I'm a cook in the wasteland

Chapter 116 Kidnapped

Chapter 116 Kidnapped

It sounded like glass breaking.

A bottle was thrown out of the hole ahead.

The bottle shattered on the ground, and the gas inside spread rapidly.

It is a kind of sweet and greasy fragrance, which makes my eyes dark when I smell it.

"What is this?"

"No, it's a scam!"

Someone shouted, but it was a bit late now.

One after another, someone fell down.

The food that Su Mo put in her mouth had already been swallowed, and the medicine had little effect on her.

Footsteps can be heard.

Su Mo simply rolled his eyes and passed out.

The little beast was covered under her clothes.

Miaomiao, who has been rambunctious, will be very quiet, and even her breathing has weakened.

As for Sheng Cang and Miao Jingshan.

The moment the poisonous mist came out, Miao Jingshan's ability had already been activated.

Playing poison in front of the ability of poison, isn't it just playing tricks?

Even Sheng Cang was intact.

It was only after seeing that Su Mo fell to the ground like the others.

Miao Jingshan gave Sheng Cang a hand, signaling him to pretend to be dizzy.

After a while, everyone in the cave fell to the ground.

Someone came out from the aisles on both sides.

Zhu Xing covered his mouth and nose, looking at the people inside and smiling happily.

"Tsk, a bunch of fools, if you give them some benefits, they will believe you."

"The ruins, hehe, the real ruins won't let you idiots get a share of the pie."

Zhu Xing was very satisfied with his disguise.

When he saw the person opposite, his expression restrained a little.

"Okay, don't delay, just take him away quickly."

Many people came out after the two of them.

They lowered their heads and lifted Su Mo and the others to another passage without saying a word.

In the long passage, the voices of these people talking can be heard.

"Boss is really, what are you doing in such a secretive way?"

"If you can't just catch it, let us act."

This is the voice of Zhu Xing complaining.

"To shut up."

"That place must be kept absolutely secret. Once discovered, do you want to cause trouble for the boss?"

The other person scolded, as if his status was higher than Zhu Xing's.

Because Zhu Xing did not refute.

After a moment of silence, the two continued to speak.

"Brother Lin, what do you think is in the ruins?"

"So many people have died, the boss is still unwilling to give up."

"In order to find the way, I actually found these scapegoats."

Zhu speaks a lot of jargon, but Brother Lin is a little impatient.

"Of course you'll know when you get in."

In the perfunctory answer, Zhu Xing changed the topic.

The follow-up may be due to the distance, Su Mo can't hear very clearly.

At this moment, she was being carried on the back, and her posture was a bit awkward.

Resisting the urge to twist the neck of the man below him, Su Mo looked around carefully.

Su Mo was not surprised when he met Miao Jingshan's clear eyes.

Their eyes crossed, and both of them chose to continue to faint in tacit understanding.

It seems that there is indeed a relic.

Just not here.

And these explorers are just tool people for exploring the way.

"A bunch of piggies."

Some of the people carrying it were cursing.

Immediately Su Mo felt that his body was thrown somewhere.

The touch under his body was cold and hard, but smooth.

It's inside the carriage.

The door slammed shut, and the cabin was pitch black.

Those who were unconscious did not respond at all.

Su Mo opened his eyes.

"I'm going, what are they trying to do?"

Sheng Cang spoke in a low voice.

In order not to disturb the people driving ahead, they kept their voices very low.

"You feel it?"

Amidst Sheng Cang's doubts, Miao Jingshan's question was very strange.

Su Mo nodded in the dark.


More than just feeling it.

Almost like a mans back.

When she entered the bottom of the spring, she felt that there was a gaze patrolling inside.

Sharp and brutal, very powerful.

Behind this group of people, there is another powerful figure watching the operation in secret.

The opponent gave Su Mo the feeling that she was so strong that she might not be able to win.

Coupled with Zhu Xing and others, it is not rational for her to use brute force directly.

That's why she chose to follow the trend.

It wasn't until everyone was locked in the carriage that the line of sight was withdrawn from everyone.

"What are you talking about?"

Sheng Cang felt nothing.

The loud voice is lowered, which has a different kind of husky and sexy.

"What are you going to do?"

Miao Jingshan asked Su Mo.

A group of more than a dozen people, only three of them are awake at this moment.

By the time the rest of the people woke up, they probably had arrived at the real ruins.

"Let's see."

Su Mo couldn't guarantee that the dangerous person would go far.

The other party spent so much effort just to kidnap this group of people, so they wouldn't let them escape on the road.

In this way, it seems that we can only go to the real ruins of the former civilization to take a look.

Her arms were bulging.

Su Mo took out Miao Miao, who was sleeping soundly.

He was not fainted by the medicine, but fell asleep by himself.

The air in the compartment was a bit cloudy.

In the darkness, a faint light came through the gap, and the darkness was distorted.

Su Mo leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes to rest.

Sheng Cang, who had been nagging for a while, saw that the two ignored him, so he could only shut up.

The vehicle below was jolting.

Unable to see outside, Su Mo didn't know the direction to go.

Just estimating in terms of time, they've come a long way.

"Eight hours."

Miao Jingshan's voice was cold.

Unable to see the other party, Su Mo always felt that the other party would still look like a social fear, and was unwilling to get too close to others.

Click click.

It was as if something had been pulled up.

The sound is out there.

Immediately afterwards, the vehicle stopped.

Looks like it's here.

Someone was already opening the door of the compartment.

Su Mo simply fell to the ground again without any flaws.

The other two also followed suit.

"It's all here."

"What should I say, should I wake it up first, or send it in directly."

Zhu Xing's voice was very familiar.

"Just send it in."

This sentence was not said by Brother Lin, it was an unfamiliar voice.

A little old and husky.

The light pierced in from the outside and fell on the eyelids very brightly.

But Su Mo's eyes seemed to be really asleep, without any movement.

The body was limp and let those people lift themselves up.

After another long journey, Su Mo was thrown down again.

This time it landed on uneven ground.

There was a thump, thump, thump.

It was the rest who were in free fall.

Lifting his eyes slightly, Su Mo saw that he was in a huge cave.

As for the entrance, a huge iron door is closing.

The sound of the mechanism sounded in the cave.

Water fell overhead.

Biting cold.

Su Mo opened her eyes in a timely manner, and the others around her also gradually woke up.

It's just that these people can't accept this strange environment.

"What is this place?"

"What happened to us?"

"Have you been kidnapped?"

"Hey, come here, what do you want to do?"

"Let us go."

"Warning you to let us go quickly, or you will bear the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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