was no one around, so Xiuxiu simply took off her clothes and took a comfortable bath.

The temperature of the stream water is suitable, soaking in it is like a massage, so comfortable that Xiuxiu almost fell asleep and took a nap. I don't know how long time has passed.

She can't stay in the space for too long, she has to get out quickly!

Xiuxiu hurriedly put on her clothes, then dodged and left the space.

"Cuckoo cuckoo-"

There seemed to be a woman calling her old hen in the yard.

In broad daylight, who came to her house to steal chickens?

Damn it!

Xiuxiu walked out of the house aggressively, only to see a woman with short ear-length hair bent down and throwing rice grains into her chicken coop.

Hearing the movement, the short-haired woman turned her head, and immediately smiled dimpled: "Xiuxiu, are you at home? I've been calling you here for a long time and no one answered. I thought you were not at home!"

Xiuxiu briefly retrieved her memory, and instantly remembered that this dimpled woman was her junior high school classmate, Liu Xiaomin.

Liu Xiaomin failed to enter high school after graduating from junior high school, and her family arranged for her to enter the Spring River Opera House, where she was in the same unit as Bai Jingjing.

Now Liu Xiaomin is married, and her husband is the head of Gujia Village, named Gu Xingbang.

When they were in junior high school, Xiuxiu and Liu Xiaomin were good friends, and Liu Xiaomin would often visit Xiuxiu's house to play with her.

Later, the two people with different circumstances rarely interacted with each other. If Liu Xiaomin hadn't come to find Xiuxiu today, Xiuxiu would have almost forgotten about this person.

"Xiaomi, why are you here?" Xiuxiu greeted her with a smile.

Two friends who haven't seen each other for a long time meet again, and they are very affectionate, as if they have returned to the good girlfriends time in junior high school who talked about everything.

Liu Xiaomin took Xiuxiu's hand, saw that her hair was still wet, and asked, "Why is your hair wet?"

Xiuxiu smiled and said: "The family members went to the field, so I took a bath in the room."

Liu Xiaomin smiled and said, "No wonder you didn't respond when I called you."

Holding Xiuxiu's hand, Liu Xiaomin looked Xiuxiu up and down, and couldn't help but praise: "A woman looks young if she doesn't get married. We are obviously the same age, but I am much older than you."

This is indeed true.

Although Xiuxiu and Liu Xiaomin are both twenty-four years old, Xiuxiu looks just like an eighteen-year-old girl in terms of appearance and figure.

Liu Xiaomin is different. Since she got married and had a child, her figure has obviously lost shape. Fortunately, she works in the Spring River Opera House and pays attention to exercise and maintenance. Even so, compared with Xiuxiu, she is still far behind in all aspects. thousands of miles.

Seeing Xiuxiu, Liu Xiaomin couldn't help sighing, "If I had known, I wouldn't have gotten married so early! Just like you, it would be great to be carefree! My aunt and brother love you and won't let you work."

Xiuxiu smiled and said, "I still envy you. Daxi and Erxi were born early. To be honest, I like babies very much, but now I can only play with my nephews and nieces."

What Xiuxiu said is true. She and her little nephews and nieces have fun together, and she has always hoped to have a baby of her own and a personal playmate, so that she will not be so lonely in this era.

Liu Xiaomin also vaguely heard about Xiuxiu's divorce, so she couldn't help calling Xu Jiaxing a scum in her heart.

The two best friends from middle school chatted about their respective experiences after being separated for these years, and Liu Xiaomin finally revealed the reason for coming this time.

"Xiuxiu, I'm here to ask you to do me a favor. Xingbang's sister gave birth yesterday, and Xingbang insists that I go with her to see her sister tomorrow. But I have a chorus at the opera house tomorrow." , it’s too late to find someone, can you do it for me tomorrow? I’ll bring you some more wedding candy when I come back from Gujiazhuang. "

Xiuxiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can I do it for you? I'm not a music student, and I haven't sung a chorus before. Xiaomin, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I'm afraid that I will only do a disservice to you, and I will only add to you when the time comes." trouble."

Liu Xiaomin quickly shook her head: "No, no! Don't we know each other? When we were in junior high school, who in our school didn't know that you had a good voice? If you can really sing, the dial of the opera house Everyone has to stand aside!"

Liu Xiaomin has been feeling sorry for Liu Xiuxiu in her heart, it's a pity that she wasted such a good talent, and a love affair with Xu Jiaxing ruined her future.

(End of this chapter)

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