After all, Mr. Yan is missing me!

Chapter 145 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 145 Breaking the Formation
Seeing that Su Zigui and Yan Xiao didn't intend to move, the shopkeeper cheerfully urged, "You two guests, eat first, drink some soy milk to warm your stomach, and I'll bring other things later."

Yan Xiao clenched his fists, his knuckles turned white from the force, and when he couldn't help but want to lift the table, someone broke his fingers apart one by one, and then held them together.

Glancing at the calm woman, his eyes flickered twice, and he quickly regained his composure.

Su Zigui looked at the owner with a half-smile, "Soymilk looks special, what is it made of? Can you take us to have a look?"

The shop owner was obviously taken aback, he thought for a moment, and then he seemed to remember it and said: "Cut open the stomach, let the blood flow out, then put it on the pot, add some beans, and it's done, come here, bring a few people, cook a few bowls of soy milk , you want to see how it’s done? You can’t see it.”

He lifted up his clothes, pointed to the wound on his abdomen, and said with a simple and honest smile, "Anyway, they were all taken out from here. If you really want to see it, just look here."

Stormy waves flooded into Yan Xiao's eyes. The soy milk was still steaming, but in an instant, the steam disappeared, leaving only a strong fishy smell.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt anyone." Compassion flashed in Su Zigui's eyes.

She was basically sure that they were all living people once, but they were left here forever, even without their souls, and they couldn't even be reincarnated.

They are all poor people, not even evil things, only obsessions.

She took out a piece of money and put it down, and then said to the shopkeeper: "The things are very good, we have received them, and it is thankful to leave some things. When there are no guests, you can rest more."

The shopkeeper picked up the money, laughed again and left.

Su Zigui pulled Yan Xiao up and left.

The two walked a street, and a new road was about to appear, but what appeared in front of them was the street just now!
The same breakfast shop owner, the same layout, the same people!
Yan Xiao frowned, and said in a deep voice, "How should we get out?"

"Easy and easy, hard and difficult."

Su Zigui took a deep breath, and said unhurriedly: "As long as we find the formation, we can leave smoothly."

Yan Xiao secretly sighed in his heart, the truth is correct, but how can he find the eye?

Maybe a person and a stone is the eye of the formation.

They just can't use force yet, if they forcefully break through the formation, it's very likely that they won't be able to get out of the illusion.

"Look slowly, there must be a way." Su Zigui sighed and said firmly.

Yan Li and Hou Xia don't know where they went, but at least she and Yan Xiao are still together, which is good enough.

The two searched and tried all the way, but they tried all over the whole street, but there was still no trace of the eye.

Just when the two of them were exhausted, they only heard "嗤哒" coming from their ears, and then, a big white tiger appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Su Zigui carefully examined the tiger, and tentatively asked, "Ah Bai?"

Ah Bai let out an 'owwow', go back!it's coming!
Then quickly ran towards home.

Yan Xiao blocked the woman with a sullen face, and stared at the big tiger with displeasure. What if he was so big and hurt the mascot?
Ah Bai stopped three meters away from Su Zigui. It looked at the evil god in front of it, then raised its tiger face, and yelled 'ooooo' in aggrieved direction towards Guigui!

Guigui just watched the bad guys bullying it, and didn't even come to hug it!

Both the stubborn man and the wronged Ah Bai made Su Zigui angry and funny. She pushed the man away and patiently explained: "Ah Bai is my friend, don't worry, he won't hurt me."

Yan Xiao sullenly said, "This is an illusion, what if Ah Bai was also transformed?"

"will not."

Su Zigui shook his head, and said firmly, "Other tigers don't look as stupid as Ah Bai."

Abai Huyan was shocked, and then fell back as if frustrated.

Thinking that this great king is also the overlord of the mountains, Gui Gui actually said that he is stupid!
The tiger's expression was cute and funny when he was hit, even if his heart was as hard as Yan Xiao's, he couldn't help it, so he took two steps to the left to get out of the way.

Su Zigui waved to Ah Bai, who reluctantly walked up with some grievances.

Su Zigui patted the big guy on the head, and said earnestly: "People and animals are all valuable to have self-knowledge. You do look a bit stupid, but this is not a big defect. Why are you so angry? Why can't you face yourself? "

Ah Bai let out an 'owwow', and turned the tiger's head when he couldn't bear it anymore.

Guigui is going too far!

Yan Xiao suppressed a smile, Ah Bai, a tiger, might really understand human nature.

"Okay, I was wrong, but you actually look pretty good."

Su Zigui turned the tiger's head around, and said in a gentle voice, "Okay, Abai, tell me, how did you get in here? Can you take us out?"

A Bai raised his head, and proudly said 'ooooo' towards the sky, as expected, if he wants to rescue him, it still depends on the king!
Worried that Guigui wouldn't understand, it kept raising its neck, and made two more 'owwow' sounds.

Su Zigui frowned suspiciously, and said patiently, "What do you mean, you flew down from the sky?"

Ah Bai let out an 'oooo', and nodded arrogantly.

"Can the sky be the eye of the array?" Yan Xiao frowned.

Su Zi returned to his hands, helplessly said: "I haven't tried it, and I haven't seen it in books, but since Ah Bai said it can, then it must be possible, and it's idle, let's try?"

After finishing speaking, she picked up a stone and threw it hard into the sky.

The stone was thrown straight into the sky, and then hit A Baihu on the head with a 'bang'.

A Bai was stunned for a moment, and then yelled 'Wow', my king is Gui Gui's best partner, how could Gui Gui hit me?
Su Zigui:?

Excuse me.

She picked up the stone and threw it toward the sky again.

Yan Xiao sighed in his heart, and silently joined the stone-throwing team.

The two of them lost for ten minutes, but there was no reaction at all.

Su Zigui was exhausted, she threw the last stone on it, and then touched Ah Bai's head, "Ah Bai, are you sure you came from the sky? Have you become more stupid lately...Ah!"

In an instant, the world was spinning, people's smart faces, every scene and every thing seemed to be cut apart and separated.

Ah Bai quickly became smaller, and jumped onto Su Zigui's hand with a 'owwow' sound, and it grabbed her clothes tightly.

My king is devoted to being a friend, but he doesn't want to stay in this ghostly place either!

A light flashed in Su Zigui's eyes, she grabbed Yan Xiao with her free hand, and said in a deep voice, "Hold on to me, I'll use the transmission talisman."

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes, imagined the appearance of passing the talisman in her heart, and then said in a deep voice: "All gods and Buddhas, send me back to this world!"

After finishing speaking, a dazzling white light appeared in front of her eyes, and the world spun for a while. She was pressed to the man's heart, and the vigorous and powerful heartbeat made her wrap her arms around the man's waist uncontrollably.

She seemed to understand why Master wanted her to go down the mountain.

No matter what the situation is, there will always be someone who will risk their lives to protect you. How happy is this?
(End of this chapter)

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